Sweet I won something U2 (u2vertigo.com)!!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Achtung Ya'll

War Child
Jun 12, 2000
North Carolina
Well I won 3rd place in the u2vertigo.com/cduk contest!

I actually wanted to win 3rd place b/c everything else in the 1st and 2nd place prizes is able to be bought somewhere, but 3rd place has the cd/dvd boxset with the 7",10", and 12" promotional Vertigo vinyls!!! Awesome! (which yeah I know they can be bought at some places but they're rarer)

anyways I'm stoked...anyone else on here win?

edit: Oh yeah I collect U2 vinyl which is why I wanted 3rd place.
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That sounds like a nice collector's thing to have. :)
I was hard-core playing that game the first week it came out. I was scoring like one to two thousand points (not too good). But at that time the ones that had like first and second place had like a trillion points or something. Does anyone remember that? They must have found a way to cheat or they have some un-Godly ability to play the Vertigo game. Oh, and major congratulations for getting third! I agree that that was the best prize also.
The maximum high score on that game without cheating was 1490 (after they fixed some early bugs). I wonder how they chose the winners given that so many people legitimately got that score...and so many others got that score and higher by cheating. I hope it was a random drawing, but anyway congrats!:up:
Cool prize!!!!

Best U2 thing I have won was 2 tickets to the Elevation tour at Earls Court with train tickets and overnight hotel. And that prize literally changed my life :cool:
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