Random U2 stuff and how you found it..

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Achtung Ya'll

War Child
Jun 12, 2000
North Carolina
So I'm sitting in this seedy little Tavern (my favorite place) in Starkville, MS the other day for happy hour having a drink with my friend when this guy walks in with this brown paper bag and sits down and starts having a beer. A few minutes later my friend nudges me and she says "you gotta have that." I look over and the guy is pulling stuff out of the brown paper bag and showing it to some other patrons.

He's holding this up:


I'm all "OH SHIT..I gotta have that! Where'd you get it?"

He says "Oh I've had it since it came out...it was a store display from this record store I worked in back when the album came out. You want it?"

"How much?"

"Two beers?"


So that's how I came upon a cool as hell, but badly bruised (it looked much better in the Tavern light :) ), original U2 "Boy" store display!
That's awesome dude!! One time I seriously considered snatching the HTDAAB display from Sam Goody's...I asked them if they'd sell it to me but they wouldn't :(

I have an issue of Guitar World with The Edge on the cover from 1987...that's probably not that impressive to most people, but I'm rather proud of it, especially since it came out a year before I was born :D they had a bunch of old back issues of GW at this little local music store called Sticks and Tones and they happened to have that one, so I had to get it! It's interesting to compare that article to the 2005 one, the article was from right after JT came out before they actually started touring... probably the weirdest thing was Edge talking about how U2 liked to keep their stage design simple and minimalistic! If only he knew what was gonna happen in a few years...
Achtung Ya'll said:
So I'm sitting in this seedy little Tavern (my favorite place) in Starkville, MS the other day for happy hour having a drink with my friend when this guy walks in with this brown paper bag and sits down and starts having a beer. A few minutes later my friend nudges me and she says "you gotta have that." I look over and the guy is pulling stuff out of the brown paper bag and showing it to some other patrons.

He's holding this up:


I'm all "OH SHIT..I gotta have that! Where'd you get it?"

He says "Oh I've had it since it came out...it was a store display from this record store I worked in back when the album came out. You want it?"

"How much?"

"Two beers?"


So that's how I came upon a cool as hell, but badly bruised (it looked much better in the Tavern light :) ), original U2 "Boy" store display!

Holy shit. When I was in elementary school during the 80's my art teacher had that same poster up on the art room wall. I never thought I'd see that poster again!
NICE!!! What a great find...you where at the right place at the right time...2 beers eh?:wink:
Re: Re: Random U2 stuff and how you found it..

Holy shit. When I was in elementary school during the 80's my art teacher had that same poster up on the art room wall. I never thought I'd see that poster again!

Really? That's cool!!

Congrats, Achtung Ya' ll -- it's a very nice thing!
I have a promotional poster for the Boy album that has Bono in a white shirt and mullet singing with "I Will Follow" on one side. The other side has the U.S. album cover with a bunch of blurbs from critics praising the album on top and a listing of tour dates for 1980-1981 on the bottom.

I found it enclosed in a promo copy of a Boy LP I purchased at a record shop a few years ago. I'm thinking about framing it.

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