I've Never - Part XIX

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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ONE love, blood, life
Nov 9, 2004
Ok, this place gets no action at all.. :angry: ...

well, it wasn't til BonoisaGod, LarryMullen's PopAngel, Nurse Chrissi, WildHoneyAlways and Miroslava got here :sexywink:

What do you guys say to a game of I've Never?

If you're not familiar with it, this is generally a drinking game where someone starts off saying something like

"I've never had fast food" (though generally the questions are of a more personal nature, just giving an example here :sexywink: )

And those that have ACTUALLY done it, take a drink. The initial statement doesn't have to be true for the person that asks it...

For internet purposes, I suppose we could just post the :drunk: smilie or any other beverage smilie

Finally, no judgements here... no "eww, really?" etc. Also, part of this is that you dont really get to come back and say "really? when? how? who with?". You could always try to ge more info by throwing another I've never question into play though :lol: Also, if you're just lurking and not planning on participating, that is kind of not fair and creepy, so get out of here, will ya? And remember, mods can see you even if you're on invisible mode

And for those of you joining us late... jump on in. This is what has already been stated:

I've never slept in the same bed as a fellow interferencer (just sleeping pervs!)
I have never smooched a fellow interferencer
I have never licked Bonosweat from a third party and/or after touching a third party
I have never had someone lick Bonosweat off of me or their fingers after touching me
I have never been a rail skank.
I've never had to look up what "tossing a salad" means
I've never NOT kissed a first date with tongue
I've never told Miroslava how cute and nice she is.........
I've never had a crush on an older dude /dudette at work.
I've never tried online personals
I've never asked for something from a band or crew member at a concert (this goes for any concert, not just U2, even though we're all admitted whores for those Irish bastards)
I've never ordered a porn via pay per view at a hotel room
I've never posted on Interference in various states of undress
I've never had a BOB
I’ve never accidentally forgotten that I had lip venom on my lips prior to touching another persons anatomy
I've never had a crush on a fellow Interferencer.....
I've never had sex outdoors
I've never taken care of business while thinking of one of them irish dudes
I've never had a nooner
I've never had sex without protection
I’ve never repeatedly called Ticketmaster to find out if everything is okay with my order
I've never given anyone a nasty hickey or four
I've never hung out in front of my tv for long periods of time just to record a U2 video.
I've never been propositioned by a member of the same sex
I've never given consideration to said offer
I've never made out with a member of the same sex
I've never purchased a shirt based soley on the fact that it would make a good boob shirt
I've never had phone sex
I've never faked it just to get the dude off of me
I've never made out with someone for free drinks
I've never had sex in a room that had other people that may or may not have been asleep
I've never gotten any GA line action
I've never made out or had sex with someone much younger than I
I’ve never had sex in a public place (indoors or outdoors)
I've never cheated on a significant other
I've never overdrawn my back account
I've never been really loud during sex to where neighbors could hear me
I've never pondered the complexities of a manwhich and concluded that a threesome with a guy and two girls might be better
I've never had online sex
I've never played with my shower-head
I've never been videotaped or photographed in any compromising positions
I've never had sex at my parents' house
I've never listened to minute 3 of Pop Muzik over and over again through headphones
I've never made out/had sex while a u2 cd played
I've never thought of a member of U2 while having sex
I've never fallen down drunk in front of a cop car
I've never been driven home by a cop
I've never played with handcuffs
I've never drunkenly serenaded a boy/or a girl
I've never been woken up in the middle of the night by psycho phone calls
I've never eaten an entire thingy of cookies/chips/whatever in one sitting
I've never woken up to a spinning bed
I've never found any member of U2's front or back line road crew attractive
I've never used my bath towel as a blanket when sleeping on my bathroom floor because I woke up to a spinning bed.
I've never woken up to a spinning bed
I've never accidentally injured someone during sex with my nails or teeth
I've never had a one night stand
I've never had sex with a pet in the room
I've never mooned anyone
I've never ignored my boss while they were talking to me about work because U2 tickets were just about to go on sale
I've never masturbated in a friend's room even when he/she was not around.
I've never had dates with more than two people in one night
I've never made out with two people in the same night
I’ve never stripped in public
I've never flashed my boobs
I’ve never gone skinny dipping
I've never gone to a sex toy party
I've never been to a nude beach or nudist camp!
I've never helped satisfy someone after they have gone to a sex toy party
I never thought of Adam Clayton in a less than innocent manner before this last tour
I've never been woken up by crazy screaming while sleeping in a GA line
I've never gotten teary eyed or started pumping my fist when Wake Up comes up on iTunes or the iPod
I've never dreamt about anyone on this forum
Never been absurdly happy that I was at one of the shows that Discothèque was performed
I've never taken a pee break during a U2 show!
I’ve never been tied up
I've never wanted to bitch slap me some interferencers
I’ve never been caught by my parents
I’ve never caught my parents
I've never wanted to log back in after deciding to go to bed and closing the Interference window!
