May, 29, 2011 Canad Inns Stadium - Winnipeg, MB

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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He was wearing the normal white jacket for the majority of the show in SLC (where it was getting a bit chilly). Near the end of the second encore he put on another fleece sweater over it, and someone in the front row closer to Bono must've been teasing him about it because he grinned and mouthed "it's cold" while miming shivering :cute: Don't worry about being able to see him :wink:

Adorable. (Hi, Drea!)
My aunt has some here that she said I could use, but would they let me bring them into the stadium? I might actually only need one, just for something to lean on periodically, unless I get a rail, but I doubt I'll be able to run for a good spot when the gates open. Hopefully it will feel good enough by then that I won't need to lean on anything.

They should let you bring in crutches. I was on them once for Foo Fighters and saw someone w/them in SLC. You shouldn't have a problem with getting inside with them. I'd recommend using them (two!) so you don't aggravate your ankle--unless it really doesn't hurt. That way you won't be completely screwed if you can't find a spot on a rail to lean on.
I'll have to stop at Wal-Mart and get a chair. I'll just get a cheap one and abandon it. I've been taking ibuprofen a lot today and it seems to help, so I'll definitely bring some along. It hasn't even been 24 hours yet and my ankle has already improved a great deal, so I'm praying that it will be even better by Sunday.

The Important Info email I got today says that the gates open at 5:30, but GA from Gate 4 will be let in 15 minutes before that; I'm thinking that I won't try to show up until about 3:00, but I wish I could know what was happening there (like if the line is getting long really fast) so that I could come sooner if needed.

I never got this email. Ticketmaster fail!:crack:
I'm mostly worried because I'm going to be doing this alone (my dad has a seat in the stands). I wanted to do the GA experience and wait in line most of the day, but I don't want to wear out my foot beforehand. I'm feeling really discouraged about it right now.

I'm doing GA alone *and* also recovering from a severely sprained ankle from nearly a month ago. No more crutches, but I feel your pain. :down:
So GA is at Gate 4?? Mark, what time are you arriving?? I could try to pick you up a chair, but I don't know if there is a Walmart in the area. What time are you lining up??
Maybe we should limp in together. I'll be wearing a yellow hat and, well, limping! Also, I'm bringing cookies. :shh:

Hah, cool beans. I'll be wearing my War tshirt and my star purse/camera bag. I'm bringing sammiches and other odds and ends to keep myself occupied for the hours in line. :)
Hah, cool beans. I'll be wearing my War tshirt and my star purse/camera bag. I'm bringing sammiches and other odds and ends to keep myself occupied for the hours in line. :)

What time are you lining up? I'll try to find you; what time I line up depends on whether I get a chair or not and/or how my foot is feeling. I'm gonna be popping ibuprofen like M&Ms, so it'll probably feel pretty good. :wink:
I never did receive the notification, but am grateful for the link. thanks for pointing it out. I totally missed it!
Ditto on not receiving an email - very helpful though!

Providing the weather is nice (the forecast now says mix of sun & cloud all day, high 17), I'll probably head out sometime between 9 and noon.
Ditto on not receiving an email - very helpful though!

Providing the weather is nice (the forecast now says mix of sun & cloud all day, high 17), I'll probably head out sometime between 9 and noon.

So guess who I met today? :D
Just had a wee trip up to the stadium. One guy is camping out tonight (it's cold, and the wind is biting). Ten names are on the list, roll call tomorra morning at 7am (I think, it could be 8am). Stadium security sound like they're gonna work with the fans and assist them with running the queue.
Honey Child, your pics are amazing! I am so happy for you!!!!:hyper::hug:

Thanks for the info Cathal. We are lining up at 6am or so. I will get to the satdium and add my name as soon as Kristen gets there, so we are together!:up:
So there will be a numbering system? Sweet! I might have to come down there sooner, then. I'm actually planning to come tonight to buy some merchandise.

Oh yeah, my foot feels great today!
This weekend is already amazing and it hasn't even really begun. See all of you lot at Shannon's tonight.
Hey anyone know what time u2 will take the stage?

I heard this is the agenda:

Show starts at 7pm

Opening act plays from 730 till 815

U2 hits the stage at 9pm

Can anyone confirm this ?
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