Random facts and confessions, post-tour edition.

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Knowing you have to make a change. But what change? How much? How far? How do you defeat the mind? That's all it's coming down to, for me, the mind.

I hope it's just my mind.
I'm at a place right now in my life where I have no idea where I stand. There is no clear direction to anything. I just don't know. I'm blank.
I think I have some hearing loss after going to my cousin's wedding a couple of weeks ago. They were playing music full blast during the dinner and dancing afterwards and now I feel like I have to turn my music up louder than I used to in my car and on my computer. It wasn't even this bad after seeing U2.
I'm really starting to think that the vast majority of my female facebook friends are insane (Interference members excluded, of course...everyone here is totally and completely sane... :shifty: ). The guys aren't as universally bonkers, although there are certainly a few serious nutjobs too. Good lord, where do they all come from?
it's my son's grand final day today and I am a basket case :panic: :lol: :doh: they are just such a gorgeous team of kids, they have worked their asses off this season and they have all been so accepting of him as the new (and littlest) kid on the block and I just can't believe how much I want this for him, for them and for his amazing coaches . . . resumes pacing :panic: :)
:loveshower: so so so so soooooooooooooooo proud of them all ~ it wasn't their best game of football to be sure but they found their feet in the second half and just played the game they know; nothing fancy, just sheer hard work and determination :)

favourite moment? the roar from his team mates and coaches when his name was called to collect his premiers pendant . . . my heart is still singing :applaud:

it has been a magnificent day :yes:
A friend's oldest daughters are in Vogue (the online edition at least) as Artist of the Week. It's very cool to see. :)
Thinking about getting a tattoo for my birthday, one to commemorate my father, and U2 lyrics to coincide with that. I'm going to choose lyrics that are personal to me, but some general ideas might be nice. What would be good U2 lyrics to use in memory of someone?
I'm very nearly at the point where I feel like I hate my younger sister. She's 14, going through puberty, all the rest of it, but I'm really not sure any other girls are giving their families as much grief as she is? I would estimate that 95% of our problems are caused either directly or indirectly through her. I just got home from work and Mum stormed out the front door past me. She refused to go to school today because she "felt sick" (I'd be more inclined to believe her if we weren't at a boy-who-cried-wolf stage) but was totally fine by 1pm. So all day long Mum, who has been through breast cancer, has had to deal with her shit, which includes lying in bed all day, not taking medicine when asked, deliberately ignoring tasks given to her because all of a sudden she is too sick/tired to pick up a tissue and put it in the bin. She behaves like a bitch far more often than not and when she isn't being a self-centred idiot pushing my Mum beyond breaking point (she spends her mornings screaming at my sister and then the same when she gets home from school) I'm still so angry about the bad behaviour that I can't find it in myself to be nice. Mum's too lenient with her as well, so in spite of how badly she's behaved tonight she will still be allowed to go to a party on Friday. She also refuses to get off her iPod (Facebook) when asked, making everyone in the family extremely angry.

Last week she had her shit all over the dinner table, and Mum was just about finished dishing up tea, and needed the table to be cleared. So she asked her nicely, and she said yes, I'll clean up, but first let me tell you about this funny status that my friend made on Facebook. We're all waiting for her to clear the table of the laptop, pencil case, books, everything. She finishes on the laptop and then gets up and says she'll do it once she gets changed and tapes 15 shows on TV. Mum was literally ready to put all the food on the table but no, she had to tape TV shows and spend five minutes getting changed first. So I flipped my fucking shit, started jumping up and down, screaming, and then she decided well, that's it, someone was mean to me, so I'm leaving everything on the table for someone else to clean and I'm not coming out of my room until everyone comes in says sorry it's all our fault you're perfect. I kicked a wall and walked out of the house for 10 minutes.

Sorry to say Cobbler, but she sounds like a spoilt little brat to me.

Perhaps talk to your parents about it, not when things blow up, but on a calm moment, when she's out. Hopefully they'll see that her behaviour is NOT just a teenager in puberty, but it's just shit behaviour. She's a kid, kids need strictness. Sure, they'll revolt and try to push the boundaries, but for that to happen, they need boundaries first! If they don't have them, they'll keep their shitty behaviour up because nothing's stopping them.

Her response to your outburst says all, victim role. She needs to learn that the world doesn't revolve around her.
The woman is a walking nightmare. We believe, (but no one really knows for certain) that she burnt down 2 different houses, 5 different times to try and keep from getting it taken away from her cause she was going into bankruptcy. Scratched up her car before it got repo'd. Sorta like a 'if I can't have it, no one can' mentality. She is freaking insane.