I’ve never danced on top of a bar
I've never slept with a friend's ex
I've never talked to pictures of a member of U2
I've never been to the ER after passing out from a night of heavy drinking!
I've never wanted to punch my boss in the face
I've never been followed by someone online
I’ve never cheated on a school test
I've never shoplifted
I've never bought music I didn't even like to impress a guy/girl
I've never had sex at work
I've never been cheated on by a significant other
I've never gotten a missed call on my phone, not recognized the number, but called back anyway
i've never accidentally sent the WRONG pm to the WRONG person
I've never accidentally came across others having sex outside
i've never used a laptop at work to post on interference while using my desktop for work purposes
I've never fallen off a boat
I've never fallen off a boat that wasn't in the water
I've never had sex on a boat
I've never cried like a baby at a U2 show
I've never left a U2 concert early
I've never been escorted out by security from an establishment/event
i've never been in the back of a police car
I've never had sex in a moving car
I've never instantly regretted anything I've said on a message board
I've never had a friend with benefits
I've never considered becoming a nun or a priest
I've never lied about what i was doing to a friend/family member/coworker in order to hide my ever growing obsession with all things u2 related
I've never had a smile made in my likeness
I've never had sex with the person's parents asleep in the house
I've never used the couple of hours someone's parents took to go to church to go to their house and get it on
I've never had my heart broken
I've never gotten into a fistfight/catfight
I've never wanted to get with someone despite the insignificant little fact that they were married
I've never had two girlfriends/boyfriends at the same time
I've never screen printed a post just in case the person changes their mind at a later time
I've never had a crush on a teacher/professor...
I've never used the smiley in a sarcastic manner
I've never called out someone else's name accidentally during sex
I've never lost a diamond earring in a make-out session
I've never seen the nekkid Bono at the beach pictures
I've never had ex-sex
I've never had online sex WITH someone from interference
I've never had phone sex with someone from interference
I've never had a ticket that required facing a judge
I've never drank green beer
I've never had a major crush on a friend's sibling
I've never gotten a drunken phone call from an Interferencer
I've never wanted to marry this thread, I love it so much
I've never snuck alcohol into a movie theater
I've never eaten entirely way too much Taco Bell (or for those from Buffalo, Elmwood Taco) at 3:00 am
I've never MADE a booty call
I've never ANSWERED a booty call
I've never woken up and been confused as to what time it was
I've never woken up and been confused at to where I was
I've never had to go to a meeting at work when I'd rather continue reading threads like this one
I have never stopped wearing my ONE wristband after the concerts
I've never stuffed my bra (ladies) / pants (gents)
I have never postwhored just to get a certain status or an even number of posts
I've never been asked to participate in a threesome
I've never left something of mine over a boyfriend's/girlfriend's house, "just in case"
I've never taken home a shack souvenir.
I've never snooped around a guy's/girl's room when they have been in the shower, not home, etc.
I've never wanted to make out with Angelina Jolie
I've never perfumed any special parts of my anatomy "just in case"
I've never waxed and taken it all off.
I've never broken my bed while having sex.....
I've never looked at a couple and said: how did that chick/dude get a boyfriend/girlfriend like that? andiamsingle
I've never, as an adult, cried with a Disney movie
I've never GOTTEN a fake number from someone at a club/bar
I've never GIVEN a fake number to someone at a club/bar
I've never taken matters into my own hands more than once in a day
I've never enjoyed watching someone else take matters into their own hands
I've never taken things into my own hands on request
I've never had a bad "rating"........
I've never wanted to reach inside the monitor and say what an asshole/bitch someone is....
I've never made out/had sex with someone at work - while working
I've never believed that size doesn't matter
I've never pulled the hair from behind while having sex....
I've never stolen cartons of cigarettes from the grocery store
I've never dined and dashed
I've never done it with nothing but my knee high boots (or heels) on, or for the gents, with a girl that had nothing but...
I've never been an idiot and cut my hair after breaking up with someone
I've never had naked pictures of an ex
I've never gone on a crazy "I'm gonna cut this idiot out of all my pictures" rampage
I've never pretended to be asleep 'cause I didn't feel like it
I’ve never had a minor injury related to sex
I've never thought "crap, I wouldn't have added to my number-of-people-I-have-slept-with total if I had know that was IT"
I've never chosen chocolate over sex
I never gave it up on the first date....
i've never laid in bed at 1:30 in the morning posting on interference 'cause i can't fall asleep
I've never used whipped cream
I haven't gotten any action in 2006
I've never had a black eye
I've never gone on vacation by myself cause my friends are either too poor or married
I've never taken an entire day off of work just to have wild monkey sex
I've never had my palm read/cards done, and actually believed in what they were telling me
I've never come close to going to vegas and getting married on a whim
I've never been pissed when I check a thread with a new post only to find out that the post consisted of nothing but a smilie, a hi or a bye
I've never had a baby scare
I've never strategically placed my computer on my desk at work so nobody could see what I was doing
I've never cried after partly because of that
