MLB Thread 2015- Part 2 (World Series or bust)

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MLB Network's Ken Rosenthal figured that's where he would go too. With Price off the market, wonder where Greinke lands. I'm sure he'll want to get paid more than Price.

Greinke is a smart dude. He has to know he won't get paid as much as Price simply due to age. I'd be surprised if he gets more than 217 million. My guess is less years with a higher AAV.
Greinke is a smart dude. He has to know he won't get paid as much as Price simply due to age. I'd be surprised if he gets more than 217 million. My guess is less years with a higher AAV.

Yes, that's exactly what I'm figuring too. Maybe 3 years with an option for a 4th or 4 years with an option for a 5th.
I feel like the Marlins are the cheap Dallas Cowboys of baseball, if the Dallas Cowboys of baseball were dropped on their head first.
tourist, what do you think of that trade today?

A lot of Mariners fans hated it. I didn't love it, but I don't mind it.

1. The starting pitching market is insane and Miley is a nice mid-rotation guy on a very cheap contract who will get the benefit of AL West stadiums and not having to have Sandoval and Hanley being atrocious in the field where right handed hitters hit the ball. With how the starting pitching market is shaping up and Seattle's need for a mid-rotation starter (which Elias is not), I'm happy with this return.

2. Aro's AAA numbers are nearly identical to Smith's AAA numbers, and I've read scouting reports that he sits in the low to mid-90s, can touch 96 out of the pen, has an average change and a plus slider. I think Smith strikes out more and generates more ground balls, which normally is a good thing, and 3/4 of Boston's infield seems to be good fielders, so that'll be nice. Smith is a beast, you're gonna love him if he keeps performing, but with relievers, who really knows?

3. Roenis Elias is gonna get creamed in Fenway. Lots of warning track flyouts to the cavernous left, left center, and center fields at Safeco with the cool marine air and wind swirling in from the left field stadium opening. He's very, very spotty and loses command pretty often, but when he's on, he's pretty good. His upside is actually probably Wade Miley with a bit more strikeouts, walks, and flyballs. But in reality, he's probably a #6 starter on most teams and a #7 starter on a good team... but he has options, so there's that.

Lots of Mariners fans love Carson Smith and I can see why. He's dynamite. But at the end of the day, a dynamite pitcher for a durable, league average starter is probably a wash if the reliever stays healthy.
Tigers have made a ton of pitching moves, hopefully they actually pay off. Also going hard after Cespedes and Alex Gordon. They want to win now. So sick of either completely sucking or choking it in the playoffs.

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Meh. I like Adam Warren. Castro sort of sucks.

Maybe a change of scenery will do him well. He has so much in him, but it just doesn't ever seem to show with consistency.

Meh. I like Adam Warren. Castro sort of sucks.

I suppose this is one of those low risk moves by the Yankees. Castro is due to average 9.5 million per year the next 4 seasons. I guess they're not 100 percent sure that Refsnyder is ready to play full time yet on the big league level. They could always trade Castro if they're not satisfied with his performance.
Diamondbacks just got bent over. That may be the most lopsidedly bad trade I've ever seen. And I remember Adam Jones, Chris Tillman, and George Sherill for Glass Joe Erik Bedard. As a Mariners fan, I'd expect to give up King Felix and pay most of his contract for that return. And I'd probably do it.
Huge return for the Phillies. Relief pitchers are in super high demand because of the Royals defense.
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