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Figured I'd just bump this thread. Perhaps we can get the title updated.

New album on June 22.


1. Dead Hearts
2. Wasted Daylight
3. I Died So I Could Haunt You
4. Fixed
5. We Don’t Want Your Body
6. He Dreams He’s Awake
7. Never Been Good With Change
8. The Passenger
9. The Last Song Ever Written
10. How Much More
11. Winter Bones

Fixed is the first single. More of a synth-pop sound this time. I like it.
I completely forgot this thread existed when I posted about this in Random Music. Cool. I assumed we had a new single or something though. :wink:
So this came out last week, and I'm just listening for the first time. I've only gone through it twice, but I'm liking it. Nothing earth shattering here, but I like it more than the last album, which was a bloated affair (although there is nothing on this one that tops Personal).
So this came out last week, and I'm just listening for the first time. I've only gone through it twice, but I'm liking it. Nothing earth shattering here, but I like it more than the last album, which was a bloated affair (although there is nothing on this one that tops Personal).

I actually liked the last album a lot, but I seem to be in the (vast) minority.

Looking forward to giving the new one a listen or two tonight. :up:
"I Died So I Could Haunt You" is a fantastic song title.

This is a band that I think could really become a favorite, but right now I'm only familiar with about a dozen of their tracks (mostly the singles). I will make my way through a couple albums start to finish sometime soon. Perhaps this newest one?

The combination of voices is really great, I always love a good male/female duo vocal song. "Personal", as some of you guys mentioned, really is a lovely, one of a kind song. So sad, though. Anyway. Rambling.

Seeing them at Lolla. Peace out.
I think the first track, Dead Hearts, is the best, followed by Fixed and Wasted Daylight.

I also dig the title track that is located on the bonus EP, The Seance. Not sure why it didn't make the album.
Hmm, it's all right. I'm left with the feeling that having the last two Stars albums in my collection will be enough Stars albums in my collection.
Only a few tracks in, but this is fantastic. And, actually, I'm with NSW on the liking of the previous album.
Finally getting around to saying something about seeing these guys live.

Almost a month ago now, I saw Broken Social Scene at Pitchfork Festival. Before I saw them live, I really didn't like much at all about BSS save for "World Sick" and "Anthems", so I was not feeling like it was likely I would enjoy their set very much. How wrong I ended up being, and they turned out to be one of the greatest live acts I've ever seen. They played songs I downright hated, and I still adored their live incarnations.

I told you that story so I can tell you this story: I love The Five Ghosts. I like In Our Bedroom After the War, I enjoy Set Yourself on Fire. Five Ghosts aside, I don't quite dig too hard on Stars though, because their albums tend to be over-long and they're a little monotonous. But, I was psyched as hell to see them at Lollapalooza, because they're touring The Five Ghosts and, did I mention, I LOVE The Five Ghosts. Anyways, when I saw them live, something I think is necessary to see to really enjoy their music kind of clicked. Their performances are downright sexy. It was probably the most sexually charged show, I think I've ever seen and I saw The XX that day as well. And it really works with their music, and really enhanced it in a live setting to the point where I think I could go back and really enjoy their studio material a lot more, kind of getting the idea of where they're coming from. Though I do realize they didn't play a whole lot that wasn't on TFG, like I said, it was just an overall experience of kind of falling in love with Stars. They're kind of hilariously blatant about how much they enjoy singing about sex. There were a couple of songs where Campbell introduced them as songs "about fucking". They were great with the crowd, lots of interaction, they had confetti launchers on stage that the...bass? player really enjoyed setting off. It was just all around a really awesome show and I had a great time.

1. How Much More
2. Set Yourself On Fire
3. The Passenger
4. One More Night
5. Fixed
6. We Don't Want Your Body
7. Ageless Beauty
8. Going Going Gone
9. I Died So I Could Haunt You
10. Elevator Love Letter
11. Wasted Daylight
12. Take Me to the Riot
13. Your Ex-Lover is Dead
It sounded fine, I meant the video itself :lol:. And it's weird for me to see Torquil doing that really annoying face thing some artists do. At least when I saw them, I never noticed him doing anything like that.

Though I will say I'm not a big fan of that song being acoustic, since I think the best part is when it gets epic (obvious statement is obvious).
People are still listening to these kids? How Torquil doesn't ruin the band for anyone else is beyond me.
I think their new album's their best honestly. Not sure what the big deal about Torquil is, but I haven't been following the band very long either, and not closely.
Torquil sounds like a really awesome brand of cough medicine.

"Lance's mom swallowed some Torquil and passed out."
They've released a demo album version of In Our Bedroom After the War which, according to the bio, was one of the original recordings at their studio in Montreal before starting the process over in Vancouver.

These takes are fair to good, in my opinion, on first listen, but I find them interesting nonetheless. I love listening and learning about the evolution of a song from original concept to its final form.

Stars - The Bedroom Demos


The Bedroom Demos:

01 The Night Starts Here
02 Take Me to the Riot
03 My Favourite Book
04 Midnight Coward
05 The Ghost of Genova Heights
06 Personal (Caroline)
07 Barricade
08 Window Bird
09 Bitches in Tokyo (Fuck U I Love You)
10 Life 2: The Unhappy Ending (Film Score)
11 Today Will Be Better, I Swear!
12 In Our Bedroom After the War
13 Division (Monkees) *
14 The Worst Thing (Whitey Jam) *
* bonus tracks
:hmm: I'll definitely check this out later. I love demo versions, usually, this should be fun.

torquilcampbell ‏ @torquilcampbell

people say "is there a new stars record coming?" the answer is: yes. and then another. and another. and another...#theworldwontlisten
I really liked in our bedroom after the war when it came out, then lost it in the pile of CDs in my car, and hated pretty much everything about it when I found it and listened to it again. I have no idea why, or why Im telling you.
Oh man the very beginning of that reminded me so much of the Safety Dance.

The rest of the song's really, really great though. This will make a nice birthday week present :).
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