I've Never Part - too lazy to look...

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ONE love, blood, life
Nov 9, 2004
I am feeling like crap today, so not doing anything fancy with the first post!

1) Glad to hear your plans are almost done Chrissy!! Ours are too!

2) Thank you girls and boys for the kind words. :reject: :flirt:
Nope, he's not going :D

Probably for the best, I'd really hate for our first big trip to be U2 related. I am not quite the same during those ocassions :lol:

And coming from perfect make up appliers such as you, that means lots :drool:

Good call about your first trip and all. :up:
I was nervous to take my sister to a show with me. She thought I was :coocoo: It's okay though b/c she's a total nutcase at Sock games.

I have no exciting pictures from the bachelorette party. As expected, there was high drama. :tsk: Thankfully I wasn't involved. The bride's older sister and maid of honor was a total bitch. She and her husband are wealthy, very wealthy. (both partners at prestigious law firms in Chicago by the age of 30 ) The party kicked off at their new 1.6 million dollar home. It's tradition in our group to bring an appetizer to the party. As we were leaving to go to the bar the bride's sister says, "So, what do I do with peoples dishes? Do they expect me to wash them or what? Do they expect food back? They better pick up their stuff tomorrow and not sometime next week." :| No, we don't want food back, throw away what you don't wan't. She was a terrible hostess.

she must not have any friends or ever had a party at her house. Anyway, that kicked off the drama.
I have a strict no boyfriend rule at concerts - especially u2 concerts where I want to dork out as much as possible

Leah - I might be able to top your bridal show. I've got to go to a second baby shower this weekend for my cousin (who is incidentally hosting it herself). It's loosely called a BBQ for the baby but it came with a registry :huh: Apparently they didn't get all the things they wanted at the first.
Leah I like it :up:

I didn't get myspace, my only friend is Tom and I don't remember my name or password :der:

yea I gave up on it. Looks like a lot of work to keep it up
yea so I removed any personal info and never went back :huh:

I'd like to be able to look at other stuff like band sites though so I should find out my password.
WildHoneyAlways said:
I don't quite get myspace either. I gave in to peer pressure.

Didn't you have a myspace stalker Kat? :yikes:


Leah - you're added :D (I've got to check my page more often)

my favorite is "sexy tiger" - how could I say no?:wink:
well damn. blocking that's a good solution.

Can you make it so only people you approve can find you? like on last fm?

I spend too much time online I don't need myspace :grumpy:
Chrissi, that is indeed very, very wrong. :angry:

Have I mentioned my hatred for gift registries? :mad: Well, it is not so much the registry that I hate as much as the behavior of a LOT of the people that register. :boo hiss:

And myspace is not all that bad (says the girl that met her dude there :shifty: )

Since you girls know pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenty about me, I'll add you. :lol: I try to keep myspace as interference free as possible due to my blog (if I wanted everyone to know everything about me, I'd have gotten a journal :p ), but you girlies are kosher :D
nurse chrissi said:

Leah - I might be able to top your bridal show. I've got to go to a second baby shower this weekend for my cousin (who is incidentally hosting it herself). It's loosely called a BBQ for the baby but it came with a registry :huh: Apparently they didn't get all the things they wanted at the first.

I just had a kind of similar experience :angry:

I friend that I haven't seen in at least 2 years found out she was having her 4th kid. Since after the 3rd kid she and the hubby decided that was enough, she either gave away or threw out every baby-type thing she owned. Now surprise! Here comes #4! Suddenly that becomes everyone else's problem and she decides to have a shower to get stuff.


Needless to say, I didn't attend. :madspit:
Bull shit! :angry:

When and if I get married, I ain't registering for crap. I have a house, I am pretty settled. I am throwing a party, no gifts allowed. :angry:
Miroslava said:

Have I mentioned my hatred for gift registries? :mad: Well, it is not so much the registry that I hate as much as the behavior of a LOT of the people that register. :boo hiss:

Agreed :yes:

I was just invited to another baby shower where the entire registry was from Pottery Barn Kids :huh: Ok, fine, but everything is soooooo freaking expensive!!! Are you kidding?? $20 for 3 burp cloths that will be covered in puke in no time??? I don't think so :tsk:
BonoIsAGod said:

$20 for 3 burp cloths that will be covered in puke in no time??? I don't think so :tsk:

:huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:

Good god...


