Most Random U2 live moments

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Jan 22, 2008
Its almost that time again-360 will be up and running again in just a few weeks!

This got me thinking, what do you all think have been the most random live moments from U2?

They can be planned or improvised, doesn't particularly matter. Just something that shocked the hell out of you to see.

Here are mine:

(I am assuming) Planned: 12/27/89 performance of Two Hearts Beat As One, when the song had not been touched for years before that and has not been touched since.

Unplanned: Vertigo Boston 5/26/05, Bono screams for Out of Control and it takes 3 or 4 tries to get Adam's attention so he can switch over from WOWY.

I could go on and on, but your thoughts?
Probably when Edge smashed his Rickenbacker after that (rather good) performance of Gone on Elevation Live from Boston. It really surprised me when I first saw it and it was so unexpected.

I always thought they just cut in the trashing of the Rickenbacker from the other night to make it look a bit more rock and roll :lol: wasn't the other night in Boston a bit of a disaster, prompting Edge to have a couple of words with Larry at the end of that song?
I always thought they just cut in the trashing of the Rickenbacker from the other night to make it look a bit more rock and roll :lol: wasn't the other night in Boston a bit of a disaster, prompting Edge to have a couple of words with Larry at the end of that song?

I think during Gone Edge's guitar was supposedly out of tune or something. He was really mad because of it and he seemed frustrated during the shots from the other show. That lead up to him smashing it.

That's one story. The other is that Larry ended Gone too soon or messed up the ending or something and it really pissed Edge off. He went to have a word with Larry at the end. I think the audio is from the 2nd night. So I guess we won't ever know unless U2 answer about this situation. There are a number of things possible that could have caused him to smash that guitar.
boston vertigo tour, front row inside the ellipse: bono reaches down to the girl next to me, takes off her scarf, wraps it around his neck and then sings the lines (from UTTEOTW) "...You know I love the element of surprise. In the garden I was playing the tart, I kissed your lips and broke your heart"...with the HUGEST gay-lisp imaginable.

it was on the other side of fabulous... :drool:
Fuck me, how has this never been mentioned before?! That is crazy that they would just give him 6 minutes of the show like that. Haha 'God bless you man, now fuck off!', :lol:
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