Happy New Year!! And a Relevant Thought!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Jan 22, 2008
I know there are a ton of threads that cover basically the same topics, but this is on my mind as we begin 2010!

I just updated my Facebook status to say: "Happy 2010 everyone!! Here, the band of the 80s, 90s AND 00s rings in 1990." I go on to link New Year's 1989 Streets video.

This got me thinking. The biggest band of THREE DECADES, agreed upon by many an objective observer, whether they like them musically or not. Who else can say that, ever??

So in that context, while it is perfectly fine to have different tastes, even to dislike U2's music, how could there possibly be so many who blindly hate U2 while knowing little or nothing about them??

And how could those people be seemingly increasing in numbers as the 3rd decade of dominance comes to a close?

You would think that 3 decades on top would at least earn U2 a fair hearing with everyone, but evidently not with these people.
People probably think other bands deserved limelight but missed out because of U2 dominating possibly.

I mean, I could see why it would annoy. I love U2 obviously (otherwise I wouldn't be on this site!), but if a band I hated dominated like U2 have, it would have pissed me off and made me hate them more. So I suppose it's the same for people who genuinely don't like U2, all different tastes afterall.

The overexposure caused them the hate. Imagine if they were never overly exposed. Like R.E.M. or something. How many people hate R.E.M? A band with a huge discography like U2, and of a similar genre. Not many people I know hate R.E.M. like they do U2, probably because they're not as exposed, plus Bono, though a great guy, doesn't do the band's popularity any favours.
i'm inclined to agree with the posts above me. everyone just has different tastes. not everyone is going to like the same artist. i blindly hate nickelback and nothing a fan of theirs could say to me would make me change my mind, and would likely just further piss me off.
....So in that context, while it is perfectly fine to have different tastes, even to dislike U2's music, how could there possibly be so many who blindly hate U2 while knowing little or nothing about them??

And how could those people be seemingly increasing in numbers as the 3rd decade of dominance comes to a close?

You would think that 3 decades on top would at least earn U2 a fair hearing with everyone, but evidently not with these people.

Several reasons are given in the follow-up posts. But...why do we care? Our own taste doesn't have to someone else's taste. As long as you and I think the music is great and the band is fantastic.

I also don't believe in God, and there are 2,1 billion Christians and 1,3 billion muslims who do believe in God. He is on top for centuries! And I hate it if people try to convince me that He exists.
I may be wrong, but I don't think this hate thing is universal, I think it's mainly a British and American issue and I suspect it is due to overexposure as you said above, then in Ireland there is a love-hate relation I would say, it is difficult to be a prophet in your own land, but in the rest of the world they are important artists who appear in the media from time to time, here, at least, Bono has a very good reputation and is cited as one of the most influential men of the 20th century by other artists.
And how could those people be seemingly increasing in numbers as the 3rd decade of dominance comes to a close?

You would think that 3 decades on top would at least earn U2 a fair hearing with everyone, but evidently not with these people.

You touched on this in your other thread, and I gave perfectly valid reasons - overexposure, and the public's need to knock down those at the top.

After the HTDAAB and the Vertigo tour waned, U2 never really went away. They recorded and released WITS and Saints. They made appearances. They released DVDs. They released massive remasters. I'm sure I'm leaving out a ton of other things. And that was all after the MASSIVE tour that stretched out over two years. People were tired of them! Hell, I'm a huge fan, and I got a little tired of them, hardly listened to them or paid much attention to what they were doing for a year or two.

If they release SoA and it's a smash hit, fine. If not, what they need to do after this tour is over is go away for a year or so and stfu, stay out of sight for a while, and then come back with something fabulous in a few years. Give people a chance to miss them.

It's really not a huge mystery. It's that, coupled with the fact that popularity is cyclical. :shrug:
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