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Purpose of the opening act is *not to warm up for U2? Well, that was one hell of a warm up speech! :lol:

I hated them the first seven times I saw them, though, but gradually grew to enjoy their sets.

Kind of like the unattractive person constantly hitting on you, until finally you just give in and throw them a shag.

Jesas....7 TIMES??!

Cool story! I once hit on a girl 77 times, and she finally gave in and "threw me a shag". I guess she grew to enjoy my repeated advances. :up:

She didn't post about it on a message board after the fact, though.

Jesas....7 TIMES??!

Hey guys, let's get back to the subject at hand: Interpol.

Fuck the haters, we be rocking out to the 'pol!


Whoo! :wink:

Whoo! :wink:
This wins the thread.

BTW, I really liked Interpol when I saw them in Brussels but I was already a huge fan. I think most people don't like Interpol as an opener because their music sounds samey and boring at first listen. When I first listened to one of their albums I thought it was boring and monotonous. It's no wonder they're not received well.
Here is a picture of me during Interpol's set. And to think I have to endure them AGAIN in Pittsburgh....

Fuck the haters, we be rocking out to the 'pol!


Whoo! :wink:

True story: I originally responded to this post last night from my Android, and didn't see this pic...all my phone showed was *Spoiler* with no option (at least that I can figure out) to view the pic

Now that I can see it...and my response...haha that's HILARIOUS.

:up: :up:

BTW MARK: Yes, there was that look. There was also what I refer to as the Wide Eyed Pursed Lips Baker Intensity Stare, several times. Do we have a pic of that? Someone has to have a pic of that. :wink:
Interpol was great last night. They got a pretty good response from the people in the stands too.

I'll cut anyone who says that Lights wasn't awesome
Geez, i would have lost my shit if Interpol opened for U2 in Melbourne. The 8 songs or so they play are perfect for a short set.
I caught the last 4 or so songs of Interpol's set in Minneapolis. And they were all songs I knew, so I was digging it.

But the singer's giving Win Butler a run for his money in the Worst Hair in Rock and Roll category.
I caught the last 4 or so songs of Interpol's set in Minneapolis. And they were all songs I knew, so I was digging it.

But the singer's giving Win Butler a run for his money in the Worst Hair in Rock and Roll category.

I didn't think that was possible. I must find pictures, because I can't imagine worse hair than Win. Oh and little over 2 weeks until I see it in person!

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