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MacPhisto's serving wench
Jun 6, 2001
Inside a bubble
So, it's become apparent to me the past few days that many people i know consider Trip through your Wires to be a superior song to One Tree Hill.

Now, being as One Tree Hill is my favourite song, I'll admit, I'm a little biased, but still. TTYW? Really, I usually just skip from In God's Country right to OTH. It's not that it's a bad just...doesn't grab me, I guess. Is it the harmonica? Lyrically it's great, just something about it...

Any thoughts?
i agree. i think TTYW is my least favorite song on JT. i really thought lots of fans felt that way (at least in my experience), i'm really surprised that some like it better than OTH!
I like Trip okay but not better than One Tree Hill. I like Trip better than Bullet, MOD and Exit.
There are people who actually think TTYW is better than One Tree Hill? *collapses in shock* TTYW is easily the worst track on The Joshua Tree and I usually skip it. One Tree Hill, on the other hand ... it's an absolute masterpiece, it's so beautiful and touching, not to mention the fact that the lyrics are some of the best to have ever been penned. I love it so much.
I like both songs. "One Tree Hill" has some of the most incredibly beautiful, poetic lyrics I've ever heard.

That being said, "Trip Through Your Wires" is #2 for me as far as favorite songs off of The Joshua Tree go (#1 is "With Or Without You"). "Trip Through Your Wires" is just such a fun song to sing along to. I love it. :).

TTYW is the weakest song on JT, that said though it's still a far superior song than many out there. That makes a great album when you have the weakest strong be that strong.

On another note, for some reason I knew a lot of party bands when I was in school that would cover this song. I always thought it was odd, I mean of all songs. But it wasn't just one band I knew of at least three that had this as part of their setlist.
I will skip over TTYW fairly often, but play it sometimes for the awesome white-man's-got-soul singing towards the end...

"ALL I Need...ALL I Need..OH I NEED IT.."

aww yeah!

that said... One Tree Hill has about a zillion things going for it in a different way... comparing the two to me is like apples and Buicks... one is raucous and kinda dirty in an innocent way, one is deeply spiritual and mourning almost...

ps - oh, and TTYW is a lot of fun to sing when you've had a few beers...
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In the book Into The Heart: The Stories Behind Every U2 Song by Niall Stokes The Edge revealed that Heartland was dropped at the last minute from JT in favor of Trip Through Your Wires. Why? Maybe they felt JT was too intense and serious and that it needed a little break / loosening up with Trip? Maybe they felt the album was already too critical of America? I find that the lyrics of Heartland are veiled criticism of America (?She feels like water in my hand - Freeway like a river cuts through this land - Into the side of love - Like a burning spear - And the poison rain - Brings a flood of fear? = some negative images there with crucifixion / poison rain (acid rain?) / flood of fear). And then there is Bono?s vocal delivery near the end of it. It makes known and evokes an intense frustration and yearning. The way Bono pronounces / screams Heartland sounds more like Hardland. America began as a fertile land for both its natural resources and incredible beauty as well as for freedom / liberty / and the pursuit of happiness. Yet it has turned into a Hardland ? dried up ? wasteland ? a desert (figuratively and literally) ? hardened soil (pollution / pesticides ? acid rain) and hardened land (concrete ? asphalt ? super highways ? parking lots) ? the hardened heart of America through Reaganomics (the raping of the land / the increase of the disparity between the rich and poor / the oppression of Third World countries (i.e. El Salvador / Nicaragua / Chile / and Argentina). I had always thought something was up with Heartland because the liner notes reveal that it was produced by Lanois and Eno. As we know Lanois and Eno were not involved with R&H. This may have started a trend too with similar type of songs (more ?loose? / ?relaxed?/ and ?fun-like.?) and nearly placed in the same spot (? into an album) - such as Tryin? To Throw Your Arms Around The World ? Some Days Are Better Than Others ? Miami ? and Wild Honey)

So for those who dislike and even skip Trip how about replacing it with Heartland?

I?ve read a number of U2 fan polls in which AB finishes first and JT comes in second. I?m curious as to whether JT with 12 tracks like AB and with the specific addition of Heartland would be the factor for some fans changing their favourite from AB to JT?

1. Streets ? Zoo Station
2. Still Haven?t Found ? Even Better
3. WOWY - One
4. Bullet ? Until The End
5. Running ? So Cruel
6. Red Hill - Wild Horses
7. In God?s Country ? The Fly
8. Heartland ? Mysterious Ways
9. Trip ? Tryin? To Throw
10. One Tree - Ultraviolet
11. Exit - Acrobat
12. Mothers - Blindness

* I?ve tried to keep the original track order of AB but I thought it would be better to compare similar styles / types of songs. I do have a problem with the Heartland ? Mysterious Ways match up.
I've always been a huge One Tree Hill lover. It's poetry, and the Edge is in good form too. TTYW doesn't bother me as it seems to bother other people, but it's not a favorite.

My major Joshua Tree sacrilege is that I have always hated Bullet the Blue Sky.
Moonlit_Angel said:
I'm just curious...why don't some people care for "Trip Through Your Wires"?


I can't imagin. Since I haven't seen it come up before and I didn't really think anyone could dislike it. But then I tend to think everyone love's all the U2 songs I love. Naive me. :love:
I have alot of fun in my own little world .:wink:
With TTYW, for me I really don't like Bono's voice in it too be honest. The music is OK, but the track doesnt really compare to most of the other songs on the album. BY far the weakest off the album, and would definately deserve a place in u2's "worst of" (80-2000).

Too country and western for me
Trip Through Your Wires is an enjoyable enough song, but One Tree Hill is beautiful perfection.
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U2Soar said:
In the book Into The Heart: The Stories Behind Every U2 Song by Niall Stokes The Edge revealed that Heartland was dropped at the last minute from JT in favor of Trip Through Your Wires. Why? Maybe they felt JT was too intense and serious and that it needed a little break / loosening up with Trip?

they did this with Wild Honey too I think.
They seriously dropped Heartland in favour of Trip Through Your Wires? Had they gone temporarily insane?
Although I think OTH is better lyrically, I prefer TTYW as a whole. It probably is the harmonica! (I do love the "you, I'm waiting for you" part right up to the title line and then the blazing harmonica riff!)
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