July 8th and 9th 2011 - Hippodrome - Montreal - Part 3

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Right, Interpol :uhoh: :lol:

Why oh why, couldn't we get Florence + the Machine! Unfair! :scream:
Miami & East Lansing will get her though, you lucky people!

At the very least I'd have loooved an encore with Arcade Fire:cute:
I don't know a thing about Interpol...but the sentiment in here isn't making me too optimistic :lol: I am seeing them 7 times. The curse of GA :lol:
I'll buy some earplugs and keep them in until U2 come on stage.


I am going to add that onto my packing list! I have a feeling that if I wait until the last minute, there will be none left in the Montreal drugstores because it seems there is growing consensus that Interpol is a poor choice for an opening act.
279 days until I meet the girls!:hug: Someone emailed me and told me that the concerts are great, but it is the people she can't wait to see. She was totally right!:cute:
The edit button was there this time, it wasn't there a few minutes ago...fixed!:wink:
I am so ridiculously excited about Montreal. I've always wanted to visit the city, and I'm looking forward to going! :D

Me either.:hyper: Too bad it wasn't during hockey season, because seeing the Habs play in Montreal would be awesome! At least I get to see them play in Minneapolis this year!:up:
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