How to get Tokyo tickets?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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U2shanghai said:
The only "disappointing" moment was the last song, an encore of Vertigo when I was praying for OTH or All I want is you.

Yeah this was the first thing I looked for when I saw the Dec 4 setlist - was really glad to have seen the first show as it appears they only played OTH as a follow on from the NZ shows -and it only lasted 2 nights. Phew - was the moment of the entire trip for me hearing them playing OTH.

But glad that you had a good time nonetheless and that the line jumping worked!
maycocksean, silvrlvr,

I tried, I really tried, but I couldn't buy you guys the Vertigo Japan t-shirt you wanted... sold out!

The large and extra large sizes were gone. They had small and medium sizes, but I figured those wouldn't have been much use, except to hang on your walls.

A fellow fan allowed me to stand at the front of the line with her on Monday before the show, so even though we were the first people in, the larger sized shirts were already gone. They still had plenty of the generic U2 tour shirts for sale, but nothing in Japanese, nor anything with the word Japan on it.

Sorry about the disappointment, but I'm pretty bummed about it, too, since I'd planned on buying a bunch of them as Christmas gifts for fellow fans this year.

If you still want one of the other shirts, I can get one at the Hawaii show, or you can probably just check on eBay over the next few weeks and get some at a discount.

Send me an email and let me know if I should get you something in Honolulu:

4U2Play, Bratty_Cat, Fer was really great meeting you and spending a bit of time! :D

Jay san, that might have been my friend Yumi that you met. I had a large banner wrapped around me when I was circulating around the GA ref.# line ups. I'm sorry that I missed meeting you.

BTW, good plan to hit a b-stage. I went for the front rail, and was just one person in before the show center stage Bono. Once the show kicked in I was 2 people back...4 people...3 people...2 people....a bit to the left of Bono...a bit to the get the idea. I have never experienced such an intense GA for a U2 show, and despite the bruises on my arm and left hip, I just might do it again...maybe. LOL.

I hope to be able to cross paths with you guys again.

Peace and smiles.
Ditto Fragrant.

Was so much fun meeting all of you and hanging out after the show. Everyone was very cool and we really enjoyed being able to meet and spend time with fans from all over the world!

Saitama III was such a great show and thanks to 4U2Play, we ended up in a great location within the A Block (Thanks again, Nick!). My only regret is not flying in earlier for the previous two shows! Japan was a blast and the Japanese people are so friendly and gracious. Awesome time!
A little surprise for all you guys, thanks all for your contribution.

Apparently it is not that easy to post pics. I am going to try with one, if it works I will post some more.

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Fantastic pics!!!! I will try and post some of those that we took at Saitama 1. But very impressed with these, esp. the geisha girls!
Great photos! Way better than mine. My camera is not that good especially in low light and the constant jostling of the crowd made it harder too.

Is there a youtube of the maiko somewhere?
U2shanghai said:
A little surprise for all you guys, thanks all for your contribution.

Apparently it is not that easy to post pics. I am going to try with one, if it works I will post some more.


ah, this is the one photo I wish I'd thought to take. . .
GREAT pics shanghai. Arigato!!! I love the shot of the 4 of them.

Sean, this is what's out there so far with the maiko.

I'm sure that there will be better footage soon. I'd love to see one with Bono at the end as he took off his hat and bowed. I felt nothing but sincerity from him at that moment.

Nick was front rail this show, a few feet from me, and I think he just might have something more. :D
fragrant said:
GREAT pics shanghai. Arigato!!! I love the shot of the 4 of them.

Sean, this is what's out there so far with the maiko.

I'm sure that there will be better footage soon. I'd love to see one with Bono at the end as he took off his hat and bowed. I felt nothing but sincerity from him at that moment.

Nick was front rail this show, a few feet from me, and I think he just might have something more. :D

Yeah, I saw both of those on youtube. Still holding out for better footage. . .perhaps Nick will come through!
Hi Guys,

Still in Honolulu, so I haven't had time to post my photos and videoclips, but I'll do so later this week.

