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ONE love, blood, life
Jun 16, 2000
Blue State of Mind
I just watched the first episode. Good stuff! Digging all of the main characters, even Penguin. :wink: This series looks like it can stick around for a while.
I liked the premiere pretty well. Very odd pacing, in parts, but maybe it'll even out.
I would think that anyone who is at least a Batman fan, would enjoy this show. I really dig the Gordon, Bullock and Fish Mooney characters.
Barbara Gordon was Batgirl in the old 60s series. Hmmmm.

There are two Barbara Gordons. One of the Barbara Gordons is Jim Gordon's first wife. The other Barbara Gordon is Jim Gordon's niece. The one that is Jim Gordon's niece is the one who becomes Batgirl. Really, really stupid (and confusing) writing on the part of the comics.
Haven't watched episode 2 yet, but from episode 1, wasn't a fan of the fact that they made Alfred out to be a bit of a douchebag.
There are two Barbara Gordons. One of the Barbara Gordons is Jim Gordon's first wife. The other Barbara Gordon is Jim Gordon's niece. The one that is Jim Gordon's niece is the one who becomes Batgirl. Really, really stupid (and confusing) writing on the part of the comics.

Barbara is Jim Gordon's daughter on the 60's TV series and in her original appearance in the comics around the same time.
Let me give you a little spoiler here, Hewson. Alfred's going to keep being a douchebag. It's the one thing stopping me from enjoying this show. But, I really can't take it. I mean, seriously...who's idea was it to make Alfred a dickwad, cause, fire that guy.
Let me give you a little spoiler here, Hewson. Alfred's going to keep being a douchebag. It's the one thing stopping me from enjoying this show. But, I really can't take it. I mean, seriously...who's idea was it to make Alfred a dickwad, cause, fire that guy.

Really? I don't think we've seen enough of Alfred's character to make such a determination.
I was referring to episode 2. In that episode, he continued to be a douche. Nothing I've seen so far has indicated that that's not the way they're going to continue to play this incarnation, but if we get a bit of character development/change, that would be nice.
I was referring to episode 2. In that episode, he continued to be a douche. Nothing I've seen so far has indicated that that's not the way they're going to continue to play this incarnation, but if we get a bit of character development/change, that would be nice.

Well, he did reach out to Gordon in an attempt to bridge the gap between himself and Bruce. That doesn't seem like such a douche move. Plus, we've seen a whopping 2 episodes. It's way too early to determine Alfred's character arc. Ultimately, we do know that he usually does what is in Bruce's best interests.
I really like this show. I'm also not ashamed to admit that I own the complete series of Batman The Animated Series from the 90s. It's pretty dang good and very dark. People who are expecting some kind of goofy, campy cartoon like they have now would be quite surprised. Pretty deep, thought provoking plots on a lot of them. One of the episodes actually inspired Christopher Nolan to create "Inception".

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I am liking this pretty much. So much better than Agents of SHIELD. That is really bad.

Pretty good casting. Bruce Wayne is ok, not great, I hope he gets better. That Catgirl is just great. Could be the best thing in the show. I looked her up. She is only 14, not a lot of real experience. Penguin is good too.
I really like this show. I'm also not ashamed to admit that I own the complete series of Batman The Animated Series from the 90s. It's pretty dang good and very dark. People who are expecting some kind of goofy, campy cartoon like they have now would be quite surprised. Pretty deep, thought provoking plots on a lot of them. One of the episodes actually inspired Christopher Nolan to create "Inception".

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Everyone likes Batman the Animated Series. It's very highly thought of and has been since its original run.
I was referring to episode 2. In that episode, he continued to be a douche. Nothing I've seen so far has indicated that that's not the way they're going to continue to play this incarnation, but if we get a bit of character development/change, that would be nice.

They may be starting to turn him into the Alfred we know, he did hug Bruce after yelling at him when he burnt his hand and he did seem genuinely concerned while talking with Gordon at the end before Bruce interrupted and he went into Alfdouche mode again.
We'll see, I don't like Alfdouche, its not what I expect out of the character.
Otherwise first 2 episodes are decent.
The best iteration of Batman to date, for me at least.

It is also collectively better than Inception.

I agree. Makes me almost forget about that disgrace of a movie Batman and Robin and the utter garbage of Batman Forever. The Tim Burton ones were decent, they're actually quite similar to BTAS in plot and darkness. But the Joel Schumaker films make me want to gouge out my eyes and go deaf. Batman and Robin is consistently considered the worst movie ever made, and even though Batman Forever is putrid, Batman and Robin makes it look like The Godfather.

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Yeah, looking forward to that too. I don't see her getting killed, but life could be made more uncomfortable for her. :wink:

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