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Blue Crack Addict
Nov 19, 2000
Black Lodge
due to popular demand, please place your comments about the band "Girls" here.

i'm normally not big on "OMG Album of the year!!111" posts ala Atease douchebags, but i'm pretty close to being there with their new album. i will admit that i haven't given their debut "Album" or the EP a shot yet, trying to absorb the new one first.

Laz, you should totally overreact to it and be offended. :wink:

really though, "Vomit".....:drool:
Nabbed a copy on my way home tonight, and to my surprise, the second LP is on white vinyl. What's more, it came with a flexidisc of a non-album track called "Love Life," which is one of the more curious things I've come across. I had never even heard of one of these things before, much less seen one.
Nabbed a copy on my way home tonight, and to my surprise, the second LP is on white vinyl. What's more, it came with a flexidisc of a non-album track called "Love Life," which is one of the more curious things I've come across. I had never even heard of one of these things before, much less seen one.

May I ask what exactly a flexidisc is? I really want to hear this album, but Amazon is taking its sweet old time in shipping it.
After listening to this album, a thought went through my head. Not everyone will agree with this thought. I know this and I accept it. It works for me and that's what matters because I can only be myself at the end of the day. Anyway, the thought was that this album is really good. Quite possibly even great. The thought was that this album sounds like what Let It Be might've sounded like if the four members of the Beatles had firmly plucked their heads from their own asses for long enough to visit Phil Spectre in the studio and decide they didn't like what he made Let It Be into. The thought was that this album, tonally and stylistically, is what Let It Be should have been. In that intangible perfect world scenario.

Anyway, take what you will from that. Or leave it. It doesn't matter to me, cuz hey, good music!
Carolina is their best song and nothing on the new one comes close, but I still like it quite a bit.

I laughed when I saw that Pitchfork's review was more positive than all the others though.
May I ask what exactly a flexidisc is? I really want to hear this album, but Amazon is taking its sweet old time in shipping it.

A flexidisc is a really thin, flexible vinyl single. They used to include them in magazines the way CDs are included now. The only ones I can remember ever owning were a recording of humpback song included with National Geographic and a "personalized" birthday song someone sent me when I was about 6.


BTW, Love Life is available on iTunes and a second non-album track, Martina Martinez, is on Amazon MP3.
I had one of those once, some crappy country (or at least it looked that way since I couldn't actually get the turntable to recognize it as playable and it just sounded like it was going to rip through it and destroy the sheet and/or the needle) single from someone I'd never heard of. Didn't know they had a name.
Finally got around to hearing this. There are some brilliant tracks here, such as "My Ma," and some highly-inspired moments, such as the crescendo in "Forgiveness." There are some rather lethargic tracks present as well, however, and those, especially "Just a Song," really weigh the album down for me. "Forgiveness" really is sublime, though.
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