Maddy's Story (This is Maddy!!)

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Lila64 said:
just found this great photo

I've received so many privately so far. A big :hug: to all of you

What an amazing picture!!!

Congrats maddy!!!!

All I can say to those who weren't there is Maddy had the best "No More!" of anyone that has ever gone on stage!

And that Daryl guy was very sweet too. I'm sure Maddy's glad he let her up there b/c all concert long Lila and I were talking about putting Maddy on my shoulders. Poor poor Maddy if that was the case. I was a bit warm.

Congrats Maddy!
Congrats Maddy!!!!! :cute: :hug:

I was excited and a bit :sad: (Don't's the happy variety) when I found out that you got on stage during the stream that Thora mentioned.

You totally deserve being on that stage in Hawaii and I hope you cherish that memory forever and a million years!

(Daryl seems like a very nice man for helping you out that night too!)
Maddy you so deserved this moment and Im so happy that it happened for you! :hug: Like Mia and Patti have already stated we just went crazy when we realized it was you! lol. Congrats on getting up there and doing a great job!

It was a lot of fun meeting you in line hope to see you again next tour! :)
pattip2000 said:
Maddy, you have no idea how excited so many people are for you. You totally deserved it and did a great job. I was so impressed with how you held your own hanging out with a bunch a adults all morning, you are very mature.
I gave you a pair of black and red beads right before they started moving our pens. I know you had lei on; did my beads make it up on stage too?

yes, they made it up too :happy:

I just got home from basketball practice and had about 2 pages to read through!! You guys are the greatest and I'm so excited to be a part of the forum now!! Thanks a bundle! :hug: :hug:
RedrocksU2 said:
Maddy, let me join in congratulating you!
You have a wonderful mom.

On the next BAW-B-Q, you will be a celebrity! :)

I hope I'm "allowed" next time :wink: We should plan one soon, you know, for the holidays! :hyper: I want to meet you, my mom says you're really cool! :cool:
I'll be in touch with you soon Jules! :hug:
And I still haven't thought of what I want to say to Darryl. I'm still speechless
Maddy, we said congrats to you after the show, but just wanted to say it again. Great job! Love the pics of you up there :D Lucky, lucky girl!
Maddy:wave:I have the pic of you and your mommy after the show :cute: I will send it to you as soon as I can. I am in the process of making a slide show.

Just wanted to post another 'congrats' on the boards. What a night for you for sure! Your mom is a trooper for hanging tough all day. The pictures people are posting are pretty cool.

Nice job!

John and Christine
thanks to U2_Neat, he compressed the original video that Jez shot, and you can download here if you are so inclined. Please excuse the hyper screaming in the beginning :reject: - just one excited woman in the crowd I guess :whistle:

http://www.send space . com/file/69w0e8 (remove spaces)
or: send it . com/download/8VLDQQMvUTl5TA%3D%3D (remove spaces)
Congrats Maddy! :hyper: It was great meeting you and your mom. When I saw you pulled up onstage, I couldn't tell at first if it was you. Then I saw Bono ask your name and I could read your lips when you said, "Maddy" :).

I have a few pics (from a distance, from Edge's b-stage). I'll post them when I get home :wave:.
Hi :rockon: Maddy;

When I first read that Bono pulled you on stage I let out this big scream...I was so happy to here it was you!

Do you think he remembered you?

That is so amazing and around christmas time what more can you ask for!!!

You were great up there and I love the vertigo santa hat!

(I hope you know your mom is realllllllllllly cool!)
Hi Maddy and Lila

I knew it was you as soon as I saw your hat pop up on the ramp. Way to go!!!

Here are a couple of pics. A friend of mine is sending me a really great closeup of you too.


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That hat was the best $5 ever spent, LOL. We saw it and immediately knew it was ours and going to Hawaii!

Nice shots! Can't wait to see more. And it was great meeting you as well :wink:

JCOSTER - Do I think Bono remembered her? :hmm: He can't remember his own lyrics :giggle: :shifty: Love him, but I have no idea if he remembers people he's met for a minute in time. I think it was just being in the right place at the right time. KARMA
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great pics trev!

I agree, I not so sure if he remembers someone or what.. It is certainly possible. Karma is the key word here I think.. And no one can resist a cutie like Maddy!! :wink:

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