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Jan 22, 2008
YouTube - U2 - Unchained Melody

OK, U2. Time to stop giving this song a snippet every now and then, and play it full just like they covered it! This is for me, their best cover ever, hands down! Maybe Helter Skelter and Beat On The Brat and some live versions of All Along The Watchtower can give it a minor run for its money. BIG maybe.

Think about it. It takes the original song, not known for its rhythm section, and adds a rock and roll, very 80s U2 feel to it. Larry turns in some of his most underrated work here, and the Edge somehow makes a vintage Edge sound fit perfectly with the atmosphere of this song. Significant value added to the song here, all while staying true to the original. Bono's vocal goes w/o saying.


How about play this live to end the 1st encore? Maybe after Streets.

Full band, just like the link posted. When it gets to 3:45 and they start to let Edge loose with the guitar, Bono pulls a girl for a dance. I think this would be truly breathtaking, even better than during the LIB Sydney guitar solo, but the same idea! Would be the emotional climax of the night at the end of the set and Bono can grab a gorgeous young girl out of the crowd without butchering WOWY!

Come back for a second encore, kick up the volume a few notches, pump out Out of Control and then send the crowd home with 40!

MOS, I love you, but your place is mid set from now on!
Always loved their version of this song...U2387, I totally agree with you on this would be amazing to hear this in the encore and I am patiently waiting for the day to hear Out of of my all time fav U2 songs...also love their version of Can't Help Falling in Love, which I heard them do on the Zoo TV tour which was also absolutely amazing!!! Bono's voice on Can't help falling in love is unbelievable...I guess we can keep dreaming!
I know!! Bono's voice on this one kills me!! When they did it on the Zoo TV tour, it was the last song of the night and as I was walking out, I actually heard people complaining that they chose to do an Elvis song, if you can believe that.....still get chills when I hear this!
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