SO Jealous! Fresno/Hawaii

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Aug 27, 2004
At the bottom of the ocean, in the deepest sea
To all of you going the concert tonight, I just want to say I am SOOOOOOO jealous.

My best friend from law school is getting married this evening in Fresno, CA, and I'm just about out the door to leave for the haul up there.

I love her to death, but DAMN I wish I was going to Hawaii instead!! I had a chance to get tickets for Hawaii, but I knew her wedding would be on this date, so I sat back and watched everyone else get tix and over the past few weeks get more and more excited about the upcoming show.

I hope U2 live tonight blows you mind. I hope that you cry and scream and dance and laugh and jump for joy and just generally feel like you're going to burst with happiness . . . . well, at least that's how I've felt at my favorite U2 shows.

Enjoy! Have a blast! And for God's sake, REPORT BACK! I want to hear about every minute detail of the show tonight.

Well, I'm off to Fresno now.


:yes: What FitzChivalry said.

Have a great time Interferencers and a massive thank you to our boys for a fantastic tour. So sad it all has to end:heart:

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