May 30th, 2015 - Los Angeles, CA, Forum

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Well, what can I say. This was one of my absolute favorite shows. I'm glad we got Elevation. I don't want it to be a tour staple, but I lost my mind when it started playing. Had so much fun I was worn out for the rest of the show. I'm also glad the night ended with ISHFWILF, that's a really pleasant way to end the evening, and that last line just kinda settles over you, and it's like, "Yeah, we're not done here yet".

I'm sure as the rest of this leg, and the next proceed they'll tinker with things until they get to a set they like. It really just doesn't seem like they were ready for this tour and they're leaning on the standards to get through it. In time, I think we'll have a lot of fun.

Here's some pics:







We were up close to the front of the Main stage for this. Edge's side, naturally. Loved actually being able to see the band for the first 4 songs, but it's way more crowded, so it can get a bit uncomfortable as compared to the E stage.

On the bright side, it's so much fun to watch Edge work. Wow. My favorite bit was watching him practice Streets while Bono was speechifying before Mother Child Reunion. It also gave me a great vantage point to take non blurry pictures of The Edge.



So far starters, let’s put this review into context. LA 530 was my 18th or so show since 1983 and I’ve seen every tour including the Conspiracy of Hope Tour since then. {Curious readers can see the full list at the end}

It was nearly 32 years ago to the day that my sister, 12, and me, 18, stood side by side at the University of Colorado Events Center in Boulder; the night AFTER Red Rocks, for our first show.

Back in the day, Bono walked into the crowd sans a ramp, and that night he stood in the lower bowl equivalent not 5 feet from us and sang “send in the clowns, bring on the clowns” – magic.

Despite living 1,500 miles apart, Young Sis has joined me on 9 shows over the years: every tour but Pop, ironically, cuz she was pregnant with my nephew. Our other sister, Old Sis, at 1,700 miles away also attended LA 530 and was with us at 4 of the shows over the years. I have a unique U2 Tour family tradition with my sisters; and candidly we are wondering if LA 530 is the end. Plus, my wife’s been to 4 shows with me, my kids, one, even my parents got into the act in their sixties in 2005.

Enough of the Context, on to Los Angeles.

We went “Lazy GA” as some call it.

After clearing the sort of nerve wracking Credit Card Entry technology we ambled in to the Forum around 7:15 PM. Took our spot about 12 feet off of the E stage rail and hung out with the typical gracious and interesting U2 crowd. Fun fact, Anthony Kiedis of the Red Hot Chile Peppers and his girlfriend headlined the VIP cattle pen right behind us.

Bono’s entry near the E stage did not catch us off guard as fellow GAerz indicated it would happen. A cool moment anyway, and reminded me that U2 always seems to find a way to make the opening interesting.

The first four songs rocked: 20 minutes of pure adrenaline. I was pleasantly
surprised at the opener, Miracle of Joey Ramone; it came off better than I expected though the sing along probably helped. Two songs from Boy and Vertigo were well placed and extremely powerful.

Other highlights for me, pre-Wanderer intermission, included Iris, Song for Someone, and Sunday Bloody Sunday. The visuals during Iris and Cedarwood Road were top notch and helped tell the story, and for the most part I thought the visuals helped the songs along without dominating them all night.

Upon re-hearing SBS through a bootleg this version it came off nicer than I thought too, but I suspect U2 might be tiring of trying to reinvent the song to make it interesting for them to play.

Song for Someone is a personal SOI fave – enjoyed seeing it from 15 feet of Bono, and his vocals were spot on during SFS and the entire night.
The Wanderer intermission was just that, intermission – nothing too exciting there for me.

From my perspective, the shows lower moments followed. Though I enjoyed hearing Invisible, and it was done well, I did not enjoy the full-band in the cage-screen routine. Especially during Better Than The Real Thing – the cage seemed to detract from the song and the band seemed stuck in a moment they could not get out of. Awkward might be the best word.

Moving on to the E Stage picked it up again as the band added a fifth member for Mysterious Ways and this guy sucker punched and faux boxed and danced with Bono whilst also taking charge of the Meerkat Stream, I think. Pretty sure this guy’s been on stage before; it looked pretty chummy all around. It was interesting to see the Meerkat stream pushed to the video wall in the Forum; that was a WTF is going on technology moment for me and my 50+ years.

Up next, Stuck, Elevation and Every Breaking Wave bellowed right in front of us, though my previously mentioned sisters people surfed closer to the rail, while I held back. Every Breaking Wave was amazing in this context, and a woman next to me fired up a real Bic Lighter, which I joked, “it only shows your age” and this observation got me both the stink eye and a laugh.

Not a big fan of Stuck anymore, but this piano version was nice; the other tour debut, Elevation, was very energetic as well.

Speaking of “not a big fan,” Bullet was next. Having seen this song nearly 15 times, I’d previously posted, “no mas, it’s my bathroom break.” Much to my very pleasant surprise, Bullet was more like a Cannon or a Bomb. I really enjoyed this take on an old classic from ’87.

From Bullet forward the show was above average, though nothing super spectacular from my viewpoint. Hands that Built leading into Pride was very solid, and the sing along for With or Without You was a lot of fun as always.

COBL was good, but the poor 8-year old or so kid on stage looked petrified and sort of detracted from the song in my view. Streets and Beautiful Day were also solid, and the tie in to Red with Streets was tastefully done.

Though I enjoyed Still Have Not Found and the band exit, that song is not my first choice as a closer – but they never asked me. I’m a traditionalist so I’d have preferred something from SOI or “40.” “40” is the best closing song from any band, ever; it’s chilling to sing along after the band leaves the stage IMO.

All in all, a great night punctuated by a solid set list, an amazing sound and video system, and the company of my sisters. U2 were in great form, Bono sounded great, and despite a couple of awkward cage-screen and stage guest moments, this was a great show. Really great.

At $85 I’d do this again in a heartbeat, and next time I’ll just walk in about 8:15 and still have one hell of a good night.

War – Boulder, CO
Unforgettable Fire – Denver (St.Patricks Day)
Joshua Tree – Denver, Kansas City
Conspiracy of Hope – Denver, 3rd row, my best seats ever.
Pop – Kansas City
Zoo Inside – Phoenix
Zoo Outside – Ames, Iowa and Denver
Elevation – Chicago, Kansas City, Oakland
Vertigo – Omaha, Minneapolis, Denver
360 – Minneapolis, Las Vegas
I & E – Los Angeles, #Hoping2016
Some pictures taken from the lower level of the 'I' stage next to Edge...

Edge greeting fans before the show!


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