The Walking Dead

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Something tells me she's gonna make it through. The show has already had its share of kids getting killed. Plus, kids in general are pretty useless until they're at least 7 or 8.

for the average kid in america walking around like zombies glued to their tablets and devices instead of having any real communication with an actual human being - you could probably add 5 or 10 years to that estimate.
for the average kid in america walking around like zombies glued to their tablets and devices instead of having any real communication with an actual human being - you could probably add 5 or 10 years to that estimate.

One of the major things I love about TWD is that there are no cell phones or computers. They do have video games at Alexandria, but that's gonna change soon when all Hell breaks loose again. But, yes you are absolutely right. Adults are guilty of this too.
One of the major things I love about TWD is that there are no cell phones or computers. They do have video games at Alexandria, but that's gonna change soon when all Hell breaks loose again. But, yes you are absolutely right. Adults are guilty of this too.

Yes you are right. We adults can be enablers because we also have those devices and we remember what it was like to be a kid and want what all the other kids had so we wouldn't be one of those kids who were 'different' or whatever.

Also with adults, i see this all the time, some cant make it from point A to point B without looking at their phone device and watching some damn stupid video. I see it in the grocery store line, i see it at work, idiots driving on the street, i see it everywhere. Even when i would go to happy hour with my friends, half the time they would be on their devices instead of watching a game or enjoying conversation.

Back to teenagers, i will never forget the time i was at a gas station and i was inside paying for something when i noticed these high school aged girls at the counter in front of me. They were talking to each other as girls their age often do, but instead of saying "oh my god" they actually said it like "OMG" and one of them actually said "LOL" instead of simply laughing.

I was like WTF, seriously.

The zombie apocalypse is really not such a bad thing is it? Half of the population probably does not deserve this planet. Of course i might have that backwards.
Well, aside from the walkers and the bad people, the apocalypse almost seems cool. Going around to empty houses and taking what you want. Having random sex because we can all die tomorrow or what else is there to do anyway. Lol! Money is useless. The banks are all gone. The military has been wiped out. Plus, if you really hate someone, you can just kill them and blame it on a walker.
i went through this whole thing where i tried to figure out which Breaking Bad characters would survive in the Apocalypse. Ive basically narrowed it down to Gus & Mike. The rest would be dead. Though Skylar & Hank would probably survive too. Everyone else, toast.

Walter would try too hard to reason with the walkers at first.
Walter Jnr. couldn't outrun any of them.
Jesse would not be able to kill any kid walkers.
Saul would be like a more clever Eugene.
Marie would be eaten alive by the first walker wearing purple.
Badger & Skinny Pete would go out on a crystal blue binge.
Huell would fall asleep and thereby feed an entire herd.
Every episode from now on to conclude with an increasingly ragged rant by Rick abruptly cut off by a blow to the head from Michonne.
Father Gabriel is gonna burn tonight!

Well, Father Gabriel didn't wind up burning tonight, but his character definitely took a darker direction. The creators of the show promised "sad tears", so my gf and I were on high alert for a major cast member getting killed off. Thankfully, that didn't happen. Great season finale. Too bad we'll have to wait until the Fall for a new season. AMC will be starting a companion series this Summer called Fear the Walking Dead, so I'm definitely looking forward to that.
What a way to end the season, I'm excited to learn more about the Wolves and what Morgan went through, but I think I'm more excited for the companion series. I wanna see what the beginning of the apocalypse was like.

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