This seriously has to be a rising auction! [the edge & dallas]

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ONE love, blood, life
May 4, 2007
I MET MY HERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We got to Hard Rock cafe early so we decided to go in and check out some of the stuff. Well, my mom ended up talking to a staff member who was in charge of running the auction. He invited us to Session III, with Aaron Neville peforming, the party, whatever you want to call it. So we go back around 6 to check in. [I met a couple who knew Edge and Morleigh. The husband does construction for both Bono and Edges penthouses in NYC.] While waiting Dallas walks in and I shout his name. I say hi to him and he waves back smiling.
The red carpet is rolled out but I completely missed Edge cuz I was waiting inside hoping hed come down the steps I was at. Well instead Morleigh came near me. I said hi to her and sorry if I messed up your name. She laughed and so did Blue who was at the auction.
After being there for a while I was getting really impatient and worried that I wasnt going to be able to meet Edge. So I was hanging out on the other staircase, the side where there was security. Edge was on that side and only family and friends were allowed on the upper part with him. The lower side underneath him, other VIPs were allowed. I met these two girls who were talking to this dude who looked really familiar. Turns out he is the new guitarist for GNR, his name is Ron. I got him to sign my pants. and i have a picture of him. So these two girls had passes and i asked them why werent they in there. they said they found them in the trash and i guess didnt have the balls to go talk to edge. So I said dude give me the pass, I definitely WILL talk to him. lol So the one was really nice enough to give it to me.
And before all this Morleigh, her parents, and Sian were hanging right where i was for a good fifteen minutes. It was pretty weird to be just standing there with Edges family lol
So I go down on the lower level. I see Edge right away and he screamed something and smiled, he just seemed like the guy I thought he was right away.
I stand underneath Edge and then I see I'm also standing next to DALLAS =D I was a little nervous to get Edges attention so I just stood there casually. Dallas dropped his paddle thing that you bid with. He was bending down and he said sorry. And I said oh its okay and I picked it up for him. He said thank you and asked me what my name was. I guess he recognized me from earlier. I told him, Adrienne but everyone calls me Adge. He said that was cool. And we just talked for a bit, I made him laugh a few times! I told him that he was my favorite guitar tech. Dallas laughed and then touched my elbow. I was like =0
[[I was tempted to tell him he was cute but I didnt lol.]]
He said, well I try. I cant play all that complicated stuff but I can play I Will Follow. I laugehd and said that was my first song. He asked me if I was bidding on anything and I said no I really wish I was though. I'd love to have the Explorer. Then I asked him where he got Edges whammy pedal from. He was telling me that Edge has 11 of them and Dallas got them all in vintage shops..guitar talk.... I thanked him and then continued to watch the auction.
I look up at Edge. And I call out to him, he didnt hear me the first time but then he looked down. As soon as I looked into his eyes I knew I was done for. Everything I wanted to say I completely lost so all that came out was Oh my God. I just wanted to give him my letter. He said something to me, I couldnt hear it. Then he looks to Blue says something. Blue says something to me, again didtn hear it. So at first I thought oh fuck they are going to kick me out! no! this is how i meet my hero for the first time!?
Then Blue called Dallas up there. So obviously Edge was going to bid on something but wanted his advice so I think I may have interrupted something, I dont know but it wasnt what I thought he said. Blue leaned over and I handed her my letter. She asked me what it was and I told her. She said okay and smiled. Blue asked me if I had a pen so I gave her my sharpie. She handed me back a napkin and I looked inside. Edge signed it. She was really really nice !!
How I began talking to Edge again is beyond me lol its kind of fuzzy all i know is what I said. But this other dude talked to edge and i told him about my sign in hawaii and how edge winked at me. i saw edge look down right when he heard his name and "sexy beast" lol. So after that dude talked to Edge I said to him, "Hey, Edge. I'm Adge." He shook my hand. "I hope you'll read my letter." He asked me what letter? And I told him I gave it to Blue. And he said oh yeah, of course I will! At this time he was holding my hand. Then I said "About before I just wanted to tell you that I think you're gorgeous. And I have a huge crush on you." Edge had the softest expression on his face and he said awww. Not the loud obnoxious thing people do but it was soft and it was just really nice lol! I smiled at Edge and then I let him get back to his bidding and stuff. I stood there for a good two hours, basking in their glory! My mom actually went up to him afterwards and said you were talking to my daughter before for a while, she had red hair. And Edge said oh yeah yeah! I guess from what she told me he seemed pretty happy. so......I then realized I was in a room with the edge for about five/six hours.

