Future Islands

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Blue Crack Distributor
Oct 22, 2005
I like separate threads for bands, so sue me.

Anyways, knowing Interference these days, it's dangerous to name a thread with the current album in the title, so I'll just stick to making this a catch all. But, yes, 2017 album announcement!


Preorder info and whatnot:


And here's the lead single (which I am VERY happy with)

If you're unfamiliar with the band by name, you may remember them for their rather uh, "infamous" performances on David Letterman a few years ago, and also the fact that their song "Seasons (Waiting On You)" was the Pazz and Jop top single of 2014. You're probably familiar.

But, contrary to popular belief, their previous album Singles was not their 1st album, but 4th, and actually probably 3rd best, so while you wait for the newest, check out other stuff, they're a really great band!

Been into all their stuff and was a fan before Singles which I own on vinyl. I happened to play that album in the car for my girlfriend yesterday, and christ, it's so easy to forget about the existence of "Seasons" but once you hear it again, you're like "Well, fuck, that's one of the best songs ever written"

Definitely looking forward to hearing this one.
Yeah it's been out for a while.

Ran really sings true to me, after living in four (going on five) countries and six cities in the last two years (and having been to 20 countries in the last year). And no end to my nomadity in sight.

What with developing relationships made to last...
I really like The Far Field when it was released, but the only songs that have really stuck with me since are "Aladdin," "Ran," "Cave" and "Time On Her Side." The rest doesn't hold my interest as much any more. I think it's just gotten lost among so many excellent albums this year.
Yeah it's been out for a while.

I've basically had some lifestyle changes where I am not listening to music as much at home/surfing the web even though I have the time, so I'm behind on some of the stuff I really wanted to hear from the last two years and it's all bookmarked on my PC.

Definitely should move this one up in the queue the next time I add a bunch of music on Amazon to my tablet for commutes. :up:

I do miss the days of being caught up with basically everything that Pitchfork raves about, reissue or new record, but I just can't really find an activity at home that I really want to do alongside listening to music, so I just do a bunch of other stuff that doesn't really fit it...kind of realizing now how a lot of adults just move on from listening to new music, especially when they have far more personal responsibilities than myself.
Future Islands albums generally have a decent amount of filler, and you can tell from their setlists that they have a pretty good feel for what songs work. Having seen them live, the end of the main set run of Light House > Seasons > Long Flight > Tin Man > Spirit is an absolute monster. Maybe the most consistent build up of energy at any show I've been to.

I'll be perfectly content if they continue to release albums with half of the tracklist being strong and continuing to tour with this fervor. Hopefully Sam's knee holds up.
I feel like I haven't been listening to enough of them lately. Should rectify.
Heard this on SiriusXM today. Good to have some new music from them. No new album yet that I'm aware of.

New album is out today.

I think I need some time with it, there wasn't really one of those big standout tracks from them and I think my expectations were probably a little skewed towards something like that. Overall very nice, very melancholy. I really enjoyed listening to it at 1 AM while I caught up on a month of overdue paperwork at my job. :up:

This one's my favorite for now:

Thing I’ve learned most about future islands albums is you really need to marinate in the sounds before you know what you like on the album.

For me, at least.
It's so true. I already have given it a second spin and my entire opinion of it changed in the span of a few hours.
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