SOE 17: Where The Album Has A Name - The Joshua Tree

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if the album were done and ready to their liking, they'd release it. there is no obligation to play Joshua Tree dates. they could have easily just played SOE dates (and i suspect that these dates were originally slated to be SOE dates).

I don't know if I buy into that theory, if they had found a way to do ie tour in stadiums and they just switched it up to JT I think we still would have seen their fancy screen.

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if i had to guess right now, they'll probably come out roaring and play 4-6 of their most important pre-JT songs, end with ASOH, then stop, talk about JT, and play it in it's entirety. then after the intermission/break, they'll come out roaring with the Fuck-Trump "Desire" and get all political as they build to the future, move from anger to '00's joy, and do 1-2 SOE songs. why not play new songs for all these people who bought tickets to motivate them to buy the album in the fall?

it's what i would do.

The fan in me says the first song after Mothers of the Disappeared should be The Fly.

The cynical asshole in me says it'll be Elevation.
is it weird when you listen to it on the album?

Nope, but following the shows over the years I've grown accustomed to WOWY towards the end of the set. That, and the energy of the songs are different live. Still Haven't Found is going to feel weird live after Streets.. if they choose that order to play live.

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Good Morning\Afternoon\Evening:

The Joshua Tree Tour 2017 is most likely a Guy Oseary\Live Nation collaboration to make U2 relevant again.

This tour is a marketing strategy to make U2 exciting and interesting again. U2 have always held out to be 'relevant' and 'forward looking'. So for them to tour a catalogued album is a new concept. Let's face it the music landscape has changed and the most successful 'veteran' bands are doing re-union tours on nothing more than past accomplishments\music. What band\act is filling stadiums today...yep, Taylor Swift...and she's 35 years younger than the youngest U2 member.

SOI was a marketing DISASTER, the music, the tour couldn't salvage that. It left a huge stain on their reputation and made them seem uncool. Now that the political landscape in America has changed, why not take a step back and revisit their most successful album? It makes sense in one way, and allows Oseary and Live Nation the chance to repair their damaged relationship with the general public.

Its up to U2 to deliver a GREAT tour and set up Songs of Experience...:yes:
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if the album were done and ready to their liking, they'd release it. there is no obligation to play Joshua Tree dates. they could have easily just played SOE dates (and i suspect that these dates were originally slated to be SOE dates).

criticism that they're too skittish to release anything is fair - but they wouldn't delay an album they were confident in just to tour the Joshua Tree. that's silly.

Don't know why, but i hadn't considered the fact that they didn't need to be playing TJT, and could've just done SoE instead. That's a really good point.

Weird that we've had multiple people saying it's done though. Perhaps it was largely finished but they yet again weren't happy with it (I'd thought the Trump explanation was just a cover story, but U2 are a very political band after all).

I'd actually prefer it if it weren't finished, it would make things less frustrating. Having said that, I'm concerned about how they can finish it by the autumn when they also have this big anniversary tour to worry about too.
That's Hellevation, damn it.

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Wouldn't it be interesting if they decided to get all political on us? Use this JT thing as a bully pulpit to do the kind of rants they were known for on the original JT and and Zoo TV tours? Yes, the nation is divided so they do run the risk of pissing off a good percentage of people, but at this point in their careers, who cares? Get out the same message they had in the 80-90s along with the music. And the percentage of Trump folks at a U2 gig, in most of those markets, is probably a good deal lower than that of the nation as a whole. Any asinine tweets from Trump, or calls for boycotts from his supporters would be publicity U2 couldn't buy.

I could see this resonating with a whole new group of younger potential fans. Certainly more so than the whole SOI release thing did. Might be a nice set up for SOE with that group.
That, and the energy of the songs are different live. Still Haven't Found is going to feel weird live after Streets.. .

yeah they're going to need to beef up their arrangement. It's typically played relatively bare bones, and a hair too slow. Maybe if they invite Noel Gallagher, or the Lumineers fella up to accompany them on vocals and acoustic guitar, they can inject some energy into it
yeah they're going to need to beef up their arrangement. It's typically played relatively bare bones, and a hair too slow. Maybe if they invite Noel Gallagher, or the Lumineers fella up to accompany them on vocals and acoustic guitar, they can inject some energy into it

Yeah, and if I recall, ISHFWILF came after the 1, 2 or 3 punch of Streets, IWF and OOC.