The party was pretty exclusive so I dont have pictures with them, but I do have a few shitty pictures. I didnt want to be rude, I felt a little impolite for even trying to talk to Edge so yeah. But I have a few small video clips.

Me saying hi to Morleigh..cant really hear all that well:
YouTube - Morleigh, Edges wife can Edge briefly here:

YouTube - Music Rising Auction

And pictures up on my facebook....ill post them up here if you dont have a facebook, just let me know!

....btw I thought Edge was handsome in the first place but seeing him in person, I almost had a heart attack!
Wow! You are one brave girl! How nice to have Edge's attention when you lay your heart out like that.
I wrote on your facebook wall too but it bears repeating. OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so super happy for you (and a wee bit jealous of course). That's friggin' awesome!
OMG I'd never have the guts to tell him I thought he was cute. :ohmy: :giggle:

That was an AWESOME experience Adge! Wish I could have been there with you. :hug:

Yeah me too!!! :scream:

I'm so happy for you, you crazy red head!!!! How unbelievably awesome. Doesn't he have the best green eyes ever?
Really Really happy for you!!!!

Post pixies I don't have facebook.

Thats the only way you'll get to meet your u2 sweeties is with alot of courage and nerve!!!
Way to go!!
I have litteral tears forming reading this.
I don't know you but I am so happy for you.
It took me back to the time Bono came right up to me out of about 200 people out side of Staples at 2:50am, and stood in front of me to read my sign.
He placed his hands on my hands as he rose the sign up to take a better look.

We spoke for about 3 minutes, he gave my (ex) husband a high five and asked us if we could keep a secret.
We said yes, and he proceeded to tell us that there were talks about a Slane Castle show.
We kept that secret out of honor, and now when we tell people they don't believe that he broke the news to us....but we know.

Congratulations Adge.
My heart is so happy for you, you made your dream come true, and you are a hero to me.

Yeah me too!!! :scream:

I'm so happy for you, you crazy red head!!!! How unbelievably awesome. Doesn't he have the best green eyes ever?
Really Really happy for you!!!!

Post pixies I don't have facebook.

Thats the only way you'll get to meet your u2 sweeties is with alot of courage and nerve!!!
Way to go!!

thanks! lol yup thats me!!
he does. i seriously dont think anyone is as good looking as he is
lol definitely!!!!!

I have litteral tears forming reading this.
I don't know you but I am so happy for you.
It took me back to the time Bono came right up to me out of about 200 people out side of Staples at 2:50am, and stood in front of me to read my sign.
He placed his hands on my hands as he rose the sign up to take a better look.

We spoke for about 3 minutes, he gave my (ex) husband a high five and asked us if we could keep a secret.
We said yes, and he proceeded to tell us that there were talks about a Slane Castle show.
We kept that secret out of honor, and now when we tell people they don't believe that he broke the news to us....but we know.

Congratulations Adge.
My heart is so happy for you, you made your dream come true, and you are a hero to me.


thank you so much!
ive heard your story before and i think its really really amazing! and i understand how it sucks that people wouldnt believe you but its better that you kept their secret, youre a true fan.
aw thanks!!! :hug:
thanks everybody. it was so surreal. never in my life would i think that i'd be meeting that one special person in the entire world like that.
ill be posting my pictures tomorrow !



