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of course Sulawesi right?
first time I saw your name...I thought u're from Indonesia..but you're not,hahaha...
and our moderator lived in Indonesia for 13 years,wow..!!!...:))..
Missed some Indonesian food?...:)))
:D Yep, Sulawesi Tenggah to be specific. Yourself?

Kabar baik, terima kasih. Sekarang saya lupa BANYAK bahasa indonesia. :lol:

And yes, I definitely miss the food. :drool: I make gado-gado and satay sometimes...peanut sauce!!! :heart: Still, I just can't make nasi kuning and santan the way it ought to be. *sigh*
me..I'm from west java...nice to knowing you
any u2 experince so far? the boys or how many times watch their concert?
u still good talked in Indonesian language..:)) (still remember those words,hehehe)
what are u doing in Indonesia for 13 years?in sulawesi Tengah..?
like spicy food? or satay things with peanut sauce?

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