St. Vincent - Strange Mercy

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Wow Los Ageless is like a modern New Wave track filtered through St. Vincent's unique style. Everything that Arcade Fire tried to achieve on their latest album? St. Vincent just did it better in one song.
Her little interview videos she's been posting the last few days have been consistently hilarious. Bravo.
Yeah, these songs are both incredible, and show her range as an artist. I'm feeling an AOTY...
the Japanese bonus track is sort of like Masseduction remixed with particular sample repeated over and over
It's good. At this point, I'm not hearing anything Strange Mercy or Actor good, but it's another quality album and I think maybe a step up over the self-titled. It's early.
The first three notes of Savior sound so much like Let’s Get It On that it must be deliberate, right?
Pills is so horrible that it's distracted me from listening to the rest of the album, but I'm still pretty sure it's really good. The ballads in particular have stood out in early listens.
Pills has been really divisive. Personally, I love it and think it's one of the best tracks. The lyrics are a little heavy-handed but I love the song for its nice energetic pace, great earworm hook and THAT INSTRUMENTAL BREAKDOWN.

The album is growing on me significantly with subsequent listens, but I haven't really gotten into the second half as much yet. The first half is such a blast that by the time I get to the moodier half of the record, I'm not ready to come down yet. A bunch of tracks near the end don't feel as complete to me either.
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I didn't realize until just now that Masseduction (the song) name checks both The Black Saint & The Sinner Lady and The Boatman's Call. Impeccable taste from Ms. Clark.
Los Ageless may be the song of the year.
That song immediately jumped out to me.

I've never been the biggest St. Vincent fan but I've been enjoying Masseduction quite a bit so far.
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