Survivor 45

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An entertaining first episode. A little bummed by the ending, though. That Emily woman is pip, that's for sure. Lol!
They should have to pay 1 million when they choose to quit. I hate that so much, so many people out there would kill for the experience.

I would love to but know there’s no way I’d last a day.
Especially something like Hannah last night. She quit on what, day 2?
If someone lasts a couple weeks and suddenly breaks down and bows out, I can accept that, but what she did was ridiculous. They may have to re-examine their casting/vetting process if 2 of 18 (Brandon as well) basically wanted to go home the minute they were plopped into Fiji.
Especially something like Hannah last night. She quit on what, day 2?
If someone lasts a couple weeks and suddenly breaks down and bows out, I can accept that, but what she did was ridiculous. They may have to re-examine their casting/vetting process if 2 of 18 (Brandon as well) basically wanted to go home the minute they were plopped into Fiji.

Brandon nearly gave up during the boat challenge. That Principal never gave up on him. I get it. Panic attack. But, that was the first freakin' challenge. I agree, they should re-examine their vetting process. Especially 2 people wanting to bail within 2 days. For Brandon, it could be a swerve. He might recover and make it to the Final 4. I hope Emily sticks around just for the entertainment value. She will undoubtedly sabotage herself at some point. It could be fun.
I was just on Facebook and people are roasting Hannah for quitting. Calling it a disgrace. I think that's a tad too harsh. It's a TV show. She couldn't hack it. Move on. In 2 weeks, we'll forget her.
Sorry. But quitting!??? How many people want to be on the show like why did you even sign up if you want a couch and a sandwich I mean that would be me so I wouldn’t even bother signing up. Emily is literally the worst human being on the earth she needs to go.
Sorry. But quitting!??? How many people want to be on the show like why did you even sign up if you want a couch and a sandwich I mean that would be me so I wouldn’t even bother signing up. Emily is literally the worst human being on the earth she needs to go.

:lol: Yes, Emily is definitely an asshole and apparently doesn't care. When people start calling her out on it, that's gonna be fun.

Hannah definitely set a precedent by bailing at the first Tribal. But, it's more or less the same as a vote out, so fuck it. Brandon's lucky he survived the boat challenge. He was close to being stretchered out.
Is Brandon officially the worst Survivor player ever?
Certainly has to be in the conversation.

It's definitely in the conversation. Terrible at puzzles. But, at least he was reasonably likeable. So, he had that going for him. :wink: He got to live his dream, but never again.
And Sebiyah (not sure on the spelling) becomes another in a long line of many to leave the game with an Idol. Good idea to melt the candle it was encased in at TC. She was a good vote out. Kaleb is playing this game well. He was wise to hook up with Emily when the others snubbed her. I think I nodded off during the segment where they're usually plotting who to vote off. :wink:
I think I nodded off during the segment where they're usually plotting who to vote off. :wink:

It showed Emily telling Kaleb that Sabiyah and Sean were plotting to take him out and Kaleb then saying he wasn't sure he believed her.
Fortunately he ended up trusting what she said. I think he made the decision at tribal, watching how important getting that idol out of the wax was to Sabiyah. He realized that if they were just voting out Emily (like he was told by the other 2), she wouldn't have been placing so much emphasis on getting her vote bak that night.
It showed Emily telling Kaleb that Sabiyah and Sean were plotting to take him out and Kaleb then saying he wasn't sure he believed her.
Fortunately he ended up trusting what she said. I think he made the decision at tribal, watching how important getting that idol out of the wax was to Sabiyah. He realized that if they were just voting out Emily (like he was told by the other 2), she wouldn't have been placing so much emphasis on getting her vote bak that night.

That's perfect! Thanks! Next week, the buffs get dropped. I like Napoleon Dynamite. Another kindred spirit for Cockring. :wink: I actually like most of the cast.
Another quitter. I didn't see any sign of Sean quitting until he actually said he wanted to go home to his husband towards the end of TC. Even during TC, he said he was extremely loyal and tried his best during the challenge. At least Hannah gave hints of possibly quitting. Sean's decision seemed out of the blue. If he didn't quit. Sifu would have been blindsided.
Sean was clearly not equipped emotionally to go long in this game.
He looked like he was going to cry last week when Sabiyah was voted out. So not that surprising that he couldn't go for the long haul.
David Ortiz lite (Little Papi from here on) looked very upset that someone wrote his name down.
Sean was clearly not equipped emotionally to go long in this game.
He looked like he was going to cry last week when Sabiyah was voted out. So not that surprising that he couldn't go for the long haul.
David Ortiz lite (Little Papi from here on) looked very upset that someone wrote his name down.

Well, Sean, obviously, cries rather easily. Lol! I think they should have stuck to the original plan and voted out Little Papi. From the scenes shown from the next episode, it does seem that he realizes he's on Survivor and people are going to write his name down. I guess Hannah opened the floodgates for any additional quitters. Lol!

By the way, Sean is a principal. I'm sure he's gonna get plenty of shit from students and faculty for quitting the game. And rightly so.
Brando and his peach fuzz mustache are out. I didn't hate him, but I'm not sad he's gone. And holy shit, Drew's resemblance to Napoleon Dynamite increases with each episode. I'd be shocked if he didn't have a Vote for Pedro shirt somewhere. Jake's backstory was interesting. I like Jake even though he talks funny. :wink:
Jake talks perfectly normal, don't know what you're hearing. :wink:

Passing out twice like has would be very concerning. I'm sure producers have medical on alert.

And hoping there's an upcoming dance episode from Drew Dynamite.

That would be awesomely hilarious!

I'm definitely concerned about Jake. He might have to leave the game if he has another episode.
Here's a useless sidebar. Today is Jon Heder's (Napoleon Dynamite) birthday. He's (gasp) 46. He sure did a good job of playing a teenager. Lol! Drew looks like he's in his early to mid 20's. Don't remember his age.

Next week is the merge, right?
Kaleb came up big last night at TC. Did I miss something? Did Emily vote for Kaleb before he played his Ozzy song? J looked like she was turning into a Villian before they voted her out. She was a good snuff.
Yes Emily voted for Kaleb.
Think it was a case of everyone else was voting for him and she couldn't save him, so she went along to not make herself a target.
Crazy that he nailed the shot in the dark. Was a lot of fun to watch every vote be for him.

And the big takeaway from last night for me is vote Kendra out and get her face off my TV screen. Damn that woman is annoying.
Thanks! The highlight of the night was Kaleb's big move. I really like him. I love how he's talking to pretty much everyone. Bruce is becoming a larger bitch each week. I can't stand him. I don't think Kendra is as annoying as Fruit Loops, but she's getting there. Lol!
Too bad it only saved him until the next tribal.
At least he made jury unlike Little Papi.
I kind of knew that Katurah wasn't going to go along with the plan for a tie.
The largest threat now in the game is Dee. If they don't realize it, she'll be the winner. Little Papi was a nice guy, but I'm not sad to see him go. The only problem with Kaleb was that people viewed him as a large threat early in the game, so naturally everyone wanted to get rid of him. Maybe all those assholes out there in the internetz will finally learn how to spell his name. Good gravy, they show it dozens of times during the episode.
Now the game is really on! Someone gets voted out that didn't expect it. Jake survives another week. The auction returns with some new twists. Everyone continues to hate Bruce. Lol! I wasn't sad to see Kellie go. She got a lot of votes. That's how you do it! Give Austin credit for eating the fish eyes. At least it wasn't monkey brains or something worse.

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