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Jun 3, 2005
East Point to Shaolin
I'm a fan of the phantom who scored a goal in Panama City.
The bigger joke is the fact that CONCACAF has 3.5 World Cup spots while CONMEBOL (with 4 top-10 ranked teams) only has one more (4.5).
I'm still trying to figure out in what universe starting both Gonzo and Matt Besler over Geoff Cameron (who presumably was healthy enough to make the roster) makes sense.
The same universe where it makes more sense for our better players to come back to MLS instead of trying to succeed in Europe.

At least among the 25-30 yo player pool, there just isn't enough competition for guys to push themselves.

Altidore's competition is guys like Jordan Morris, Gyasi Zardes and 35-year-old Clint Dempsey. Bradley's competition is Dax McCarty, Kyle Beckerman, etc. No incentive for these guys not to slum it in MLS.

I do feel a little bit bad for Bradley though. He was bossing it at a mid-table Italian side and made a very ambitious (and in hindsight unwise) decision to join Roma that ended up eating 2 years of his prime.
I mean, like most Americans, I didn't even hear about it until after it happened.

The fact that we lack a devoted functional soccer thread but this exists... what's the point of wordless mockery?
The US's dedication to soccer can best be illustrated by the fact that the vast majority of my soccer watching friends have automatically moved on to our secondary team. Imagine fans from Mexico doing that.

US Soccer is like pro football in Los Angeles. We just have too many other options to care all that much.
The bigger joke is that this is a thread.

A country of 323 million people and billions and billions of dollars worth of resources being poured into soccer missing the biggest sporting event on the planet because you couldn't beat Trinidad and Tobago?

Yeah, that's a catastrophic embarrassment and you deserve to cop it from all angles.
I mean, like most Americans, I didn't even hear about it until after it happened.

The fact that we lack a devoted functional soccer thread but this exists... what's the point of wordless mockery?
The US's dedication to soccer can best be illustrated by the fact that the vast majority of my soccer watching friends have automatically moved on to our secondary team. Imagine fans from Mexico doing that.

US Soccer is like pro football in Los Angeles. We just have too many other options to care all that much.
Yea, nah.

Fox didn't pay half a billion dollars for the rights to the US World Cup rights because no one cares.

Soccer may not be as popular as the "big 4" in the US yet, but it has grown exponentially over the past decade plus, especially in the demographics that advertisers care about most.

Among 12-17 year olds in the US, MLS ranks 2nd in popularity, only behind the NBA.

This is an unmitigated disaster for US Soccer, and an utter embarrassment.
A country of 323 million people and billions and billions of dollars worth of resources being poured into soccer missing the biggest sporting event on the planet because you couldn't beat Trinidad and Tobago?

Yeah, that's a catastrophic embarrassment and you deserve to cop it from all angles.

I mean I'm not downplaying the huge deal that it is.

I'm actually pointing out your delivery. Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhaha is about the most mature thread title I've ever read. The real question is, who are you laughing at? Because the reality is, a fair majority of the folks you're laughing at are likely unaware of what even happened.

The US barely lost in... dare I say... a preseason thriller? At least we aren't proud of that ;)
Look, soccer is popular and I love watching the World Cup. I'm not saying it's NOT popular. It's just that it seems most people have a back-up team. I have a few friends that are pretty devastated but most are embarrassed and planning to root for Mexico, Germany, basically wherever their ancestors are from.

Now, I do hope this is a wake up call to US Soccer, because, yeah not making the World Cup is fucking pathetic.
It is pathetic. I mean, it's been a solid decade since they've been looking up.

I don't follow the USMNT enough, but could it be that with the recent push for MLS, there was perhaps a setback in national talent as more players are inclined to play at lower levels since they were more likely to play MLS than before? Sort of a rebound effect of growing domestic popularity?
I mean I'm not downplaying the huge deal that it is.

I'm actually pointing out your delivery. Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhaha is about the most mature thread title I've ever read. The real question is, who are you laughing at? Because the reality is, a fair majority of the folks you're laughing at are likely unaware of what even happened.

The US barely lost in... dare I say... a preseason thriller? At least we aren't proud of that ;)

As an Australian, the USA being knocked out of the World Cup by a minnow is one of the funniest things that could ever happen.
Because we are constantly reminded of America's exceptionalism every waking fucking minute.

And who is reminding you of this? When? Where? Are you sure that's not just a state of mind? That you're in?

You enjoy watching US failure. Nobody enjoys watching you fail, though. Nobody cares, actually. Well, I don't. I'd prefer you were happy, if I'm honest. I don't understand what's to enjoy of someone's misfortune.
As an Australian, the USA being knocked out of the World Cup by a minnow is one of the funniest things that could ever happen.

It's fucking hilarious.

Same goes for anything like this. I laughed for days when Japan beat South Africa at the 2015 Rugby World Cup.

You enjoy watching US failure.

Yeah, it's quite nice to watch the team of a massive, wealthy country get cut down to size by a minnow.

The fact that country is unbearably smug makes it better, and your ridiculously defensive response to this thread is icing on the cake.
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