My Beautiful Day - Meeting Adam & Bono at HQ 07-03-2008

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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WILD HONEY, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I LOVE the way you wrote about your "encounter of the closest kind" !!!!

I felt like I was reading a fanfic story!!!!

Bono is the best. and it great to know that MOST of us U2 fans stick together and help each other out!!!

Wild, Wild are you there???? come back to us, Wild:yippie: :up: :combust: :applaud: :dancing:
WildHoney said:
...and then at about 12.30am the door opened and there stood Bono looking like a sex God glowing with celestial light as he beckoned us over :drool::combust:

This is the best line in the whole story Wild. If Bono reads your story I'm sure he'll be laughing hysterically at this...I know I was. What a thrill for you...and I love the photo of Bono and you...priceless.

Thanks for sharing.
OMG! If Bono had asked me "Have I had you yet?" I would not have been able to stop myself from giving him a saucy answer!! Something like "You would definitely have remembered if you'd had me, Bono."


Carrie Anderson said:
OMG! If Bono had asked me "Have I had you yet?" I would not have been able to stop myself from giving him a saucy answer!! Something like "You would definitely have remembered if you'd had me, Bono."



:lol: :yes:
Thanks for you your kind thoughts & words

Wish i'd been able to take more photos for you :sigh:

Carrie Anderson said:
OMG! If Bono had asked me "Have I had you yet?" I would not have been able to stop myself from giving him a saucy answer!! Something like "You would definitely have remembered if you'd had me, Bono."



You have NO idea how hard it was to remain ladylike and not let the thoughts running through my brain escape.... i didn't want to scare him off :shifty:
Hello WildHoney, I saw that you sent me an e-mail about my Dublin trip. I couldn't respond by PM since I'm not a premium member. I figured this would be an appropriate thread to post my reply.

I'm not going to be in Dublin at all on Monday since we're going on a whole-day hiking excursion to the Wicklow Mountains (which I've heard are beautiful though.) I'll try to come around some of the other days instead if I get the time to pay a visit. I will try to get there around 14:00-15:00 when I heard they usually sneak out to greet the fans.

EDIT: Ooh...I just realized you sent the original e-mail to me by e-mail not PM :p Oh well, at least it prevents you from getting a full inbox.
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Popped over on the off chance for a couple of days

Arrived on Sunday with Anji and we had tea at the Octogon Bar, the Cookies & Creanm cocktail :drool:, the barman made it for us even though it's no longer on the menu :bow:

We arrived at HQ at 12.00 and there was a guy from Manchester who'd been there snce 9.30. A couple from Belguim soon arrived after us along with an guy from LA. ( i do know their names but i'm protecting the innocent here :lol: )

Sam & Dallas had been seen at this point, so we were hopefully of some of the band turning up, although someone had already said they'd been told that Bono & Adam weren't around.

12.30, and who was walking up the road , none other than Daniel Lanois. we shouted hello and he came over to us, graciously signing for us all and posing for photos.

We had a laugh and joke around as we waited for one of the boys to turn up. At 2.20 edge drove into the garage followed by Larry at 2.35 ( who reversed in one go, very impressive but he's used to doing it now!! ) . It was a lovely sunny day so we sat and exchanged our U2 experiences.

Other fans came & went during the day , and for the most part we let Sam get on with his job. Taking in deliveries etc, i smiled at him when he looked our way but we didn't call out. At one point a van turned up and the double doors next to the main door were opened. A painting was removed from the stiudios and loaded into the van. I saw through to a room, and out to the other side so i could see the water. I didn't take a photo as Sam was watching...

At 8.30 Daniel left , but Larry didn't leave until about 12.30am as usual straight out and speed off. we waited for Edge who reversed out of the garage at 1245 to 1am ish. he drove upto the door, reversed into a spot by the kurb and called us over. There was 5 of us by now, ( The night was freezing) , we walked over in an orderly fashion and got our autographs and photos and then Edge speed of into the night.

Anji & I had got a card & gift for Bono and Edge was going to take it but Sam said he'd make sure Bono got it. After the Edge had gone Sam told us that the band had gone and that it would be the same again tomorrow as Bono & Adam weren't in town. Some one asked when Bono woul dbe back and where was he . Sam said he didn't know and that we know Bono.

I genuinely think Sam had no idea where Bono was or when he'd be back :lol:

Someone asked me if i was disappointed, that i hadn't met Bono.