I've never thought, holy crap, if I am gonna have kids and not look like their damn grandma/grandpa, I better start at least getting out on DATES
I've never expected too much on valentines day only to be repeatedly disappointed
I've never been asked by a relative when will I be providing grandchildren/etc only to respond with an evil skank eye or a smart ass answer
I have never been asked by a parent what a specific sexual term that they heard on the radio/tv/movie means
I've never hit CTRL + T to quickly hide my Interference window when someone comes by, only to have my OTHER Interference window show up.
I've never had to look up what snowballing means
I've never snowballed
I've never had sex with two different people.....on the same day.
I've never written or been the subject of a U2 fanfic
I've never laughed out loud while reading these threads, only to have my much older female coworkers look at me like I was crazy
I've never visited PLEBA....
I've never wondered what an interferer would be like in bed...based on his/her picture here....
I've never wondered if Carlos' wife bops him in the head almost daily for looking at other women
I've never had my eyes glaze over when Bono starts to talk about things not related to U2
I've never finished Bono's sentences while watching him give an interview/speech for the first time
I've never heard the opening notes of Pride, sighed, took a deep breath and put on a happy face
I've never placed bets with my neighborhood rail skanks to see if Bono was going to claim he had been eating Cheeseburgers or Pasta to plump up for Miss Sarajevo OR if the arena looks like the milky way or a Christmas tree
I've never given individual members of U2 nicknames that I sometimes call them by when talking to their pictures
I've never skipped out on a thread because it's been too long to read
I've never lied about how much time I spend online
Since losing my virginity, I've never gone for well over a year without getting any
I've never tried to impress someone by discussing something and having no clue what it's about
I've never wanted to respond to an interferencer's question with "'cause you're insane"
I've never blocked someone on my instant messanger
I've never wanted to rip Oprah's weave out of her head for being so condescending and annoying
I've never broke out the Chocolate Sauce in bed
i've never seen the dave chapelle skit about where he impregnates oprah to get at her money and thought hey, that's not a bad idea
I've never blocked someone on my instant messanger
I've never eaten an entire half gallon of Edy's ice cream in an hour (Dreyer's for those of you out west, or any kind for that matter).
I've never become addicted to a neil diamond cd...
I've never sang a really bad song during a karaoke session
I've never been my own avatar
I've never taken the tags off of something because I didn't like the size
I've never gone to post, only to call the site a piece of shit because it wouldn't let me do so because I was within 45 seconds of the last one!
I've never rooted through a box of lucky charms and eaten all of the marshmallows then put it back in the cupboard
I've never tried to stand up for a fellow Addict (When I thought she was being verbally attacked) and caused big drama....
I've never turned on a particular artist after seeing it referenced in a thread
I've never brought my laptop into the bathroom so that i can run iTunes while in the shower...
I've never been all sweaty from a workout before taking a shower and have come to interference first
I've never tossed a salad
I've never said "don't push my head"
I've never had my feelings hurt here.....
I've never been bored here
I've never wondered what Phanan looks like
I've never timed it
I've never gotten jealous
I've never said "My jaw hurts"
I've never had the beam of flashlight in my face in the backseat of a car
I have never done anything provocative with a sucker/Popsicle (in a public place) to entice another person
I've never had sex in a public bathroom
I've never done it with a virgin.......
I've never cried watching the Oscars
I've never had more than 10 sexual partners
I’ve never cried at a commercial
I've never been caught singing "Out Of Control" -or any other U2 song (Really loud) in my car at a red light.....
I have never planned/rearranged my schedule because of a u2 performance on TV
I've never been disturbed by the incresaing hotness of The Edge recently
I've never watched a clip of Bono smooching Adam repeatedly with a silly grin and a squeal each and every time
I've never stated out-loud that I would not mind being the ham in a U2 manwhich
I have never known the names of all of U2’s security guards (and quite possibly talked with half of them)
I've never continued to hang out on Interference even though I have to get up ridiculously early hour in the morning
I've never gotten the munchies after working out
I've never pondered what I am going to have for dinner WHILE working out
I've never had sooo much fun in a thread before......
I've never gone poking around someone's unprotected photobucket account to see if they have anything else in there
I've never freaked out when Interference has crashed like a mofo
I've never laughed uncontrollably at Headaches Drunk Smilie
I've never wondered what the soooooooooper seekrit questions were
I've never had interference open on two different computers in an attempt to circumvent flood control...
I've never made up random facts in the hopes that the person i told said made up random fact would then go and tell someone else the stupid made up random fact, thinking it was true, thus resulting in a hilarious, elaine benes "war what is it good for" type moment, at which i will laugh.
I've never had sex with a business client before
I've never had sex with a business client before
I've never wanted Mod powers more than I do right now
I've never played doctor during sex
I've never watched/been watched while enjoying time with my BOB
I've never doubted for a minute the real reason a women would chose the venus Vibrance over just a regular venus razor
I've never wondered if the boys in WHA's class have fantasies about her
