Random Music CXXVI: The Woy Eet Eez

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Re: biographies, my first priority would be DLR’s own book Crazy From the Heat, which I can’t imagine wouldn’t be a trip. I’d prefer an audiobook read by the author in this case, for obvious reasons.

Apparently he recorded chapter one of the book and it was included on promo CD singles of the song "Don't Piss Me Off", but he never did the entire book for audio. Certainly would be fun to hear the book in his voice.
I just can't believe there's a human being alive who would sincerely write a post like that first one I linked to. Maybe Winnie the Pooh, but not a human.
Well, looks like this user stumbled upon Out of Control, so now there are FOUR people who are posting daily what their last fart smelled like, or whatever.
Anybody listened to Silver Jews? I wasn't aware Stephen Malkmus was a member of the band. The debut is like a darker Pavement record.
Anybody listened to Silver Jews? I wasn't aware Stephen Malkmus was a member of the band. The debut is like a darker Pavement record.

They're one of my favorites. I love their sleepy and comforting yet sardonic sound. Some of the best lyrics of the era and a number of memorable tunes. American Water is their peak.

Also, check out lead singer David Berman's new project Purple Mountains. Their debut sounds a lot like Silver Jews and the lyrics are about his recent divorce and spiraling self-image. It's really dark but far more musically upbeat than one would expect.
They're one of my favorites. I love their sleepy and comforting yet sardonic sound. Some of the best lyrics of the era and a number of memorable tunes. American Water is their peak.

Also, check out lead singer David Berman's new project Purple Mountains. Their debut sounds a lot like Silver Jews and the lyrics are about his recent divorce and spiraling self-image. It's really dark but far more musically upbeat than one would expect.

I second the Purple Mountains recommendation. One of my favorite releases in recent months.
gave all things must pass a listen today, and it really can't be overstated how mindbogglingly great this album is. it's pretty easily the best solo beatles album to me and i'd even put it up there with the very best beatles albums.

i absolutely adore the slide guitar in this track:

^Not at all surprising, in fact pretty much assumed for years. But concrete evidence is nice. Would also be nice if something were done to stop it, but that's like asking Bono to pass a Vegas buffet and head to the salad bar instead.
I saw Viagogo got suspended or something this week. ^That is not surprising at all.

Saw James Blake last night. Was fantastic. I really, really enjoy his new album. A lot of the new songs are love songs, so this whole 'sad boy' joke doesn't even really make sense anymore. Assume Form, sadly, didn't quite translate super well live for me, though.

Life Round Here was sick, but unfortunately the apex of the song, a monstrous, driving, alarm beat set to flickering red and blue lights happened to line up with a girl near us fainting, which was a bit of a bummer. Love Me in Whatever Way gets off to a slow start but he does this opera-esque vocal part as it picks up steam which is amazing. Can't Believe the Way We Flow, Mile High and Barefoot in the Park were all really good. Where's the Catch sounded absolutely sick. (Metro Boomin, Rosalia and Three Stacks vocals all on tape.)

He's got a new song called Loathe to Roam which went immediately into more JB Rushmore. It's a soaring song with some really propulsive, uplifting, indie-rock style swirling synth. Watch out for that track. Up next was Voyeur which was just absolutely nuts, my fav song of his for a reason. They extended it out to about 10 minutes, it was wild. He's also got a drummer (on traditional and electronic drums and cowbell) and a dude who works with a gigantic modular synthesiser, as well as a smaller one, and a guitar that he uses to create all these otherworldly effects. Blake describes him as an astronaut. Seriously, the thing is huge and has a million knobs and cords.

Introducing The Wilhelm Scream, he says his dad wrote it - I actually had no idea about this??? But his dad is James Litherland, who was in a prog rock band called Colosseum, who I've also never heard of. This is the original, it's stunning how similar their vocals are (at least in the early part of the song). Might have to like into him/them, cos this is very Floyd-y.

Encore was Don't Miss It, which was just beautiful, especially with James' introduction, talking about his mental health, how he's happy to still be alive, and why there's never been a better time to reach out and talk to someone if you're struggling, particularly men, who are demonised for mental health problems (this touches my heart, as I work for a preventative mental health and emotional intelligence organisation that works with boys and men called The Man Cave). It was beautiful.

There was this fucking cunt in front of me who had his phone up filming for like two minutes, he had it right in mine and Em's and others' line of sight. I tapped him on the shoulder, and he didn't respond. I tapped him again and he turned around all pissed off, and I said mate I can't see. He stropped and goes "well move somewhere else" and then put his phone down. Fucking arsehole. Like I am not against phones at gigs, and wouldn't support a ban, I use mine to take photos and very occasionally a really short video. But if you're going to do it, be empathetic. Put your phone somewhere that's not in a direct line of sight, and don't fucking film for ages. Like there's going to be hundreds of clips of the song you're filming on Youtube, most in much better quality. And there were heaps of people chattering too which was really annoying, although we weren't standing in a great spot.
Some of these are really good and feel real and others are *way* too wordy.

Like, Life on Mars is really good. Nick Cave, on the other hand, is almost good, but then has one paragraph block too many.
Or, like, Under Pressure. Why is that last block of text there in the bottom left corner?
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