Destroyer - Kaputt (AKA NSW: NEVAR Forget)

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I'm sad that this album doesn't really click for me because everyone else seems to be enjoying it so much
I got to see Bejar et al. a couple of weekends ago. The current band line-up is 8 folks strong, and, as you might expect, is heavily oriented toward the sound of the new album, including two full-time horn players, female backing vocals, etc. It was my first ever show standing in front of a guy playing trumpet through effects pedals for an hour. :D Which was pretty entertaining, actually.

The new material sounded great live, but the (scarce) older material suffered. And the rare throwback spastic rocker ("3000 Flowers" for me, entirely out of left field) was a little disjointed with the rest of the set.

I recommend catching them if you like Kaputt, but don't expect Destroyer's Rubies, or much else remotely guitar-oriented. And the instrumental limitations surely contributed to a shortened setlist. Here's what they played:

Blue Eyes
It's Gonna Take an Airplane
My Favorite Year
3000 Flowers
Painter in Your Pocket
Suicide Demo for Kara Walker
Song for America

Savage Night at the Opera
Maybe I will check this out but I am just getting into Rubiessssssssssss. Love Destroyer 4 ever.
Yeah, this is pretty great. Probably the best of the five from 2011 I've listened to so far. That may have been helped by the positively autumnal/wintry weather we're having, which suits the album perfectly.

There's not a bad song, not even close. Blue Eyes might be my favourite. But from the pounding drums and then Go-Betweens guitar that starts Chinatown to the end of the epic Bay of Pigs, there's hardly a bad moment.

The horns take it to another level for me... my mind wanders as they play wistfully in the background of each song, like in Meeting Across the River.

Think I'll go buy it tomorrow, hope it has lyrics.
Blue Eyes
Bay of Pigs
A Savage Night at the Opera
Poor in Love
Suicide Demo for Kara Walker
Song for America

Sorry. When I get really into an album I can't shut up about it. So you'll just have to deal with that for a while.

I've thumbed through the books on your shelves :heart:
Cobbler, if you are enjoying the album, try putting "Archer on the Beach" at the end. I think that it works exceedingly well as a subdued coda to the lusher, more energized main album.
Blue Eyes
Bay of Pigs
A Savage Night at the Opera
Poor in Love
Suicide Demo for Kara Walker
Song for America

Sorry. When I get really into an album I can't shut up about it. So you'll just have to deal with that for a while.

I've thumbed through the books on your shelves :heart:

The location of Suicide Demo for Kara Walker is fail :tsk:
Its not that I don't love Chinatown, but it did not (could not) live up to the hype.

Still it's my second favorite.
I don't think that I could pick a favorite from the album. It is remarkably cohesive in the sense that almost every track qualifies as a stand-out.
Which is why after the two songs I've mentioned, I could not possibly make a list.
iron yuppie said:
I don't think that I could pick a favorite from the album. It is remarkably cohesive in the sense that almost every track qualifies as a stand-out.


The only thing that bothers me about Poor in Love is the music at the start, it stands out like a sore thumb, but after a minute or so there's all this other beautiful swirling music going on and "why's everybody sing along..." :heart:

I bet you hated that I even posted a list scumbo, given your vile distaste for lists.
Why do you keep coming back to Egypt, fool? The intellectual brick-making in EYKIW has not gone anywhere.
You've seen the Nile? Did you smoke fresh weed? My kind ain't never write about real life experiences none.
This forum is as close as I'm ever going to get to the inner workings of the human mind, and it's far too close.
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