So happy for ya sister!!!

Rock on :D :D

Great great story

thanks anna :)
I MET MY HERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We got to Hard Rock cafe early so we decided to go in and check out some of the stuff. Well, my mom ended up talking to a staff member who was in charge of running the auction. He invited us to Session III, with Aaron Neville peforming, the party, whatever you want to call it. So we go back around 6 to check in. [I met a couple who knew Edge and Morleigh. The husband does construction for both Bono and Edges penthouses in NYC.] While waiting Dallas walks in and I shout his name. I say hi to him and he waves back smiling.
The red carpet is rolled out but I completely missed Edge cuz I was waiting inside hoping hed come down the steps I was at. Well instead Morleigh came near me. I said hi to her and sorry if I messed up your name. She laughed and so did Blue who was at the auction.
After being there for a while I was getting really impatient and worried that I wasnt going to be able to meet Edge. So I was hanging out on the other staircase, the side where there was security. Edge was on that side and only family and friends were allowed on the upper part with him. The lower side underneath him, other VIPs were allowed. I met these two girls who were talking to this dude who looked really familiar. Turns out he is the new guitarist for GNR, his name is Ron. I got him to sign my pants. and i have a picture of him. So these two girls had passes and i asked them why werent they in there. they said they found them in the trash and i guess didnt have the balls to go talk to edge. So I said dude give me the pass, I definitely WILL talk to him. lol So the one was really nice enough to give it to me.
And before all this Morleigh, her parents, and Sian were hanging right where i was for a good fifteen minutes. It was pretty weird to be just standing there with Edges family lol
So I go down on the lower level. I see Edge right away and he screamed something and smiled, he just seemed like the guy I thought he was right away.
I stand underneath Edge and then I see I'm also standing next to DALLAS =D I was a little nervous to get Edges attention so I just stood there casually. Dallas dropped his paddle thing that you bid with. He was bending down and he said sorry. And I said oh its okay and I picked it up for him. He said thank you and asked me what my name was. I guess he recognized me from earlier. I told him, Adrienne but everyone calls me Adge. He said that was cool. And we just talked for a bit, I made him laugh a few times! I told him that he was my favorite guitar tech. Dallas laughed and then touched my elbow. I was like =0
[[I was tempted to tell him he was cute but I didnt lol.]]
He said, well I try. I cant play all that complicated stuff but I can play I Will Follow. I laugehd and said that was my first song. He asked me if I was bidding on anything and I said no I really wish I was though. I'd love to have the Explorer. Then I asked him where he got Edges whammy pedal from. He was telling me that Edge has 11 of them and Dallas got them all in vintage shops..guitar talk.... I thanked him and then continued to watch the auction.
I look up at Edge. And I call out to him, he didnt hear me the first time but then he looked down. As soon as I looked into his eyes I knew I was done for. Everything I wanted to say I completely lost so all that came out was Oh my God. I just wanted to give him my letter. He said something to me, I couldnt hear it. Then he looks to Blue says something. Blue says something to me, again didtn hear it. So at first I thought oh fuck they are going to kick me out! no! this is how i meet my hero for the first time!?
Then Blue called Dallas up there. So obviously Edge was going to bid on something but wanted his advice so I think I may have interrupted something, I dont know but it wasnt what I thought he said. Blue leaned over and I handed her my letter. She asked me what it was and I told her. She said okay and smiled. Blue asked me if I had a pen so I gave her my sharpie. She handed me back a napkin and I looked inside. Edge signed it. She was really really nice !!
How I began talking to Edge again is beyond me lol its kind of fuzzy all i know is what I said. But this other dude talked to edge and i told him about my sign in hawaii and how edge winked at me. i saw edge look down right when he heard his name and "sexy beast" lol. So after that dude talked to Edge I said to him, "Hey, Edge. I'm Adge." He shook my hand. "I hope you'll read my letter." He asked me what letter? And I told him I gave it to Blue. And he said oh yeah, of course I will! At this time he was holding my hand. Then I said "About before I just wanted to tell you that I think you're gorgeous. And I have a huge crush on you." Edge had the softest expression on his face and he said awww. Not the loud obnoxious thing people do but it was soft and it was just really nice lol! I smiled at Edge and then I let him get back to his bidding and stuff. I stood there for a good two hours, basking in their glory! My mom actually went up to him afterwards and said you were talking to my daughter before for a while, she had red hair. And Edge said oh yeah yeah! I guess from what she told me he seemed pretty happy. so......I then realized I was in a room with the edge for about five/six hours.