I've never used my boobs to get something I want
I've never done the "five second rule" (dropped something on the floor, but still picked it up and eaten it if it's been there less than five seconds)
I've never hit someone with a flying object (boot, fist, paper weight) before - on purpose
I've never gone to a movie sat down and not until it started realized I've already seen it
I've never gone to a movie with someone, only to leave early because we couldn't keep our hands off each other
I've never made a list of interferencers I want to meet
I've never had two friends bail on me for different things in the same day
I've never been catcalled on the street before
I've never thought my pm box deserves an X rating
I have never received a lap dance
I've never been to a male strip show
I've never had an interference category on my AIM buddy list and had nearly 30 screen names in the category even though maybe one or two actually ever IM me
I've never lied to a sexual partner about the number of partners I have had
I've never been scared of Miroslava
I've never had a 69.
I have never watch/clocked the time (possibly on the ceiling)
I've never lusted in my heart after another man
I've never left a guy with blue balls.... on purpose
I've never had an explicit dream about a member of u2
I've never photoshoped my face onto a picture next to a member of U2
I've never wanted to sleep with a photoshopped picture
I've never had my toes sucked
I've never re-gifted
I've never had a thing for an ageing rock star
I've never thought SSQs ruled
I've never had a multiple
I've never wondered what everyone was thinking of each time an SSQ is answered...
I've never done a "pull and pray"
I've never had fun with my bathtub faucet
I've never used flavored condoms
I've never owned a waterproof BOB
I've never practiced - even jokingly - dancing to Mysterious Ways in my living room in the slim hope that I might get pulled up to dance
I've never really, really, really wanted to further narrow down a SSQ
I've never wanted to set fire to my work desk
I've never wondered if Carlos changed his status on SSQ#4 because of anything that may have occurred within the last few hours
I've never regretted sleeping with anyone
I've never regretted NOT sleeping with someone
I've never written a fan letter
I've never done it in the pool/jacuzzi/ ocean/lake etc...
I've never been bungee jumping
I've never gotten into a fight with a S/O due to something related to Interference
I've never fallen for the wrong guy/girl ...
I've never skipped to the last page in a book to see how it ended
I've never tried to seduce someone...and failed.
I've never played spin the bottle
I've never ran away with a boyfriend
I've never dated a Latin girl/guy.....
I've never driven for two hours in the wrong direction
I've never moved to another state for a guy/girl
I've never been married
I've never had a dream about all the I've never'ers
I've never had a tattoo or piercing
I've never thought it wasn't too early to start drinking.
I've never loved the sound of rain drops pelting the skylights while sleeping.
I've never had sex with someone I KNEW had a significant other
I've never read different posts, by different posters in different sub-forums in Interference only to come to the conclusion that we're surrounded
I've never thought that sex would be better than watching the Super Bowl.
I've never thought what it would be like to meet certain Interferencers in person
I've never watched hard core porn before
I've never wished there was an age limit or at least a limit to the number of people under 16 on at a time at interference
I've never wished I had banning powers
I've never wondered when the next SSQ will be.
I've never been part of a threesome
I've never had a physical reaction to something I have read on these threads
I've never taken matters into my own hands while at work.
I've never gotten or given a hickey in a place other than my/their neck
I've never found this thread highly educational
I've never watched scrambled Cinemax when I was a kid just to see the naughty movies
I've never gotten up early for work, only to desperately wish I could crawl back into bed
I've never wished for an IV of extra strength coffee more than I have right at this very moment
I've never thought I have a first class ticket to hell waiting for me
I've never wondered just how much can be monitored on this site
I've never had to stay late and catch up on work due to unforseen circumstances
I've never had to come back super late from lunch because of being held up by something
I've never made out on a dance floor with a complete stranger
I've never lied to get out of a date
I've never lied to get out of a date
I've never wanted to run a spellchecker up Interland's arse
I've never thought Valentine's Day can bite me
I've never pretended to know nothing about U2 so that some chick/dude I was trying to hit on felt smart
I've never figured out what my porn star name is
I've never partially fixed any battery operated devices
I've never participated in a photo scavenger hunt
I've never wondered if we could ban people for being ignorant asses
I've never been a member of the mile high club
I've never been to a gay club
I've Never "googled" the name of a potential date
I've Never "googled" my own name just to see what's out there
I've never had entirely too much to drink at a wine tasting
I've never looked up what "scat" porn is
I never have done something illegal to get some plastic beads
I've never lost my voice after a weekend of partying
I've never taken drunken pics with my friends where the directions were "ok, try and look skanky"
I've never told a fellow interferencer "If I was a guy, I'd want to stick my face in your boobs"
I've never wanted to do the non-existent :shakesangryfist: smiley at idiots who can't drive in less than a dusting of snow on the freeway
I've never gone to a club in a college town and thought, "Shit, I'm ooooooooold"
I've never had my ass slapped-hard-by a drunk mutherfucker leaving a bar
I've never been on Chipper's shitlist
I've never had a myspace profile

