Pittsburgh Setlist Party

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talk about snippet. I think we only got B singing two lines of it. Thanks for the vid, Lila. And so quickly too!
About time Two Hearts gets some acknowledgement!

Talk about an underrated, overlooked U2 song!!
Very nice to see Bad close, but I'm a bit puzzled over Bono's intro..back in the mid-late 80s he used to say that the song was about a close friend who "on his 21st birthday..was given enough heroin to kill him". I always took that - and I doubt I'm alone - to mean that the friend didn't make it through.

Wow..great version of Bad, awesome way to end the US shows..they looked really happy at the end.

One more show. :sad:
Mercy holy crap fawk.


I've waited for this to happen. And it happened. The ultimate song.

I got another shout out. .....

Bono and I had a nexus during Bad. Wow. Whoa.....

I'm in shock.....

I'm picking up the pieces of my life right now.

I dunno how I'm gonna adjust to regular life.
Thanks for posting...FINALLY a good chunky "Bad" (almost 9 minutes!!!) - sadly though, this should have ended each show on this tour. Damn.

No, Bad is special and it has to remain special. Still I think they should have played it a little more often, but certainly not on every show. It also puts a lot of strain on Bono's voice. Judging from the video I'd say he was either exhausted or emotional or possibly both. Great performance of a special song. I heard Bad for the first and only time in Rome and I'll never forget that.
I was just looking on the u2gigs and thinking about Bad. Having had seen U2 in Dublin and London in 2009 I had the good fortune of seeing the song played more than most fans.

It actually is played much more sporadically than most might think. Looks like the performance last night was something special. The Bad/40/Fool to Cry/Walk on the Wild Side trilogy certainly was special.
That was a really good performance of Bad.


U2 played such a blstering version of "Bad" last night that words fail me. They cannot possibly explain the feeling, that raw naked emotion that song evokes the way they played it last night! :drool::happydance:
Don't let me out Of this sound! :applaud: :pray::pray::pray:
Last night was amazing. FREAKING BAD. :heart:

And apparently I was the one to break the news? :crack:
Good to know my furious mad dash to my texting screen during the opening chords was worth it, lol.

I am going to be so sad during the Moncton party. :sad:
I will have a full report of last night and all my pics up on LJ & FB shortly.

Highlight for me (besides Bad):
I MET BONO AND EDGE!! :hyper: We have autographs on our NLOTH cd booklet and the back of my AB cd booklet. :D
Mr CK and I got lots of pics of them as they moved down the line signing, and Bono even rubbed my itty bitty baby bump once I told him I was expecting! :love:
(I'm 9 weeks at this point, so there's not much there lol)
I promise pics soon - I'm still recovering from an amazing end to our 360 ventures!
I'm still recovering too but need to handle some jobbie job crap first. Ugh.

Congrats on meeting B & E!!!

I have a great pic of Adam's belly for you. Then he went and put a shirt on! :angry:

Post-tour depression hasn't sunk in yet -- I am riding on a BAD high!!!!
I'm still recovering too but need to handle some jobbie job crap first. Ugh.

Congrats on meeting B & E!!!

I have a great pic of Adam's belly for you. Then he went and put a shirt on! :angry:

Post-tour depression hasn't sunk in yet -- I am riding on a BAD high!!!!

Ooh Adam belly. :drool::drool:
Post-tour depression will kick in fully by the 30th :sad:
Right now I'm riding that Pittsburgh high!
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