Died and gone to Heaven: Meeting Bono and Edge 21/05/08

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I must have been on the moon the past week or so Jem? I missed this! Well done :rockon: Glad you had better luck than me or Wild :love: Yes I am, no I am not, yes I am :giggle:
Heres my other 2 pics. Not as good angles put hey they're Bono pics. :hyper:

I look like a dork in this pic. :lmao: Bono looking at the setlist.

I really need to get my eyebrows waxed. :lmao:


Ahhhhhhhh! SO freakin awesome!!! :love:
OMG i am so happy for you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well done , what a sweet story thank you for sharing :hug:

That is so cool. First, great that everyone is respectful. It is annoying when some get out of hand. Second, great that Bono and Edge stopped. I've been lucky enough to meet them a number of times over the the years and they are always stand-up guys - very respectful of the fans. Interesting that they often ask our opions on things like albums, shows, songs, what fan sites are good, things like that.


And NO you don't look like a dork, just a happy fan "kickin' it with The B-Man". Very cool indeed! Congrats on meeting up with Bono and The Edge.

Also contrats to that lucky lad who got his Gretsch Irish Falcon signed! Only thing better than an Irish Falcon is a Bono signed Irish Falcon!

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