LP14: Songs of Experience - To Valencia and Beyond

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I get what you're saying. Just wondering if it's still valid today. 15 years ago people still went to a shop and bought the single. Then it made sense to promoted the single separately. But today? Releasing and promoting the single can coincide with an album release. I mean, what will get airplay is the single, no matter what. So what difference does it make?
Another reason I think an album release in november is unlikely is that it cuts short on the promotion. That's of course assuming they'd promote the full album, not just the first single. But I can't imagine them promoting the same single for a week on Fallon. And yes, I do think the Fallon residency is going to happen. Singer with a broken finger doesn't give up like that ;)

Yeah, i get you. I would've thought they'd want maximum time between album and tour for promotion and then rehearsal. Plus, it makes sense to keep the momentum going by having the album closely following the single, not after the 'we're back!" excitement has worn off.

That's what gives me hope that the rumours of album in november are for physical release, and we get the digital/streamed version in october.

But then again, you mention the single will still get airplay, so what does it matter - that's true, but if there's also an album out, it means the 'u2 machine' will be promoting the whole release, not just the song. I think the single could get 'drowned out', and it needs its time in the spotlight.
"you save me from myself" is cool but especially the super sampled "you move me TO THE EDGE" is amazing, considering, you know, the Edge.
Right now, my gut says they're going to debut the new single as an iHeart Radio exclusive a few weeks before the Festival to build hype/get people signing up on their app and then the band will of course perform it live in Vegas. iHeart Radio stations (Q104.3, etc.) may even get the over-the-air radio exclusivity for a period too.

Album in November also seems to line up with previous release schedules ("Vertigo" was released to radio in late September, HTDAAB in early November).

I think any tie-in with Apple would be met with immediate eye-rolls from the general public. I really don't think they're going to take that route again. Even if the song is really good, the knee-jerk Millennial/non-fan reaction is going to be to dismiss it.
The idea that U2 would get to the "top of the charts", which in the context of this convo I'm assuming means #1 single on the Billboard Hot 100, is laughable. Not gonna happen.

People should be grateful they still have a good chance of topping the albums chart at their age.
I don't mean literally #1, I mean unless you're doing hip hop or dance that's not really possible. But top...20? Never say never...

Like I said - a boy can dream :lol:

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U2Valencia - David Hasselhoff producing new album full of beach overtones

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The Facebook video sounds like a remix to me. I really like what I'm hearing because the song has a great upbeat energy and it sounds different from their output over the last few years. It's almost like Pop but without being drowned in production.
If they want the dancey-ness again, they should just release whatever the remix is they like the best as the song/single on the album. I mean, they played an entirely reworked remix of Crazy Tonight, which wasn't even a popular single with its single version, every night for 3 years on the 360 tour.

It sounds cool, but no way of really knowing.
I hope they just drop the album one day with zero flare at all, ideally in September right before the iHeartRadio festival. They don't need a "traditional" release cycle, and they get much more of a publicity pop from dropping it out of the blue.

Whenever it does come out, I'm predicting a timed Apple Music exclusive and maybe some VR content or whatever.

And the song, remix or otherwise, is really damn catchy.
I actually think the only way it's an iHeart radio exclusive is on the debut, and or a new format... I'm fairly certain it's illegal to give extended exclusive access to one radio corporation
They've got a digital streaming service too... :hmm:

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The Facebook video sounds like a remix to me. I really like what I'm hearing because the song has a great upbeat energy and it sounds different from their output over the last few years. It's almost like Pop but without being drowned in production.

Hopefully the final version will exclude the sound of waves and people talking in the background.

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I think I remember years ago reading Paul McGuinness say the release schedule was based on the grammys. A single released in September would be eligible for the Grammys this year, but the album released in November would be eligible for the following year. that way they can appear at and possibly play at consecutive grammy shows and get the exposure that goes with it. not sure how important this strategy is in todays market, but i think that was part of the schedule reasoning in the past.
I was hoping with his departure we wouldn't be dealing with that shit anymore.

Also, if the band couldn't get any Grammy traction with EBW, I don't know what's going to score now.
I was hoping with his departure we wouldn't be dealing with that shit anymore.

I doubt they hired Guy Oseary to maximize the hipster street cred quotient and minimize sales and publicity.

They did release SOI on a limited vinyl edition to qualify for something along those lines as well, apparently.
I doubt they hired Guy Oseary to maximize the hipster street cred quotient and minimize sales and publicity.

They did release SOI on a limited vinyl edition to qualify for something along those lines as well, apparently.

But that was the opposite - that was to squeeze into the current year's Grammys and not get bumped to the next year

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This may sound unrelated, but there's quite a link between Live Nation and Tidal. Michael Rapino (CEO of LN) looks quite firm in supporting the music streaming service, judging from a latest claim of him. Not to mention that iHeartMedia (involving the radio field) was the former Clear Channel, whose LN was originally a branch. If Registered Dude's source is onto something well-defined, it will help to shed some light on it.

Personally speaking, it doesn't change anything. A classic lead single is good to me but I also think it's quite outdated in 2016, at least for acts... that like to be... big.
I doubt they hired Guy Oseary to maximize the hipster street cred quotient and minimize sales and publicity.

They did release SOI on a limited vinyl edition to qualify for something along those lines as well, apparently.

But that was the opposite - that was to squeeze into the current year's Grammys and not get bumped to the next year

Precisely. The idea that typical industry people are going to care about the album a year and a half later or whatever is really wishful thinking in this ADD culture. Would make much more sense to get it in before the deadline.
I don't have any details, just know it's not going to be another Apple type dealy, and that it's an exclusive for the single (as opposed to album)

I didn't see this post of yours. Sounds interesting if it's for a single. In any case, that would get a fairly amount of publicity for U2 to get back in the public eye as for the live activity as well.
U2 has 50 songs up on their sleeves that could end up on SOE. what if....that beach clip song wasn't the good representative of that catalogue?

While I don't discount that there will be a video or VR element involved in the release at some point... they're not going to release the single through a medium made for single serving viewing.

No, hadn't read all the way back to it only being about the single, was referencing the Lemonade release

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My upload of the long version of the beach clip edited together was trending on Clyp... does that mean no-one uses Clyp?

I used Clyp for the first time last night... thank you for mixing and uploading and stuff for this very engaged fan base.

I like what I hear, it has a groovy vibe to it.

IMO, it would be kind of cool to leave some of the background sounds in the final mix if the song / re-mix ever sees the light of day.

At the very least, have the dog bark at the very end of the song to bring the beach clip publicity full circle to closure. It'd be like a :wink: at the end of a good forum post.
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