I filmed all of MW from Tokyo 3, including the Maiko sliding across the stage and Bono bowing to them at the end... great stuff.

Once I get everything edited and uploaded, I'll post the link here.

You're awesome Nick!! Great to hear from you.

We look forward to your safe return after your Hawaiian adventure!

Gosh, you'll be riding high forever. :D

...and heck, MW front rail with maiko...brace yourselves everyone!!!!!

Hugs and smiles.
A great video of the fly - Saitama III:

I'll upload a couple by tomorrow, less than a minute of Pirde and as much of the Streets, at the end of the second one you'll see a security guy pointing at me with his flashlight and that was the end. They threatened to take away my SD card and I preferred to stop.
Shanghai, I look forward to seeing your other footage. Good thing to put away your camera at that moment...yikes.

Bratty_Cat, do you have any photos from our night there?

Nick, I'd love to have your website address if possible. Thanks. You must be busy organizing all of your material from the shows. :D Can't wait to see everything.

Hope everyone is doing well post Vertigo Japan. I'm having a tough time coming down...
I can't stop listening to the 29/11 show. I dowloaded it from U2start. It is great quality - probably the best quality available. Reliving those moments - ahhhhh. Yes, hard to come down. But I suppose have to get on with things. I listened to the Honolulu gig, but somehow pales in comparison - maybe it is the quality of the recording, but I think U2 themselves were more keen to impress the japanese audience since they had not played there for 8 yrs. They played the US many times on this tour. Oh well, my 2 cents - Merry Christmas to all of you (Baby Please come home!). See you on the flip side.
I agree Jay san. :D I think it went beyond impressing though as I believe they were very happy there.

If you get a chance, listen to the 12/4 show too. Check out Out of Control, but also listen as Bono thanks the Tokyo crowd for their time spent in Japan. He says something like "...we really, really fell in love with Tokyo..."

They were in a good place for themselves in Japan and really enjoyed the scene. That really came through in their TV appearances, but especially during the shows. They had a blast!!! 12/4 highlights my twenty plus years running around with U2, and it sounds like 11/29 did it for you as well. :D

I just LOVE watching this footage of U2 in Japan. Priceless.
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fragrant said:
12/4 highlights my twenty plus years running around with U2, and it sounds like 11/29 did it for you as well. :D

Nuff said... started way back in 1987 for Joshua Tree Toronto, then Popmart London, Elevation London (where we got to front row) and culminated in the best of the lot - Vertigo Saitama. You can see I have invested many a dollar to see them as well as I live in Hong Kong! Don't know how they are going to top this lot of shows but somehow Bono always comes back fresher and invigorated after a long break. So fingers crossed.

I will also check out the 4/12 show - seen it on the site, but now will download it. Only thing that has been stopping me is that i want the 29/11 show to remain as pristine as it was for me - if I hear anything different (or better) the effect would be diluted. Anyway, on your call, will check it out. OUT.
Hi Fragrant! Suzanne still hasn't brought her film in. I need to make her give it to me so I can bring it in myself. I really am anxious to see her pix from the show but also all of the pix she took in Tokyo (which is such a fabulous city). I'm not sure I have your email address so I'll give you mine: mflsf@hotmail

Talk to you soon!
Those downloads of our show (11/29) aren't going to disappear are they. I'd like to download it but I'm having some trouble with my computer and want to get it fixed before I try to download anything else. It'll be a few days at least.

It will still be available right?

I hope so. I'd love to have that night "recorded forever."
maycocksean said:
Those downloads of our show (11/29) aren't going to disappear are they. I'd like to download it but I'm having some trouble with my computer and want to get it fixed before I try to download anything else. It'll be a few days at least.

It will still be available right?

I hope so. I'd love to have that night "recorded forever."