Legal Disclaimer: Prior access to SSQs does not automatically guarantee access to any future SSQs and/or other exclusive materials. Members must remain active in the I've Never threads to ensure eligibility.

Welcome our newest member! :happy:


Irvine, you're a total babe. :drool: :drool: :love: :love:

We're so stalking you (and Mr. Memphis) when we go visit.

And what happened to your ipod April? :sad:

And the dude just left. I now have flowers in two rooms of my house, cause he just showed up with yellow roses. I am so, so, so, screwed. Happy, but screwed.

Nothing. Just Irvine's pic. It was at 506 when I got to it.

And Kat, I just realized I didn't thank you for the SP/Keane link you sent. :shifty:

Thanks! :kiss:
Miroslava said:
Nothing. Just Irvine's pic. It was at 506 when I got to it.

And Kat, I just realized I didn't thank you for the SP/Keane link you sent. :shifty:

Thanks! :kiss:

You're welcome :kiss:

sometimes I really hate this place :angry:
i love it when a producer asks me for footage of gas stations in Australia.

as if we have footage of gas stations in Australia.

Irvine511 said:
i love it when a producer asks me for footage of gas stations in Australia.

as if we have footage of gas stations in Australia.


I thought footage of that was commonplace. You're doing a terrible job. :|


BTW, love the sig. :up:
daygloeyes2 said:

I thought footage of that was commonplace. You're doing a terrible job. :|


BTW, love the sig. :up:

i am doing a terrible job. i should be fired. i should just give up now. i'm just wasting my time here. why did i even bother to get out of bed in the first place.


love your sig as well.
Irvine511 said:

i am doing a terrible job. i should be fired. i should just give up now. i'm just wasting my time here. why did i even bother to get out of bed in the first place.


love your sig as well.

You're just a failure at life. :sad:
oh! i have an "I Never"!

i was never on student council and rigged the voting on the Junior Prom theme song to make sure it was "all i want is you"


(does that count, or do i need to be more sexual)
That counts :lol:

And nope, but I so would have. :drool:

And hmmm

Yeah, nevermind. It was going to be more personal than I would want it to be given so many sets of eyes. :shifty:
Headache in a Suitcase said:
how would one accaidently stumble into it? :hmm: :evil:

Well, I was searching for something else, and found this thread in Inside Broadcast, which still happens to link you to the Lovetown page even though you can't get there by way of Discotheque anymore...



I like April's thread...

"Let's mingle, shall we?"

phanan said:

Well, I was searching for something else, and found this thread in Inside Broadcast, which still happens to link you to the Lovetown page even though you can't get there by way of Discotheque anymore...



I like April's thread...

"Let's mingle, shall we?"


I wish I had seen your link to this - I did my own search for it.

Some of the threads in there are hilarious. :lol:

Hey, I think my thread was quite the good idea. :tongue:

:lol: there was a singles forum?!

on a related note... I just found out 3 of my best friends spent last weekend at a beach house in Mexico. Nope I wasn't invited :sad:

It was a couples weekend and I no longer qualify:angry:
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