Star Wars Episode VIII: A New Thread

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I finally saw Episode 9. The only things that slightly perturbed me was Fin constantly yelling, and no ghost of Anakin or Obi- Wan showing up. Thought that would have been nice to see to bring things full circle. But, otherwise, enjoyed the movie. Plus, saw it at an Alamo Drafthouse Cinema, where you can order a meal and drinks while you view the film. My fiancée and I both ordered a Royale with cheese. :wink: Fried pickles too.

JJ wanted to hight light Luke and Leia instead of adding the others. Since Rey was burying their sabers by the Lars old farm it made a moving scene to me. And we do hear all the other Jedi ghosts wen Rey is battling to recover her strength.


What I mean by a "lack of agency" for Finn in TROS is that he seems like more of a sidekick than a dynamic character who makes his own decisions that impact the story in a meaningful way. He's like a little puppy chasing after Rey for most of the film, and when he does split off from the group later in the film, he's essentially following Jannah's lead to achieve a common goal.

It's not like he had a ton to do in Last Jedi, but at least in that movie he had control of a (somewhat pointless) subplot that was self-contained but showcased him as a character. TFA promised a really interesting free thinker who broke away from convention as a force-sensitive young man with agency, but in TROS he has devolved to the point where he's constantly chasing after Rey and yelling her name. Even his conversations with Poe come back to Rey.

I dunno. Just seems like kind of a wasted character.

Got it.:up:

grumpWell that sounded pretty wild and fun, too.
If you compare box office runs after this weekend, TROS will be about equal with TLJ for the first 10 days in North America and that is despite opening 20% lower. To your point that is due to the massive 30 million days but starting tomorrow is when TLJ enters its “holiday week” and you are going to see huge separation with TLJ grossing 10 million more per day this week and continuing into next week (when TLJ had its New Years).

I could be wrong and it is only 10 days into its run and I don’t even have 2nd weekend numbers I’m making my assumptions on only 7 days of data and therefore could be completely off but it’s fun to trend/compare.

For now, my final guess (that’s really what it is) is:

Total North American gross: $500-530 million and I’ll go with 523 million

Total WW gross: $1030-$1070 and I’ll go with $1058

I’ll give periodic updates on how it’s doing for those that are interested.

Numbers update (for those who care):

Domestic stands at $484
World Wide stands at 1.003 billion

The good:

There isn’t much here.

The film WILL be profitable when all is said and done (TV rights, home video).

It will cross $500 domestic, which is a huge number

It hit $1 billion WW and while that isn’t the once cherished threshold it was 10 years ago, it’s still an important and symbolic number

The bad:

There isn’t much gas left in the tank. It will likely end up making ~$300 million less than The Last Jedi WW and ~$1 billion less than The Force Awakens WW.

Domestic the decline is similar with it coming in ~$100+ lower than the Last Jedi and ~$400 million lower than The Force Awakens

Now this movie was NEVER expected to make anywhere near The Force Awakens even before The Last Jedi came out. TFA was a phenomenon that only occurs once a decade (or when an Avengers movie comes out lol). However, this movie should have made a lot more than it will (falling $400 to $700 million short if you ask me).

When all is said and done, I still stick with my $1.058 billion WW prediction (or projection is more accurate I think) and my $523 domestic is likely going to be about $10-15 million too optimistic(but it will definitely fall within the 500-530 range).

Ugh, what could have been if they just sat down and put together a well thought out story in 2014 and used one director(don’t even care at this point who).

At least we got Babu Frik ;)

My next prediction is the following

Lando Calrisian Disney + show (likely with the girl from the movie that didn’t know her parents)

Poe’s ex(Kerri Russel) Disney + show and if it has Babu in it....sign me up!
Yeah, you called it. I initially thought it was on track to match or top TLJ but the way it lined up with the holiday made the early returns seem better than it was, I think?

I'm sure that Disney suits/Kathleen Kennedy will find a way to blame TLJ for the lower turnout, instead of admitting that they made a subpar film and overall a trilogy that just doesn't hold together very well and that didn't resonate with people enough to care anymore.

But if we look at the poorly-received Attack of the Clones, it sure didn't stop the third film of that trilogy from rebounding and making something like $75 million more and finishing as #1 of the year (after Clones was #2 for the year and $100 million behind Spider-Man).
Why haven't they taken his pilot's license yet? Someone needs to save him from himself.
I really enjoy how throughout this series it fleshes out back stories from the films, like the Krayt dragon in this one. Now we can see why the Tuskens were so scared of Obi-Wan making that sound in the original movie. Cool stuff.

Perhaps in the upcoming Obi-Wan series we’ll see that encounter.
I haven't watched the series but I am interested in her spin-off show.

Also high on my list is the one set in the Old Republic days, gimme that mythology.

Rangers of the New Republic, however, you can keep it.
"Years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars...

...and also there was that one time we went on a long adventure together when I was 10 and became close friends..."

- Leia

"When I left you I was but the learner, now I am the master...

...except that one other time we fought long after I was a learner and I had clearly already become a master..."

- Vader
It’s so weird. I love seeing more of McGregor, but the continuity requires way too much suspension of disbelief.
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