The party was pretty exclusive so I dont have pictures with them, but I do have a few shitty pictures. I didnt want to be rude, I felt a little impolite for even trying to talk to Edge so yeah. But I have a few small video clips.

Me saying hi to Morleigh..cant really hear all that well:
YouTube - Morleigh, Edges wife can Edge briefly here:

YouTube - Music Rising Auction

And pictures up on my facebook....ill post them up here if you dont have a facebook, just let me know!

....btw I thought Edge was handsome in the first place but seeing him in person, I almost had a heart attack!

VERY cool! What is your facebook? I'd love to see your pictures! Cool that you met Morleigh, Edge and Dallas... and Blue too! All nice folks.
Adge...I was outside on the side entrance with three other U2 fans who got into the auction with tickets! I had gone inside and spoke with one of the coordinators for the auction, and he told me there were tickets left, but at $250 I just couldn't afford it! I was told about the side entrance, and I waited there hoping to collide with you and your mom and your other sister, however...

We saw Dallas outside after a bit, close to 5:30, I would say, so we went over to talk to him. I showed him my sketch, and he told me that he had to get Edge inside, and he didn't know if there would be time. Showed him the Bono sketch the B-man had signed for me outside of Sotheby's and Dallas siad "I recognize those hands!" And he mimicked the positioning and squeezed my hand then! (Dallas is a sweety!) He looked at the Edge sketch and recognized the g-clip around the neck of the guitar I had drawn, and said he knew that position and the song was Until The End of The World, then copied Edge's body position in the drawing, naming the concert even that it was from!:ohmy: Then he got a call on his cell and everyone knew what was happening next as he moved out to 43rd Street - Edge was coming! He pulled up in a black SUV, and he was in the front passenger side, and got, waited a bit for Morleigh, who was in the seat behind him, and they hugged Dallas (and is the blond lady that was with him his wife??). The police came through as the crowd tried to get forward, telling everybody to get back (two officers only, thank God!). There were paparazzi types with their press badges snapping photos behind me as I moved around as Edge paused to sign a couple of things for fans, and I extended my sketchbook, and said, "Please, Edge??" That was when he turned in my direction - ye, God, Adge! How did you survive?? He's so very handsome in person!! - but there was this fixed smile on his face as the press types were still snapping shots and he was looking at them quickly then glancing down to sign my sketch of him!:sigh: Then he turned and hurried inside leaving me behind with a signed piece of artwork, but this unfulfilled desire for it to have been more personal. That was when I saw Dee (Dazzled) against the wall and spoke with her briefly before going into the front of the Hard Rock to show my triumph. (Somewhat triumph!) But they had been rooting for me so I thought I would share my success with someone. Then I went to Friday's and had three Guinnesses and then went back "home".

Your mom told me she tried to let the manager know about me! I am so glad for you and the chance you had. It is always nice to have dreams fulfilled, isn't it? Congrats, again, Adge! :hug: I only wish that we could have found each other, but I had assumed you and your mom would have gotten the same info I had, so I waited where I was. We were so close to each other...ah, well! I envy you, kiddo!
okay they arent the best but here you go!



a cool car


what i wanted to bid on so badly


i wanted to sneak into this


autograph from Ron


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