"I am getting married, come to this place, civil ceremony folowed by a party with 50 different appetizers ( :drool: ), live music, DJ and open bar! I am not registered anywhere, just get your ass to the party"

Yep, that's what my wedding invitation might read like...
Miroslava said:

"I am getting married, come to this place, civil ceremony folowed by a party with 50 different appetizers ( :drool: ), live music, DJ and open bar! I am not registered anywhere, just get your ass to the party"

Yep, that's what my wedding invitation might read like...

:love: elope then a big party
Miroslava said:
Bull shit! :angry:

When and if I get married, I ain't registering for crap. I have a house, I am pretty settled. I am throwing a party, no gifts allowed. :angry:

I honestly felt kind of weird registering for stuff for our shower. It was like, ok, buy me something and from this list! We registered for basics, nothing outrageous. I already had dishes, towels and all of that junk. It was fun to get all of that stuff, don't get me wrong, but strange at the same time.
Pretty much. :D

My parents got married at the courthouse. My mom had a MINI skirt, big ass hoop earrings, my dad had high waisted polyester pants and long hair. We're not religious. I have no expectations upon me to have a big fluffy wedding or anything. :drool: :drool:
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BonoIsAGod said:

I honestly felt kind of weird registering for stuff for our shower. It was like, ok, buy me something and from this list! We registered for basics, nothing outrageous. I already had dishes, towels and all of that junk. It was fun to get all of that stuff, don't get me wrong, but strange at the same time.

But you guys got married fairly young. That's different. You guys were truly getting started, and if you registered for the basics, then there's nothing wrong. It is the toolbags that register for outrageous stuff that they would NEVER buy if it was their own money or stuff that is just for the sake of the brand name that annoy me. :kill:

I am already 29, I've had my place for 3 years now. There's nothing I really need at this point.
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Miroslava said:

"I am getting married, come to this place, civil ceremony folowed by a party with 50 different appetizers ( :drool: ), live music, DJ and open bar! I am not registered anywhere, just get your ass to the party"

Yep, that's what my wedding invitation might read like...

I'm there!! :hyper:
Especially if there is going to be 50 different appetizers :wink: , knowing how we both love our appetizers :love:
BonoIsAGod said:

I'm there!! :hyper:
Especially if there is going to be 50 different appetizers :wink: , knowing how we both love our appetizers :love:

Appetizers/Tapas/etc rule my world... :drool: :drool:
Miroslava said:

"I am getting married, come to this place, civil ceremony folowed by a party with 50 different appetizers ( :drool: ), live music, DJ and open bar! I am not registered anywhere, just get your ass to the party"

Yep, that's what my wedding invitation might read like...


me too.

i think Bill Maher once said that the gift registry is the "white people version of looting."

totally true.

i tried, last year, to buy really unique, thoughtful gifts to all my friends who got married (art from a guy who lives just down the street and does amazing stuff http://www.robertkentwilson.com/) because i wanted to avoid the Pottery Barn/Restoration Hardware thing and support local artists, but this year, i might have to do the registry since i don't feel like i have the energy to put the same level of thought and effort into the flurry of weddings coming up this fall.

the NYC shoot went well.

am totally fried today. :crazy:
Miroslava said:

But you guys got married fairly young. That's different. You guys were truly getting married, and if you registered for the basics, then there's nothing wrong. It is the toolbags that register for outrageous stuff that they would NEVER buy if it was their own money or stuff that is just for the sake of the brank name that annoy me. :kill:

True, true. And that's exactly how I thought of it, if I wouldn't spend my own money on this stuff, why should I expect someone else to?? Fuck that, buy me shit I'm actually going to use, not store away never to be seen by the light of day again.
Irvine511 said:

me too.

i think Bill Maher once said that the gift registry is the "white people version of looting."

:love: :love:

And welcome back...

And well, to be honest, I MIGHT omit the word ass from any invitation. My momma might not approve. I might just leave it at "I am not registered anywhere, just come and celebrate with us" :wink:

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