The Temple Bar - It's Christmas, Elfa, please come home - UYMFA!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Not only a girls party but it would seem the regular posters in here are single women which begs the questions - do we post in here 'cuz we're single or are we single 'cuz we're always online? :wink:
Not only a girls party but it would seem the regular posters in here are single women which begs the questions - do we post in here 'cuz we're single or are we single 'cuz we're always online? :wink:

We post in here because we like to post in here, and has nothing to do with being single :lol: We just have standards for guys, that's all :wink:

There's a guy I used to work with at the credit union who's still interested in me - nice enough guy and a good kisser :wink: - but not the kind of guy I'd be interested in having a long term relationship with... Actually I kind of like my singlehood - come and go as I please, if I decide I want to see a movie after work I can just go, if I feel like being a hermit and stay in to be online or watch movies and knit all night I can...

Besides, any guy interested in me would have to tolerate a geeky, Shakespeare loving, knitting and crocheting sports and music fan who'd live in tshirts and jeans for life if she could and who's not going to hop into bed with them just because - those guys are kinda rare :wink:
We post in here because we like to post in here, and has nothing to do with being single :lol: We just have standards for guys, that's all :wink:

There's a guy I used to work with at the credit union who's still interested in me - nice enough guy and a good kisser :wink: - but not the kind of guy I'd be interested in having a long term relationship with... Actually I kind of like my singlehood - come and go as I please, if I decide I want to see a movie after work I can just go, if I feel like being a hermit and stay in to be online or watch movies and knit all night I can...

Besides, any guy interested in me would have to tolerate a geeky, Shakespeare loving, knitting and crocheting sports and music fan who'd live in tshirts and jeans for life if she could and who's not going to hop into bed with them just because - those guys are kinda rare :wink:

Well said Drea :up:
We post in here because we like to post in here, and has nothing to do with being single :lol:

Don't get me wrong, I was making an observation and then a joke :)
I've been single for about 10 seconds so really, it's all kind of moot for me at this point :wink:

By the way, I won't be going tomorrow after all - K. isn't going and she's a much closer friend so I'd feel kind of awkward. Are you attending?
Not too bad, thanks! Just watching some Olympics. :drool: How about you (other than the happy muscles, of course :wink: )?

ETA - Looks like we're finally ready for a new thread. :lol: Any title ideas?
Is that in reference to our lack of snow here? :lol:

I don't get CNN or The Daily Show. I've just got the very basic cable package, and those channels aren't included.
Oh right! I forgot you don't get any.

Over the past few weeks the mid-atlantic coast was pummeled with blizzards. My parents' got around 50something inches total. They've been stuck in the house all this time, too. Things are clearing out now, but there's talk of more snow on Monday, though only about 5 inches or so.
Ahhh, okay. I've heard those kinds of references here and there. It's funny - most of the US is blanketed with snow and we've got zilch. :giggle:

Canada wins the women's hockey game 18-0! :lol:

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