Sometimes U2 fans just rock!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Achtung Ya'll

War Child
Jun 12, 2000
North Carolina
A friend of mine posted a craigslist link to a person just giving away all their U2 paraphernalia on

After a few emails I finally met up with her and she explained that her son was going to grow up and not really care about U2 and she was more of a fan of their older stuff and just would rather her collectibles go to a fan!

It was a pretty heavy box that contained tons of awesome stuff. Newspaper clippings..Rolling Stone and other Magazines from all throughout the 80s and 90s. Propaganda magazines..TONS of older zines from the 80s and early 90s. Including one that had an awesome ZooTV button with the Zooropa baby on it from The Outside Broadcast (with a note saying thanks for subscribing...I'm guessing they just got handfulls of them at the show). An awesome "Guide to U2 bootlegs on Compact Disc" book which is actually very useful. It has tons of background information on all the bootlegs from the late 80s early 90s.

Even a ZooTV tour program signed by Bono!

So anyway...sometimes u2 fans rock.

There are a few duplicate items that, once I go through and sort it all out, I'll ship out for free to whomever wants them (mainly just books).

So anyway that's all..and if that person is reading this then THANK YOU!
Wow she gave them away for free? She could have made a killing on ebay.
I know! I asked several times if she was really okay with just giving it away. I think she said she just didn't want to go through the hassle of selling it online and if it went a fan that was good enough!
Awesome to hear some people don't always live for the money. Great stuff man , treasure it!
:up: That is well cool, nice one.

When you do get chance please do list the duplicate books, i'll pay for the shipping:yes:

Will do!

I've been doing some freelance stuff so I haven't had a chance to really get down and dirty with all the stuff, but I'm going to go through and take pictures on Sunday.

I was flipping through a Hot Press from '93 and they had a large cutout label for your cassette bootleg of an upcoming radio broadcast from the ZooTV tour (along with a request to call Mother Music for permission to record haha). It was all so quaint!
Yeah, U2 fans are the best. In person anyways, not always on the boards. I have several awesome stories about U2 fans

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