Once it's on U2start then it should still be there. Unless of course they take it down, but v unlikely since it has been up for ages. You should be fine. Well worth downloading as well.
Just listened to the 4/12 show. Apart from a few key moments, esp where Bono, before "The First Time" says that he has fallen in love with Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, the whole of Japan - which was a touching moment - still prefer the 29/11 gig. But I'm biased! I must say though that it was the best version I have ever heard of Out of Control - that totally rocked!!!!! The 4/12 show wasn't bad I guess, just can't visualise it like I could with the 29/11 one. But all in all a fantastic set of shows in Japan.
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Jay san, I am so glad that you're holding 11/29 true to your heart. I still have to listen to it, but it's so great when a show stays special like that.

Sean, if you continue having problems with that download I'd be happy to send you a copy. Just let us know.

Bratty_Cat, no rush on the images. It's fun to see them continue to roll in. I crossed paths with Nick in another thread yesterday and he shared his link to his fantastic 12/4 photos. Thank you Nick!!

This one with Bono holding a peace crane during First Time floors me every time. :)
That's an awesome shot Fragrant! I remember him doing that and I thought of all the hard work you and other fans around the world did to make it all happen. Congratulations!

Nick has some great shots from Tokyo but I then I'm not surprised as he always does!
I finally got around to uploading my Tokyo photos:

Since there are so many shots, I guess the best way to view them all is via the slideshow with 2 second intervals... otherwise, you'll overload on Adam and Bono pics.

I also have a bunch of cool videoclips from all three shows, but the files are too large to upload anywhere. I'll figure out a way to shrink them down, then I'll send them out to everyone.
Great pics Nick! Brought the whole amazing night right back. Thanks so much for sharing!
sanjaysakhrani said:

Once it's on U2start then it should still be there. Unless of course they take it down, but v unlikely since it has been up for ages. You should be fine. Well worth downloading as well.

I found it, but I decided to ask before downloading--two questions.

1. How's this download going to be in terms of viruses. Am I going to be ushering in a bunch of stuff I don't want with the download? (I just cleaned up my computer cleaned up and running quickly and smoothly and I don't want to go through that again).

2. Secondly, what file type is the download going to save in and will I need some special software to listen to it. I got to the point of downloading but my computer didn't seem to recognize it as anything like what my Windows media player or itunes would be able play. So I stopped there. Suggestions or advice?

(Obviously I'm quite new at this)
maycocksean said:

I found it, but I decided to ask before downloading--two questions.

1. How's this download going to be in terms of viruses. Am I going to be ushering in a bunch of stuff I don't want with the download? (I just cleaned up my computer cleaned up and running quickly and smoothly and I don't want to go through that again).

2. Secondly, what file type is the download going to save in and will I need some special software to listen to it. I got to the point of downloading but my computer didn't seem to recognize it as anything like what my Windows media player or itunes would be able play. So I stopped there. Suggestions or advice?

(Obviously I'm quite new at this)


1. No problem with viruses for me and I have downloaded a bunch of other shows on the site.

2. Each part is downloaded in a RAR file. Can download the software to open RAR from the internet for free. I think it is called WinRAR. Click on the evaluation copy - been using that for about a month now with no prompts to sign up for paid software. Once you download the RAR file, the WinRAR software will take over and open up the folder. All the files inside are in MP3 so your regular Winamp or Media Player should be able to play them. I would suggest that once you download the RAR file, extract all the files to your music folder separately. Then delete the RAR file itself. Any problems, give me a shout.
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4U2Play said:
I finally got around to uploading my Tokyo photos:

Since there are so many shots, I guess the best way to view them all is via the slideshow with 2 second intervals... otherwise, you'll overload on Adam and Bono pics.

I also have a bunch of cool videoclips from all three shows, but the files are too large to upload anywhere. I'll figure out a way to shrink them down, then I'll send them out to everyone.

Superb work! Thanks a lot for sharing!

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