Fleetwood Mac

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Blue Crack Distributor
Oct 22, 2005
Because I hate clogging up other threads with several comments on the same band, and I didn't already see a thread for them.

But no, it's not like they have anything new going on right now.

Anyways, I just have really been finding out lately how good of a band they are, and I'd spent most of my life thinking they were kind of cheesy dad rock, so this is a great revelation.

Also, I'm in love with the synth line to this song:

Oh my God, look at Stevie's hair...

Oh, and apparently Glee just did a Fleetwood Mac episode? (Ew) Someone else can chime in on whether it was decent or not.

And also also, Steview has a new album out, In Your Dreams, which has some pretty good scores. I'll have to check that out (not that I've heard any of her other solo work, Greatest Hits aside.
I was crying laughing reading that the other night. Especially the part about her "duets".

1981: Bella Donna aka "See Lindsey, I AM more popular than you are!"
1983: The Wild Heart aka "Bella Donna II Redux, even featuring another Tom Petty song...but at least it sold more than Lindsay's 2nd album"
1985: Rock A Little aka "Hair Metal Stevie Comes Alive!...and still sells more copies than Lindsey"
1989: She had an album in 1989?
1993: Street Angel aka "That album that sold like 3 copies, all bought by Lindsey...then burned"
2001: Trouble in Shangri-La aka "Take this Lindsey, it's called longevity!"
I heard that her new album You Could Make An Album That Sells This Well, Lindsey...In Your Dreams is pretty good.

Fleetwood Mac makes good music, btw.
I've only heard Rumors and I really like about half of it. Oh, and that song from the random thread with the classical guitar.
Rumors and the self-titled are two pretty safe/obvious choices.
I was just looking at their Wikipedia page and apparently they have two self-titled albums. Weird. I'm assuming you mean the one that came out just before Rumours?
Oh right, I forgot about that. Yes, I am referring to the later one.
Oh, and apparently Glee just did a Fleetwood Mac episode? (Ew) Someone else can chime in on whether it was decent or not.

I'm watching this right now. The episode is called "Rumours" and it's centered around that album. The Glee club are at eachother's throats and there's a lot of in-fighting so good ol' Mr. Schuester gets the kids to each perform a song from the album, as an example to show that great art can be created out of turmoil, and in the midst of discord.
So is it because of Glee or the new Stevie album, that Rumors just re-entered the charts at #11?
Strangely enough, their Greatest Hits album re-entered at #90. I guess it's because of the specificity of Rumours on the show that it saw the greater jump than the Greatest Hits alone.
Yeah, the show has been huge for giving boosts to artist's album sales and notoriety. They're kind of single-handedly responsible for making Journey and Queen popular again with the kids.

I thought it was hilarious when, midway through Season 1, Billy Joel came out and publicly begged for his music to be used on Glee. He was like, "Get me on that shit!"

I think Billy was worried that people had forgotten about his existence.
It's a reason I both love and hate the idea of the show. Like Guitar Heo, but without really giving credit to the original work (when they could get the studio tracks), it's giving a new generation exposure to the classics, but with Glee, it's just so watered down, I don't know what to think.
Fleetwood Mac is a hit-or-miss band for me. Certain of their songs I really like, such as Gold-Dust Woman and The Chain, whereas others, like Don't Stop and Rihannon, really grate on me. I do, however, love the expression of pure ecstasy that is constantly on the drummer's face during live performances.
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