I just want Bang Bang Bang!!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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You should add a warning before someone loads that clip with small children in the room....

(had to close the window very quickly)
let's go bang?

nbcrusader said:
You should add a warning before someone loads that clip with small children in the room....

(had to close the window very quickly)

Eek! Sorry about that nb- I don't want to traumatize anyone's kids. :eek:
i didnt see it. cause i didnt open it. i really hate having to type out so many w's in a row before a lame name, phrase, or sentance fragment followed by a .com and usually a few / with jpeg, exe, or a serious of nonsensible numbers.

i dont know about you, but i dont have time for that sorta shit. im a busy man, and busy men have to know how to spend their time wisely.

like me, im a busy man, and i know how to spend my time. wisely, at that.
Cow of the Seas said:
i didnt see it. cause i didnt open it. i really hate having to type out so many w's in a row before a lame name, phrase, or sentance fragment followed by a .com and usually a few / with jpeg, exe, or a serious of nonsensible numbers.

Ummm, ever hear of copy and paste? :scratch:
in a good way though, right?

hey, do you remember seeing an snl episode back when phil hartman was a member, and he had this skit where he said "wow is that sssssssssssssssssassy!" all the time? one of the funniest moments ever i do believe.
I know what this thing is with out even opening it. I got it last week. It was really funny.

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