PGP: Waiting for some Crumbs From U2's Table

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I know what you mean, VP, about seeing "Dirty Dancing" so many times you can recite the lines. When it was on in the theaters back in the day, it was finally moved to the theater that had $1 admission on Tuesday nights. My sister and I ditched our aqua-aerobics class every Tuesday night for 10 weeks to go see it. It got so that people were reciting the lines along with the movie, like at "Rocky Horror Picture Show." Good times! :love:

Omg, Patrick Swayze. :love: :drool:

I never did see it in theatres. My niece (she's only 5 yrs younger than me) introduced me to it on VHS.Sarah was a baby then, and I didn't get out a lot. :lol: I played that to death, and then loaned it to my neighbour, and her video player chewed it :angry: so I bought a new copy. Then the dvd. I'm pretty sure I've never seen a movie as many times as I've seen that. :lol: Runners up would be Shawshank Redemption and A Christmas Story.
Hi, y'all! There is one shot of Patrick Swayze in that movie that just melts me every time, and I've never been able to find a photo of it. It's near the end of the movie when he "crashes" the end-of-season show and is going to dance on-stage with Baby. He goes back stage to get the music set up, and there's a shot of him looking out toward the stage; and he does this little nod of his head, and he looks so good. Swooooon! :drool:
I'm almost positive it was a spiral fracture. None of the important details get past me. :lol: All I know is I have rods in my leg and plates between my foot and ankle. I'm the bionic woman. :wink:

That actually makes me feel relieved. I've been worried that it would be tough for me to get back on the floor serving and even more long term, the impact on my nursing career.

ETA: Hi MsPurrl! :wave:

Nah, you'll be fine. :hug: I remember telling Dazzled though, Sarah had been off of hers so long that she was terrified when she started physio, scared she'd hurt it more...irrational, but I can totally understand feeling that way. Her PT was awesome and explained the biology of broken bones healing, and that it would literally be stronger than it was before the break within a year. The first session she had when she really tested it, she cried. It was really emotional for her.

I'm sure you'll do just as well. :hug:
Hi, y'all! There is one shot of Patrick Swayze in that movie that just melts me every time, and I've never been able to find a photo of it. It's near the end of the movie when he "crashes" the end-of-season show and is going to dance on-stage with Baby. He goes back stage to get the music set up, and there's a shot of him looking out toward the stage; and he does this little nod of his head, and he looks so good. Swooooon! :drool:

The scene where he's mouthing the words, nods his head and crinkles his eyes??? OMG, YES!!!!!!!! Swoon-worthy, that scene is. It's extremely odd for me to have an actor crush, I'm more of a musician girl, but my god, he was hotter than hell in that move.
The scene where he's mouthing the words, nods his head and crinkles his eyes??? OMG, YES!!!!!!!! Swoon-worthy, that scene is. It's extremely odd for me to have an actor crush, I'm more of a musician girl, but my god, he was hotter than hell in that move.

That's a good 'un, too; but the one I'm thinking of is before they start to dance, and he's backstage. It's a very quick shot.
I have only seen part of Dirty Dancing. :reject:

VP, thanks for the reassurance. :hug: The biggest thing that's freaking me out right now is the fear my staples will come off of my knee. Logically, I know they're secure. But when I'm doing my bending exercises, I get freaked out that if I bend my knee too much, they'll come out. :reject: Ugh, can't wait for 'em to be out.

I'm going to stop before I begin a rant about the evils of surgical staples. :lol:
I'm looking for a you tube video of the exact second. :lol:

DG, I don't remember the year, I just know that I couldn't see Arcade Fire in the small club surprise concert because of her. :angry: :lol:
I have only seen part of Dirty Dancing. :reject:

VP, thanks for the reassurance. :hug: The biggest thing that's freaking me out right now is the fear my staples will come off of my knee. Logically, I know they're secure. But when I'm doing my bending exercises, I get freaked out that if I bend my knee too much, they'll come out. :reject: Ugh, can't wait for 'em to be out.

I'm going to stop before I begin a rant about the evils of surgical staples. :lol:

When do you get the staples out? I had them for my c-section, and they're pretty strong. No problem at all, and they're a breeze coming out.
VintagePunk said:
I'm looking for a you tube video of the exact second. :lol:

DG, I don't remember the year, I just know that I couldn't see Arcade Fire in the small club surprise concert because of her. :angry: :lol:

How dare she inconvenience you like that while she was living it up. :tsk: :lol:

Ha! I came across the post where you told Sarah that watching a performance of Walk On might inspire her while she recovered. :lmao:
VintagePunk said:
When do you get the staples out? I had them for my c-section, and they're pretty strong. No problem at all, and they're a breeze coming out.

A week from Tuesday.

I know they're strong, it's just an irrational fear. Like I feel them pulling and it freaks me out. :reject: Oh, and they itch like hell. :|

I think I may have to watch it this weekend. I still love all the music from it! :love:

How dare she inconvenience you like that while she was living it up. :tsk: :lol:

Ha! I came across the post where you told Sarah that watching a performance of Walk On might inspire her while she recovered. :lmao:

I know!! :angry:

Omg, I still laugh when I think about that! A totally unintentional faux-pas with someone with an hours-long broken leg. Maybe a song about walking might make you feel better?? :reject: :lol:
Btw, in that clip, when Kelly Bishop says "she gets this from me," it never, ever fails to make me laugh out loud. Emily Gilmour. :heart:

She's a sassy lady. I approve. :D And it makes me giggle too, having seen her in other things since then.

That reminds me - I need to catch up on Bunheads. I've seen 2 episodes, I think, but there's got to be more by now...

Sorry! But I'm pretty sure I read that! :(

My ex used to tease me so much about that movie, and my Patrick Swayze love.

:lol: No worries. My day isn't ruined. :D
She's a sassy lady. I approve. :D And it makes me giggle too, having seen her in other things since then.

That reminds me - I need to catch up on Bunheads. I've seen 2 episodes, I think, but there's got to be more by now...

:lol: No worries. My day isn't ruined. :D

How is Bunheads?? I still harbour ill feelings toward Amy for the way she left the show. I hold a grudge, apparently. :lol:
How is Bunheads?? I still harbour ill feelings toward Amy for the way she left the show. I hold a grudge, apparently. :lol:

It's very GG-ey. It's cute. It's nothing ground breaking, but I liked the episodes I saw.

There is only one reason why I would ever want to watch Bunheads.

It has Alan Ruck. *may or may not have a slight crush on him* :shh: :shifty:

Well, I hate to spoil things for you, but he's only in one episode. :lol: It's probably not worth your time, then. :wink:

ETA - not it for thread creating either.
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