NBA Playoffs 2015

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Will try and catch a replay somewhere. Pissed it happened to fall on the same day as the one time in my 24-and-a-half years that I pretended to care about boxing.

that's the advantage of paying Time Warner cable $200 a month and paying PPV $100, my cable box will record one channel and let me watch another

oh, and I get all the Dodgers games, too.
Far be it from me to question Popovich, but maybe his strategy of coasting 3/4 of the regular season is not the greatest idea given the grueling first-round series he got his team into.

It's a catch 22.

He knows his team is too old to go the entire season at an elite level. That last regular season loss killed them.

I think his résumé speaks for it's self, though... so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
That press release is quite something.

"We did not believe the allegations then, and we do not believe them now".

Fucking infuriating.
Honestly, isn't this comparable to the Sterling awfulness in LA? I mean, putting a guy who was convicted of sexual harassment in charge of a women's basketball team is mind-boggling.
So this morning Larry Brown said the Sixers had Paul Pierce second on their draft board in 1998 but passed on him with the eighth pick "because we'd already told Larry Hughes we would draft him eighth" and now I'm vomiting everywhere and my vision is getting very blurry.
Paul didn't want to play the right way.

A young Paul Pierce playing aside Iverson would have been a tad interesting... not sure it would have worked out quite as well as you'd think. Pierce was a chucker up until KG arrived late in his career. I get the feeling that they would have clashed with each other.
Tell me about it. Hughes was supposed to be LeBron's sidekick the first time through Cleveland, and I don't need to tell anyone how that went.
I don't know why New York gave up on Shumpert. This guy is super versatile, a great defender, and can score in several different ways. He's been a hell of an acquisition.
Calling it: team that wins this game wins the series.

And I don't think we're winning this one.
No Love and a hobbled Irving and we can't close them out. I'm fucking livid.

Grizzlies or Clippers are about to get a gift.
Jesus that was insane. Rose has been tough as hell in this series, gotta admire that. I'm very worried about Kyrie, though.
I just don't think we're ready yet. Too many scoring droughts. With Pau, I'm sure the result would have been different, but again, with Love and a healthy Irving it would have been even more lopsided. Cavs are just a step ahead, although this is indeed a very good Bulls team.
Selectively fouling an atrocious free throw shooter can be a useful tactic, but doing it for an entire half and eviscerating your entire defense by getting everyone in foul trouble is probably not the best idea.
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