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Looking at the gaps in the schedule, do you think the 2nd nights will added the day after or day before the currently announced Date? For instance, Dublin added show could be Friday night, instead of the Sunday night
U2 think way too much. And this is coming from me, a guy who thinks way too much and has severe OCD. Maybe some U2 members have OCD too? lol

They just seem to hold back on albums and tamper with them for too long. I know there is perfecting music, but U2 take that too far! It just makes it seem like the band lacks confidence in their own music, especially when they feel the need to churn out youthful crap like GOYB and The Miracle as lead singles in an attempt to appeal to younger listeners, when they are bad songs.
They still might not play it in order, despite Edge's remarks. Adam said on RTE this morning that they haven't worked out how that will work yet. It wouldn't shock me if once they get into tour rehearsals, they decide not to play it in order. Personally, I think Streets makes a helluva closer, maybe transitioning out of Still Haven't?

They have the time to figure it out. I trust Edge's comments more. The thing doesn't make sense unless it's in order.
Probably. I guess it's just my aging hearing, but when he gets on that bullhorn I can't understand a damn word he is saying.

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My bluetooth hearing aids have a customized setting for this sort of thing. Worked beautifully on the floor during the ieTour. :up:
While it's great they are at least mentioning SOE, it's been close to being done for a long time.

We were all joking how the election would force them to rethink and sure enough it did.

Release it. If it's got a bunch of happy songs on it, maybe that's what the world needs?

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The album's done but they'd rather tour a 30 year old album ?

Really ?

I think "it's coming" comment in the Christmas video was telling. They're not quite done and/or can't play the songs live (see Dreamfest and NOT playing a new song).

Whether or not the "Trump and changed world" official spin is true...maybe.
Anyone who has tried to drive into and out of the Rose Bowl knows it's not in LA. Sigh.

PS. I've already started the list. It's next to the 18th hole of the golf course/parking lot. If you get here soon, you may be under 1000.

For 360 my friend and I parked the car in Chinatown and took the Metro yellow line up to Pasadena, with a not-too-long walk to the Bowl. Definitely doing that again.

end with ASOH

Good luck with that.

The Bullet rant is going to be EPIC.

"This guy comes up to me/face orange like a road construction cone/can't stop tweeting on his mobile phone..."
-U2 announce the JT 30th Anniversary and play amazing shows in the summer

-Most fans, older & newer, see the show and are blown away by the songs/show. Remember how awesome U2 is. (Member that time U2 played JT, I member)

-U2 have made mends with a good chunk of the fan base. And they really like that new song they played at the JT Tour in the summer

-U2 puts out SOE in the fall with that new song. Fans are excited for the new album because they played kick ass shows in the Summer on the JT Tour.

U2 is on good terms with the pubic again since the SOI/Apple debacle.
If this can lead to U2 getting a fourth act then yeah it'll be awesome.

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After all the hype of I+E tour, and Adam's commnets, I am still skeptical they play the whole album. They announced I+E with the marketing of playing two different sets each night, and then as soon as they got to rehearsals they threw that out.

The setlist is going to be very hard for them to keep the balance and theatrics they always strive with playing the whole album in sequence.

I hope they decide to play the whole thing but don't hold to sequence. I have seen lots of shows like that, with some of my favorite albums of all time and I always leaving wishing they mixed up the order. U2 have so many great opportunities for incredible transitions if they don't stick to the running order.
-U2 announce the JT 30th Anniversary and play amazing shows in the summer

-Most fans, older & newer, see the show and are blown away by the songs/show. Remember how awesome U2 is. (Member that time U2 played JT, I member)

-U2 have made mends with a good chunk of the fan base. And they really like that new song they played at the JT Tour in the summer

-U2 puts out SOE in the fall with that new song. Fans are excited for the new album because they played kick ass shows in the Summer on the JT Tour.

U2 is on good terms with the pubic again since the SOI/Apple debacle.

My thoughts exactly.
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