June 24, 2011 - Glastonbury

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Two lighting towers facing the sides of the stage. The one in the foreground, hard to tell perspective - whether it's in front or alongside, but the one the other side is definitely alongside. It might just be some new general thing, but it might be a headliner wanting to flood that big canvas, I dunno... red? Can't see those on any other photos.

They were not there last year. See the Goal! England's glorious Glastonbury gig video here...
GlastoBlog - 100 hours in a field | Glastonbury Music Festival | Orange UK

They don't exactly look bespoke to a U2-style production though do they.

Maybe they're for sound too and they are replicating a 5.1 speaker arrangement! :lol:
No, not the scaffolding at all.

Is staging stuff a 'spoiler' for anyone?

Two lighting towers facing the sides of the stage. The one in the foreground, hard to tell perspective - whether it's in front or alongside, but the one the other side is definitely alongside. It might just be some new general thing, but it might be a headliner wanting to flood that big canvas, I dunno... red? Can't see those on any other photos.

Right gotcha now:lol: You mean the lighting(?) tower by the portaloos? The one in the background deffo looks parallel to the stage though the portaloo one doesn't. If anything it looks as though it points to the tip of a catwalk perhaps? But that could be an optical illusion due to the angle
They're exactly the same as the one that's always at mid-field. It could be for anything - but they are new.


look familiar? #nottheclaw #U2Glasto #glastonbu²ry on Twitpic


Someone just posted the link in the Shoutbox at U2torrents.com

(I'm going to bed now)
sorry, can't tell if you're being serious or not :wink: ? it's in Arcadia at glastonbury, my mate goes there every year. says U2 ripped it off haha

i'm just REALLY tired and may have missed a massive joke you're making there though ...

and it turns out i'm leaving to go to the festival site in 3 hours now!! staying in my mates car, having a few drinks, few CDs (they both hate U2 so no 360 highlights to get me in the mood :lol:)
I love English summer.

It's my favourite day of the year.


well, few beers and heading to Glasto from London, just flew in here

Everyone is leaving already! I want to goooooo.
Have to wait till tomorrow in the early morning. Jem I cant wait to see you again ,
and to all others have fun and might meet you there:hyper:

I'm hoping to start the Glasto Setlist party from the venue itself,
just like I did last year at Brussels. Got some laughs out of that.
Just wondering when are we likely to see U2's elements to the stage being added?, i mean its not like they could keep it top secret is it?
Hmmm it looks like something might be happening, but its hard to tell because the camera is so far away.
For any lurkers don't be shy come and have a drink..... Earnie is the paying host and will be taking orders at the bar dressed in a pink tutu:applaud:

Propose the Park area. Good part of any Glasto-virgin tour, plus nice at sunset if the weather is nice, and all those tents are bars of some sort, should it rain. 7ish or 8ish, late arrivals pending? Thinking just in the front of that 'triple tipi' style tent at the bottom of the picture (which might be marked as either the Bimble Inn or Rabbit Hole on maps - if at all) Just head for that tower, you can see it from pretty much anywhere on site.Glastonbury Festivals - Areas - The Park
I'm all in for a drink after pitching my tent tomorrow! Aah , mudfields are going to make me feel at home instantly! :heart:
Joyce, Jem said you were buying so I hope you make it!

If I make it it will be a reason for buying alone! God fucking help me!
Just packed my last few things. I'm all ready.
My friends came to drink bring a bottle og Goodbye Goldstrike.
Not used to that stuff :crazy: I wish I could take it over the border for you guys. Its good.

Anji :hug: Last minute suitcase smuggle? You can crawl in when I'm at st. Pancras.
If I make it it will be a reason for buying alone! God fucking help me!
Just packed my last few things. I'm all ready.
My friends came to drink bring a bottle og Goodbye Goldstrike.
Not used to that stuff :crazy: I wish I could take it over the border for you guys. Its good.

Anji :hug: Last minute suitcase smuggle? You can crawl in when I'm at st. Pancras.

My front room looks like a refugee camp at the moment. We don't take this much shit for a 2week holiday:lol:
Jem I cant wait to see you again ,
and to all others have fun and might meet you there:hyper :

I'm hoping to start the Glasto Setlist party from the venue itself,
just like I did last year at Brussels. Got some laughs out of that.

:hyper: Can't wait to see you either. :lol: I remember you starting that. I remember being second post. :lol:

Joyce, Jem said you were buying so I hope you make it!

:lol: If assume since Julie will be with you and not Len and John that you will not take 3 hours to get back to your tent like in Athens. :wink:

And I hope Bono's cock behaves :shifty :


Really. :shifty:

If I make it it will be a reason for buying alone! God fucking help me!
Just packed my last few things. I'm all ready.
My friends came to drink bring a bottle og Goodbye Goldstrike.
Not used to that stuff :crazy : I wish I could take it over the border for you guys. Its good.

I feel like I'm never gonna make to right now too. :lol:

Anji wish you could all come. :heart:
My front room looks like a refugee camp at the moment. We don't take this much shit for a 2week holiday:lol:

:lol: So its not just me. You guys aren't even taking a tent either. :ohmy: I have 2 bags ( small rucksack and huge backpackers one ), bag with tent in, sleeping mat and my handbag.

Gonna have to have full dose of my pain killers after this. My back will be killing me. :crack: So no drinking for me this weekend. :lol:

Safe journey everyone. :hug:
Wish the back problems would.go to hell :hug: nasty stuff.
And hearing your description, i'm the one who's packing light.
A trolley suitcsase, a backback, and a tent. Not to mention its 5 in the morning right now. I want coffee...
Just a quick question, would they have had the catwalk set up already if there was to be one? as upto now there doesnt look like any additions to the stage.
Wish the back problems would.go to hell :hug: nasty stuff.
And hearing your description, i'm the one who's packing light.
A trolley suitcsase, a backback, and a tent. Not to mention its 5 in the morning right now. I want coffee...

Thanks :hug: my doctor things I might have Scoliosis (curvature of the spine). Seeing a specialist in august :)

Just got a cup of tea :love:

Re above post not sure about the catwalk.
Been here since it opened yesterday. Forgot my sleeping bag and inflatable bed so sleeping on my tent floor. Needless to say i slept badly :lol: but i went to the pyramid stage yesterday and there's a VERY tall sound/light tower behind the regular one and equally tall light ones to the sides of the stage. There's an extra screen each each side of the stage along with rows of lights going up each side of them. Difficult to tell if any of it's u2's or just new standard glastonbury additions. But safe journey to everyone coming in. :) hopefully see you 7-8 at the park! :wave:
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