Just to let you guys know that her house has burnt, yet again. It was moved to a different location and her light pole had been completely changed and somehow it caught fire again, just today. Conveniently everyone was outside when it happened for the 6th time. I am not fucking kidding.
I'm very nearly at the point where I feel like I hate my younger sister. She's 14, going through puberty, all the rest of it, but I'm really not sure any other girls are giving their families as much grief as she is? I would estimate that 95% of our problems are caused either directly or indirectly through her. I just got home from work and Mum stormed out the front door past me. She refused to go to school today because she "felt sick" (I'd be more inclined to believe her if we weren't at a boy-who-cried-wolf stage) but was totally fine by 1pm. So all day long Mum, who has been through breast cancer, has had to deal with her shit, which includes lying in bed all day, not taking medicine when asked, deliberately ignoring tasks given to her because all of a sudden she is too sick/tired to pick up a tissue and put it in the bin. She behaves like a bitch far more often than not and when she isn't being a self-centred idiot pushing my Mum beyond breaking point (she spends her mornings screaming at my sister and then the same when she gets home from school) I'm still so angry about the bad behaviour that I can't find it in myself to be nice. Mum's too lenient with her as well, so in spite of how badly she's behaved tonight she will still be allowed to go to a party on Friday. She also refuses to get off her iPod (Facebook) when asked, making everyone in the family extremely angry.

Last week she had her shit all over the dinner table, and Mum was just about finished dishing up tea, and needed the table to be cleared. So she asked her nicely, and she said yes, I'll clean up, but first let me tell you about this funny status that my friend made on Facebook. We're all waiting for her to clear the table of the laptop, pencil case, books, everything. She finishes on the laptop and then gets up and says she'll do it once she gets changed and tapes 15 shows on TV. Mum was literally ready to put all the food on the table but no, she had to tape TV shows and spend five minutes getting changed first. So I flipped my fucking shit, started jumping up and down, screaming, and then she decided well, that's it, someone was mean to me, so I'm leaving everything on the table for someone else to clean and I'm not coming out of my room until everyone comes in says sorry it's all our fault you're perfect. I kicked a wall and walked out of the house for 10 minutes.


Ok,I am one year younger than your sister so we practicly have some things in common,but I cannot imagine myself doing these things,show no respect to my family and dissapoint the others.I believe that she should show bigger respect to you and your family.I have an older sister(she is almost seventeen) that acts a littlebit worse than that,but trust me,I know what you are going through.She is always away from the house,out with her friends and the entire day the only things I can tell her are"Good morning","how are you" and "Good night.Have sweet dreams".One day they will both understand that their behaivor was wrong and they won't act like that again.So be a littlebit patient and you will see the difference(a least thats what I'm doing and HOPING for my sister and me)!!!
Sorry to say Cobbler, but she sounds like a spoilt little brat to me.

Perhaps talk to your parents about it, not when things blow up, but on a calm moment, when she's out. Hopefully they'll see that her behaviour is NOT just a teenager in puberty, but it's just shit behaviour. She's a kid, kids need strictness. Sure, they'll revolt and try to push the boundaries, but for that to happen, they need boundaries first! If they don't have them, they'll keep their shitty behaviour up because nothing's stopping them.

Her response to your outburst says all, victim role. She needs to learn that the world doesn't revolve around her.

Right now,I would actually say that you are wrong in order to deffend all the other kids,but I can't because this is all true.I don't want to show off and make you think that I am a douche,but I have to say that I always obey and do everything that my parents ask me to do and excacly that moment.I want to do everything in order to not dissapoint them.So some kids do not have that bad behavior(I wish that was true about my sister too!!!) and I am sure that I also don't(ok,sometimes I might do something stupid like break a vase or something:doh::whistle::shh:,but I always apologise and try to show that I didn't want to do that).
Right now,I would actually say that you are wrong in order to deffend all the other kids,but I can't because this is all true.I don't want to show off and make you think that I am a douche,but I have to say that I always obey and do everything that my parents ask me to do and excacly that moment.I want to do everything in order to not dissapoint them.So some kids do not have that bad behavior(I wish that was true about my sister too!!!) and I am sure that I also don't(ok,sometimes I might do something stupid like break a vase or something:doh::whistle::shh:,but I always apologise and try to show that I didn't want to do that).

I'm not quite sure what exactly it is I said that is wrong here... :scratch:
I'm not quite sure what exactly it is I said that is wrong here... :scratch:

There is nothing wrong that you said.It's just usually kids get offended with things that sound normal and not wrong to the others(let's just say that it is in our DNA,but I don't do that) and I just said what I said in order to deffend "my nation"!:eeklaugh: I personaly just said that you are right!!!
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