Montreal II Setlist Party

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:) I loveth the claw :)

I just wished I could have gone to few more concerts and seen it from the distance as at all the concerts I went to I was either in the pit or close up.
I just wished I could have gone to few more concerts and seen it from the distance as at all the concerts I went to I was either in the pit or close up.

That's too much distance. If I were in that spot, I'd feel like I was one town over.
Not the song I would have liked them to bring from this album, but any October love is better than nothing.

I just wished I could have gone to few more concerts and seen it from the distance as at all the concerts I went to I was either in the pit or close up.

:) . . . I had seats for the first sydney show because I really wanted to see the claw in all it's glory . . . tis almost like the 5th member of the band :reject: . . . and red zone 2nd night so I could drool away with the best of 'em :D

Purple ..I said Mama needs a bra after looking at the cow giffy thing. :D

And bras are only over rated if you are a dude. Right ladies?

gotcha :up: :lol:

this performance of SBS is wonderful!

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