Desert Island VII Master List, Part One

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I was about to make a snarky comment about how late it was before remembering you're in Greece.

I hope you enjoy it. :)

Haha yep, it's noon here and I'm chillin on the beach of a motherfucking island (I adventured to some Greek islands during my spring break)

You already get cool points for using What Goes On, the first song I ever learned to play on guitar :love:
Haha yep, it's noon here and I'm chillin on the beach of a motherfucking island (I adventured to some Greek islands during my spring break)

You already get cool points for using What Goes On, the first song I ever learned to play on guitar :love:

My spring break was spent pining for anything other than my hometown, so good for you. At least I know your comments won't have a chip on their shoulder like mine. :wink:

Glad I could get some cool points early. This definitely isn't a rock the fuck out list, but there's some shit you'll dig, like Outkast and Lupe Fiasco. And I don't think there's anyone on this earth that doesn't enjoy Just Like Heaven.
Glad I could get some cool points early. This definitely isn't a rock the fuck out list, but there's some shit you'll dig, like Outkast and Lupe Fiasco. And I don't think there's anyone on this earth that doesn't enjoy Just Like Heaven.

Yep yep, I know and love both the Lupe and Outkast tracks. I'm interested to see how they fit into your playlist. With the few rap tracks I've used in past DI's (none in mine this time unfortunately) I've found it kind of hard to get them to transition well and feel like they belong in the playlist. And of course I like Just Like Heaven.

As for rocking the fuck out - yeah even mine does that slightly less this time, I think (though don't worry - there are numerous rockin' songs). There's only one song that will scare the shit out of everyone :wink: no Fall of Troy, no Norma Jean. I feel like mine might be a little more to Interference's tastes than usual. We'll see.
Yep, that might be the problem there. :wink: Everything before MPP is an acquired taste/awful.

I'm absolutely stunned you haven't heard My Girls and you post on this forum regularly. There were times last year I wish I could have gotten away from it. :lol:

oh yes, I heard My Girls maybe two or three times. that was pretty good. i've always got catching up to do...

then again, i'd never heard All My Friends until the other night.
As for rocking the fuck out - yeah even mine does that slightly less this time, I think (though don't worry - there are numerous rockin' songs).

Okay, I kind of lied. Upon further inspection, it rocks out way more than my last DI. But I think save for one song people will like most of the rocking out on my list.

LM, I'm 12 songs in and enjoying your list so far. It's quite pleasant.
I think I forget to mention listening to LM's list. I enjoyed it, it was one of the best constructed lists I've listened to, but I suppose that's to be expected after a year and a half working on it. I'd say I found it split from my style a little more than I was expecting it to, which a few times surprised me but some other times disappointed. Overall, I think the signature of this list is its construction, though, and for that, it's very well done.

I'm currently almost finished Liam's list. I'd describe the experience as laborious. There's a reason I never got very far into prog past Pink Floyd. This list is a bit of a reminder.

That piano improvisation, though, was outstanding.
And I don't think there's anyone on this earth that doesn't enjoy Just Like Heaven.

Hate to burst this bubble, but I don't. It was, in fact, one of the few songs I didn't like on your list. I didn't understand the Cure when I was all mopey in middle/high school, and I certainly don't get them now. Maybe I'm missing out, but oh well.
Hate to burst this bubble, but I don't. It was, in fact, one of the few songs I didn't like on your list. I didn't understand the Cure when I was all mopey in middle/high school, and I certainly don't get them now. Maybe I'm missing out, but oh well.

I hope you weren't listening to Cure hits to try and find their mopey music.
Ha, no. I had quite a few friends who were into them at the time, and they tried to get me to like them—all in vain. And, after attempting to listen to Pornography and Disintegration in recent years, I've just given up.
The Cure is one of the best singles bands of all time, with Standing On A Beach being one of the great compilation albums ever. That being said, outside of The Head On The Door (a must-listen; don't give up on The Cure until you've heard this, their most fun record) and Disintegration, they were never much of an album band. I love them, and it must have been fun to have been around in the '80s to follow their catalogue through its many fascinating twists and turns, but they were never very consistent.
Ha, no. I had quite a few friends who were into them at the time, and they tried to get me to like them—all in vain. And, after attempting to listen to Pornography and Disintegration in recent years, I've just given up.

