Los Campesinos!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Jun 3, 2005
East Point to Shaolin

By Your Hand
Songs About Your Girlfriend
Hello Sadness
Life is a Long Time
Every Defeat A Divorce (Three Lions)
Hate For The Island
The Black Bird, The Dark Slope
To Tundra
Baby I Got The Death Rattle
Light Leaves, Dark Sees pt 2

Hello Sadness is ten songs of love, loss and heartbreak nail-gunned to a back-drop of broken, tangled bodies, creeping, dead-eyed animals, suffocating, looming shadows and World Cup exits. It is an honest, bare bones documentation of breaking up and trying not to break up in the process. Hello Sadness.

Visit Los Campesinos! � Store for more info, plus preorder stuff.

I have no song to tide us over but wanted to make the thread.

The album title, cover, song titles and blurb, plus the exit of Aleks, do not excite me all that much. I liked The Sea... but I don't want a whole album of downtrodden emo tunes. Sounds like there's not much new going on thematically/lyrically. But! This is just some stupid preemptive internet opinion based on not much so I will reserve judgement until there's a leak I hold the album in my hands.

One of the t-shirts


Looks like the album cover of a really well-loved indie album that I have not heard nor know the name of. Lemel probably had it as his dp at one stage.

At any rate, damn it's going to be an exciting few months.
Are you talking about Lift Yr Skinny Fists?


As for Los Camp!, it's like they have some weird bipolar disorder or something. They've gone from the happiest band to ever be happy to...uh...Helllllllllooooo, Sadness!
Yes, that's the one.

Exactly. The reason I loved Romance is Boring so much so immediately was largely due to the unbridled energy in the first three tracks, and their debut is obviously a ton of fun. But I spose they had to grow up eventually, can't keep punching out You! Me! Dancing! forever.
Yes, that's the one.

Exactly. The reason I loved Romance is Boring so much so immediately was largely due to the unbridled energy in the first three tracks, and their debut is obviously a ton of fun. But I spose they had to grow up eventually, can't keep punching out You! Me! Dancing! forever.


Even on Romance is Boring they were edging a bit over to the depressing side. Have you ever READ the lyrics to In Medias Res?

Even on Romance is Boring they were edging a bit over to the depressing side. Have you ever READ the lyrics to In Medias Res?

Agreed, which is why I was a bit worried we'd end up with an album full of The Sea... type tracks.

I have. But I fucking love those lyrics.

If you were given the option of dying painlessly in peace at forty-five
But with a lover at your side
After a full and happy life
Is this something that would interest you
Would this interest you at all

Oh it's a wonderful song, and I don't want anyone to think I'm being negative. I'm super excited about this album, I'm just completely taken aback by how much of an about face they've taken since the days of You! Me! Dancing! whatever the name of that song is.
No interesting goodies for preordering = no preorder for this deputy.

Anyway, this will be an adventure. A full album of "The Sea" type tunes would be just fine to me. And I'm glad it's out in November. These cats remind me of the cold.
You don't think a t-shirt, DVD, and a CD of demos are interesting goodies? What were you expecting, a farewell pair of Harriet's panties?
lazarus said:
What were you expecting, a farewell pair of Harriet's panties?

That'd be a start.

No, a bundle is something entirely different. That's all well and good, and the HONY demos would certainly be cool to hear. But oftentimes if you preorder an LP, you get limited colored vinyl or a bonus 45 completely gratis. Would've been cool to see what they came up with along those lines.

I'm not complaining at all. It's still going to get a first day purchase.
lazarus said:
My only issue is the shipping cost. Unless I'm doing something wrong, the cheapest is some FedEx bullshit for $18?

No thanks.

That's precisely why I've never ordered a thing from A&C's site. It's not like their stuff isn't abundant in every store anyway.
$53 for shit I will probably look at / listen to once? Yeah, $12 for the CD only on release day is fine by me, sorta sick of this band anyways.
Well, this isn't transparent at all. Awful title; One Is The Loneliest Number would have been more prescient.

But hey, I haven't heard a note of it yet.
The title is indeed lame. Way too emo for my taste, without the sense of humor found in WABWAD.

But of course evolution/the band getting more serious isn't necessarily a bad thing; they're never going to be as fun or energetic as their first album (which you can say about many great bands).
Like U2.

Because I saw this thread and because this band has been hyped here a lot, I am now listening to Romance Is Boring. I like it so far.
No one responded to my post about Heat Rash back in Random a couple weeks ago, so I'll mention it again:

has anyone else heard the two Heat Rash tracks? They're really very good, and I think that Four Seasons could be a glimpse into Hello Sadness. Unfort, I couldn't find that on YouTube, but the other song was available. It sounds more like typical Los Camp! but also reminds me a lot of The Cure's In-Between Days. Or like Pavement covering it.

Los Campesinos! - Light Leaves, Dark Sees - YouTube
Okay, I really like it. That bridge is to die for (the lead-in to the chorus I mean). Best part. God I wish more bands would record albums without taking two-three-year-plus breaks.
Really good. Really, really good.

And that's just how Ellen looks in the video.
Shit, there's a chance I could make one of the NYC shows. That's one of the weeks I've been looking at for a visit.
Alright, my resistance lasted for about 5 minutes.

I guess we can put to rest theories that this band is on the downturn. Great song. Though it doesn't have the lead track power of In Media Res.

What's interesting is that Kim is featured even more heavily, but appears to have improved on the b. vocals and keyboards. Nice. Still not a looker, but whatever.

It's also odd that Harriet's departure was just recently announced (and doesn't she still have a couple shows to play), but she still didn't make it into this video? Hmm...

Also love the little Claycourt-in-Your-Jew-Room vocal cameo from Neil Campesinos.
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