Summer of Love - Appreciation Thread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I prefer to listen to music without knowing every single detail about how the song was constructed.
That's the Internet age for you. Maybe too much knowledge through interviews about how our favorite bands record and make music, which leads to overanlyzing quotes, conspiracy theories about going "for the kids" if band members are above 30 and release something that has a mere guitar on it, or the mythic masterpieces the band would've have produced if they stopped writing and recording at a certain point during the album sessions. :lol:

Truth be told though, a lot of bands probably go through the same thing with their online fanbases though.
I love the song.

With that said, I am of the opinion that Edge is one of the most talented guitarists especially when it comes to creating greats riffs. He is the “sound” that drew me to U2 and I don’t know why he couldn’t come up with something vs sampling or having another guitarist write/create the riff. For Summer of Love it woks out because it’s a great tune but I’m curious what Edge might have created for this piece.
If they didn't credit people like Eno and Lanois in the past, or Dallas for his role in part of the effect for SUC, or the Pop samples and so on, I'm not too worried about it as a listener at this point. That's just me though.
I believe that the band did offer Dallas a writing credit for his role in Stand Up Comedy to which he responded "Stand Up Comedy writing credit for me, no thank you, that one is all you guys."
This song is really, really good. The chorus is super catchy, they lyrics are on point and sonically it’s just beautiful.

I would absolutely put it amongst their best songs of not just the millennium but their entire catalog. Cant wait to hear it live....if rate it a 9/10!
One of the best of their entire catalog is only a 9/10?


I don’t give out 10s as liberally as most here. I would say I’ve given maybe 15-20 U2 songs a 10/10. The albums that have the most 10s are Joshua Tree and Rattle and Hum (3 each).

In is my break down of 10s

Boy: 1
October: 0
War: 2
UF: 2
JT: 3
RH: 3
AB: 2
Zoo: 0
Pop: 0
Bomb: 1
SOI: 1
SOE: 1


My ratings categories are:
10/10 amazing
9/10 great
8/10 good

The above are what I consider the songs I will always go back and listen to.

7/10 pretty good
6/10 Okay (it’s not bad but it doesn’t do anything for me)
5/10 pretty bad

The below I will likely never listen to again except if I want to give them another chance.
4/10 bad
3/10 very bad
2/10 turd
1/10 Dumpster Fire
I used this scale on LN7's survey

10. Perfect
9. Great
8. Very good
7. Good
6. Above average
5. Average
4. Below average
3. This song pretty crappy
2. This song is dog shit
1. Boots
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I don’t give out 10s as liberally as most here. I would say I’ve given maybe 15-20 U2 songs a 10/10. The albums that have the most 10s are Joshua Tree and Rattle and Hum (3 each).

In is my break down of 10s

Boy: 1
October: 0
War: 2
UF: 2
JT: 3
RH: 3
AB: 2
Zoo: 0
Pop: 0
Bomb: 1
SOI: 1
SOE: 1


My ratings categories are:
10/10 amazing
9/10 great
8/10 good

The above are what I consider the songs I will always go back and listen to.

7/10 pretty good
6/10 Okay (it’s not bad but it doesn’t do anything for me)
5/10 pretty bad

The below I will likely never listen to again except if I want to give them another chance.
4/10 bad
3/10 very bad
2/10 turd
1/10 Dumpster Fire

Not sure what that whole scale has to do with your choice of words. If you’re going to call something “among their best” then it shouldn’t be part of the tier under that top level. “Among their best” should be the select group of stuff you gave a 10 to. Because what you’re really saying is “among the songs that I don’t consider their best but are just shy of amazing and only great”.
Not sure what that whole scale has to do with your choice of words. If you’re going to call something “among their best” then it shouldn’t be part of the tier under that top level. “Among their best” should be the select group of stuff you gave a 10 to. Because what you’re really saying is “among the songs that I don’t consider their best but are just shy of amazing and only great”.

I consider their best work to be anything I rate as an 9 and 10. The rating of either 9 or 10 then essentially ranks their “best” into those two buckets of “great” and “very good”.

Think of it this way....the best baseball/football teams make the playoffs but they are all not the #1 team and certainly the team that wins it all would not be “ranked” the same as the team eliminated in round 1.

The point of my ratings scale and outlining the number of songs I rank as 10/10 was to show that I don’t consider half of U2s catalog as 10/10 and that a 9/10 would be in the top 25 of U2 songs....would you not consider a top 25 U2 song “among their best”?
Not sure what that whole scale has to do with your choice of words. If you’re going to call something “among their best” then it shouldn’t be part of the tier under that top level. “Among their best” should be the select group of stuff you gave a 10 to. Because what you’re really saying is “among the songs that I don’t consider their best but are just shy of amazing and only great”.


I reserve perfect 10s for perfection. A 9 is still great, and "among their best". There has to be a hierarchy within the great songs as well. They're not all equal.

Not that I give this song a 9 by any stretch. Alas...
Ahhhhhh I'd say a 6. Solid song, better than average but not touching the upper tier.

That's fair, it's not like you think it's trash. I would bet we are also opposite on LOH(album cut). I give the album cut a 5.5(might go to a 6)but I think you rate it pretty high(like many here), would that be a 9 in your book?
Seeing as how the east coast of the US continues to be gripped by arctic cold, I, too, have been thinking about the West Coast.
That's fair, it's not like you think it's trash. I would bet we are also opposite on LOH(album cut). I give the album cut a 5.5(might go to a 6)but I think you rate it pretty high(like many here), would that be a 9 in your book?
Probably a 7.

Only song is rate an 8 or above is Little Things. But I only rated 40 songs in their entire catalog 8 or above in the survey. A shit load of 6s and 7s though.
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This should be their new single. Even my three year old is asking for this song all the time. Most likely candidate to do anything in the charts.
This should be their new single. Even my three year old is asking for this song all the time. Most likely candidate to do anything in the charts.

I do totally agree, I love the song but the only problem is releasing a song called summer of love in January seems abit odd
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