Well, that's a shame. But to each his/her own lol.
The Cure is one of the best singles bands of all time, with Standing On A Beach being one of the great compilation albums ever. That being said, outside of The Head On The Door (a must-listen; don't give up on The Cure until you've heard this, their most fun record) and Disintegration, they were never much of an album band. I love them, and it must have been fun to have been around in the '80s to follow their catalogue through its many fascinating twists and turns, but they were never very consistent.

See, this is (a massive) part of my problem with them. I'm an album listener. Always have been, so when bands are "singles" bands, I have issues. Then, on top of that, I'm not terribly fond of their sound(s) overall. (And, Robert Smith, what the fuck is wrong with your hair?!? There could be birds living in that nest. Hot damn).

Well, that's a shame. But to each his/her own lol.

It is. They're a band I'd like to enjoy, hence my trying repeatedly to "get it," but it's just never clicked.
I wouldn't necessarily say they're a "singles" band. They just have a lot of great songs, but a lot of...not so great ones as well.
I wouldn't necessarily say they're a "singles" band. They just have a lot of great songs, but a lot of...not so great ones as well.

I would.

Killing An Arab
Boys Don't Cry
Jumping Someone Else's Train
A Forest
Charlotte Sometimes
Let's Go To Bed
The Walk
The Lovecats
The Caterpillar
In Between Days
Close To Me
Why Can't I Be You?
Just Like Heaven
Hot Hot Hot!!!11111
Fascination Street
Pictures Of You
Friday I'm In Love
etc. etc. etc.

They have some terrific album tracks, but...holy shit. It's pretty obvious where they shine.
Gonna make me do this? :lol:

Fire in Cairo

You know what, I was going to make a list but screw it, that's QED right there.
And Six Different Ways, Push, A Night Like This, Plainsong, Untitled, most of Bloodflowers, etc. That being said, how many bands are that good at picking singles? I wish U2 were.
And Six Different Ways, Push, A Night Like This, Plainsong, Untitled, most of Bloodflowers, etc. That being said, how many bands are that good at picking singles? I wish U2 were.

No doubt, they are good at picking singles. What I was getting at is I don't quite like the idea of calling them a singles band.

The Cure is one of the best singles bands of all time, with Standing On A Beach being one of the great compilation albums ever. That being said, outside of The Head On The Door (a must-listen; don't give up on The Cure until you've heard this, their most fun record) and Disintegration, they were never much of an album band. I love them, and it must have been fun to have been around in the '80s to follow their catalogue through its many fascinating twists and turns, but they were never very consistent.

Er, what? The Cure, not an album band? Really?
Er, what? The Cure, not an album band? Really?

I think when I make that comment, personally speaking here, I tend to only be thinking of things like The Top, The Head on the Door and Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me which, to me, are kind of all a jumble of great, good and mediocre tracks. But, big picture; Faith, Pornography, Disintegration and Bloodflowers: wonderful albums. The rest, kind of an expected hodge podge.
Er, what? The Cure, not an album band? Really?

Yeah. I happen to think their albums are largely uninspiring except for the specified couple, while I love just about every single they released from 1979-2000. That alright with you?
By the way, here is the new format I will use to judge playlists. I know I might not be saying everything I want to about a playlist but it is concise and gets to the point. I don't have a lot of time to do write-ups so I developed an effecive system to tell my thoughts on a playlist.


Overall thoughts: I enjoyed the variety and diverse selection of music your playlist offered. It started off with a shoegazer, britpop, lo fi type of sound with Stone Roses and Velvet Underground to name a few. Then it ventured into a reflective acoustic vibe with Randy Newman and Leonard Cohen. I liked the transition a whole lot.

Where I am in the playlist so far: Finished song 16

Favorite songs so far (naming the artist) : Surfer Blood, Camera Obscura, Velvet Underground, Leonard Cohen, and The Cure.

Least favorite songs so far (naming the artist) : Joni Mitchell, Blur (love them, just not keen on the song), Tom Waits, and Willie Nelson.
Hate to burst this bubble, but I don't. It was, in fact, one of the few songs I didn't like on your list. I didn't understand the Cure when I was all mopey in middle/high school, and I certainly don't get them now. Maybe I'm missing out, but oh well.

I like the Cure. I enjoy Just like Heaven, Love Song, and a few other songs. I bought their Greatest Hits and I was slightly disappointed by how almost every song sounded the same to me. I couldn't distinguish one song from another. I know their an 80's band and sound 80's but I don't know, I was disappointed a little. Anyone else have the same problem?

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