I answered that it was at first but thinking about it in 2 attempts i'd met Bono, Adam & Edge and they is many fans out there that haven't had that experience.
Daniel :love::bow:


That's awesome, Wild! :yippie: :hug: You're so lucky :D

Larry Mullen Jr.: Drummer in the world's best band, and all-round expert in high-speed reverse parking... :giggle:

Great pics!! Thanks for sharing. :up:
Re: ****UPDATE******UPDATE*********UPDATE************

WildHoney said:
Popped over on the off chance for a couple of days

Arrived on Sunday with Anji and we had tea at the Octogon Bar, the Cookies & Creanm cocktail :drool:, the barman made it for us even though it's no longer on the menu :bow:

Oh god I could have drank that all night :drool: :drool: Wouldn't have made HQ the next day tho :lol:
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Oh Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire ... “Come on, let the ladies through now." The sea of men parted....

what a knight and shining armor of a guy !! :hyper: :hyper: He couldn't have been more "gallant".

:applaud: :applaud: :applaud:

SO HAPPY FOR YOU! It's fun to almost vicariously enjoy meeting the boys through others. Congrats on your beautiful day!!!

Loved your story. Love that man. :kiss:
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Hey WildHoney!
Haven't been here for a while but look what I find when I do drop in.

CONGRATULATIONS! on meeting the boys!
What a great story :)

"have I had you yet?" LOL

gotta love Bono

so pleased for you

omg @ "have i had you yet..?"

uhauishausahagsagsa! :drool:

i would've died/fainted/etc lmao.

************YET ANOTHER UPDATE**************************

Went on my vacation to Ireland, and as per usual had a night in Dublin..

Checked into the Clarence:drool:, the receptionist said "oh you've stayed here before"

I said "Yes, usually for our wedding Anniversary"

She said" Oh it's your 10th?"

I said "No it's now our 16th :lol:"

We were escorted to our room, ( i gone all out and booked a river view room), we went to the 5th floor. When he opened the door me & NI were like :shocked: , we'd been upgraded to a one bedroom suite :drool:.

When we'd been left alone we were like 2 kids in a sweet shop, we couldn't believe it. Then i reminded him we had some "sightseeing" to do and we walked off down the quays to that all to familiar place, HQ.

We got there about 2pmish and we were told They were all there except Larry ( who hasn't been seen for 10 days) Bono joked that he'd restrained him in a straightjacket and hidden him in the basement) with a friend of mine the week before :lol:

The weather was mostly ok, had a few light showers but Ni didn't have a coat.

Adam came out at 10.30pm,and headed straight to us, he told us he thought he'd come out then rather than later, yet again my pen run out again, and i laughed saying it always runs out when i met him :lol:

He laughed and asked who took the photo

I told him i had and it was either Toronto or Chicago when i was front of elipse

He said it was awesome, he asked if anyone had a silver pen to sign (as my pen wouldn't work) and signed it for me

I apologised that it didn't and turned and aplogised to the other fans saying i wasn't intentionally hogging Adam. :shifty:He posed for another photo :heart:

Sam brought Bono's car out of the garage at 12amish and parked at the door, around 12.30 Bono came out saying he wasn't stopping for autographs or photos as he'd been up 24 hours, Ni said he headed straight for me and grabbed my arm, all i remember is feeling his flesh on mine :drool: he went to carry on and then turned back to sign my setlist.

He looked sooooooooo tired , poor baby. When i gave him the pen he turned it up the wrong way tried to sign, looked at the pen realised he had it the wrong way then turned the nip the right way then signed, he signed 3 other autographs with my pen then looked at the pen paused then got into the car and drove off, beeping his horn...

My pen & Bono went into the night :grumpy:

You could tell he was tired, he didn't have his normal "bounce", he didn't need to sign for me but he did:heart: I wish he knew how much it meant.I know it's the wrong way but at least i got to meet him again.

I was going to go to HQ briefly today but i twistered my knee and can hardly walk now, i take it as a sign that my journey is yet to be day i will get him to sign on the right side

I'd like to say a big thank you to NI, who stood in the sun and the rain, and went without beer and took photos of me and the boys. And not once did he complain :heart:
And the back of my head & the one and only

Bono :drool::combust::heart:



Ni said that he had a fantastic profile of Bono & me but he remember what i said about Bono's eye problems and realising the flash would have gone straight over Bono's glasses and into his eyes , NI didn't take it :hug: :heart::bow:
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