The Even Gayer than the Gay thread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
And even for straight women it'll be a treat too. :up: :up:

Is it bad that I'm mildly irritated that even when there are restaurants like this with male servers, it's still aimed at men? Women never get nice things :sad:.
Is it bad that I'm mildly irritated that even when there are restaurants like this with male servers, it's still aimed at men? Women never get nice things :sad:.

:hug: There, there. It's aimed at men but they're not banning women from being there and ogling.

It's a shame though, there must be a market for straight women as well. Yet nobody does it cause the men cough up more cash.
Is it bad that I'm mildly irritated that even when there are restaurants like this with male servers, it's still aimed at men? Women never get nice things :sad:.

It's a shame though, there must be a market for straight women as well. Yet nobody does it cause the men cough up more cash.

Nice things for straight women:

Bono meanwhile spoke briefly to journalists who congregated in Chambar’s with the band. I asked him for his views on the upcoming same sex marriage referendum, which takes place in Ireland on May 22.

“Trying to co-opt the word ‘marriage’ is like trying to co-opt the word ‘love’,” he told me. "You can’t own this. You can’t own it. Marriage is now an idea that transcends religion. It’s owned by the people. They can decide what defines it. It’s not a religious institution. As far as I know, Jesus was never married – and neither are most priests that talk about it.

“So it’s not a religious idea, necessarily. Marriage is one of the most impossible human traits… the hardest to hold on to. The idea that one community can own this, and another can’t, seems wrong to me.”

- See more at: U2 Get Ready For Lift Off in Vancouver | Music | News | Hot Press
Nice things for straight women:


Psh. No. Not this straight woman anyway.

So have we heard yet who all the gays in the world are choosing for their legal representation? All they lawyers in the world, perhaps?
Oh, Ted...

Is someone projecting? Just a little?

Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, a resident of the extreme right political fringe who is running for the Republican presidential nomination, told reporters in Texas on Tuesday that the left is obsessed with sex because he keeps getting questions about marriage laws and the rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans.

“Is there something about the left — and I am going to put the media in this category — that is obsessed with sex?” Cruz said.

He went on to borrow a particularly mindless comment from his colleague, Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas, who said in April that gay-rights advocates should get some “perspective” because gay people are executed in Iran. Mr. Cruz took it one completely illogical step farther.

“ISIS is executing homosexuals — you want to talk about gay rights?” he said. “This week was a very bad week for gay rights because the expansion of ISIS, the expansion of radical, theocratic, Islamic zealots that crucify Christians, that behead children and that murder homosexuals — that ought to be concerning you far more than asking six questions all on the same topic.”

Let’s just toss that remark in the dustbin of campaign foolishness, and focus on his first comment — that asking about laws that ban same-sex marriages, and laws that ensure that gay Americans do not suffer discrimination, represents an obsession with sex.

Perhaps Mr. Cruz doesn’t get this, but fighting for gay rights and marriage equality has nothing to do with sex. Would Mr. Cruz say the same thing about the constant discussion among Republicans about the “sanctity” of heterosexual marriage and relationships between men and women?

If anything, it is the right that is strangely devoted to the subject, trying to regulate the sex lives and reproductive decisions of women by trying outlaw certain kinds of contraception and all abortions, and denying prenatal care to working and poor women — as has happened in his own state with the government’s war on Planned Parenthood.

Now that is an obsession.

Translation: Shut up about same sex marriage you filthy faggots, just be glad we're not going to execute you for being gay-sexual, like Obama's ISIS.
Oh, Ted...

Translation: Shut up about same sex marriage you filthy faggots, just be glad we're not going to execute you for being gay-sexual, like Obama's ISIS.

Maybe Mr Cruz is the one obsessed about sex, since HE associates the questions on Gay marriage and discrimination with sex. Perhaps he's also unable to differentiate between sex and love.

And to claim we should shut up because we're not being executed? :lol: Holy shit what? So slaves shouldn't have revolted because they weren't being executed either? Whut?
So Ireland is voting today, U2 are openly supporting the Yes camp with Bono's interview and their post on Instagram earlier. It is expected that it will be a big yes so that should be a major win for such a religious country!

I wonder if U2 themselves are allowed to vote while not in the country though.
I'm married, but I think there should be only civil unions for ALL. It should be more a business decision to protect your love ones... take religion out of it please. If others choose to do that for themselves, great.

What upsets me most are terms like gay marriage or reverse discrimination... those things don't exist. Just marriage and discrimination. Love doesn't care.
I'm married, but I think there should be only civil unions for ALL. It should be more a business decision to protect your love ones... take religion out of it please. If others choose to do that for themselves, great.

What upsets me most are terms like gay marriage or reverse discrimination... those things don't exist. Just marriage and discrimination. Love doesn't care.

I get what you are saying but I don't agree.

There are many gay people with religious beliefs and there are religions that will marry them within their institutions.

Just like there are religions schools that meet the requirements of a government approved education that are allowed to give the same credits as public schools. I have no problem with religious groups that can create a legally binding marriage contract.

I am not a big fan of labels but I think gay marriage can be ok. Just like second marriage, third marriage, mixed race marriage, etc.
I am not a big fan of labels but I think gay marriage can be ok. Just like second marriage, third marriage, mixed race marriage, etc.

I think the point was that, even though labels are okay, they are completely unnecessary. Why discriminate between the different kinds of marriage, when they're all just marriage? We're not calling the marriage between a man and a woman a straight marriage, so why would you discern all the other types?
we may be splitting hairs here

sometimes I think some people just want the 'gay' to be invisible

we are only legalizing gay marriage here. not lifting all restrictions on marriage.

if I was told a friend from 20 years ago got married. I think I would want to know it was a same sex marriage before I sent a card.
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