Desert Island IX: Master List, Part Two

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Fuck you, Ashley! What the hell?
Well, that's Check Mate. DAMN! Can the mods please not ban him again, I've missed Zoots :(
So...were you just dropping hints in the last couple of weeks, hoping we'd guess and then got bored tonight?
The mods probably won't see this before he gets bored and leaves again.

Other than giving us shit for having fun in RMT the other day, Zoots has been well behaved.
So...were you just dropping hints in the last couple of weeks, hoping we'd guess and then got bored tonight?

I dropped the biggest freaking hint (heck, it was more obvious than even a hint!) in the results thread but nobody picked it up including Pahana, which I was very surprised about.

I hope they don't ban me again. I've missed you crazy kids.
I dropped the biggest freaking hint (heck, it was more obvious than even a hint!) in the results thread but nobody picked it up including Pahana, which I was very surprised about.

I'm guessing that would be this:

One thing I've realized from this contest is... it really is not about the greatest songs you can put together on a playlist but more about introducing new music to people. This is where I think I failed pretty badly because everything I had on there was generally familiar stuff to this forum's members. I still think it was my best list yet. But on the flip side, people like LJT and djerdap had tons of new unfamiliar music on their list and look how low they ended up. The ranking pattern here is bizarre. Everyone votes using different criteria in mind. That's the problem.

And it came right after Ashley congratulating you on a good placement your first go-around.
Welp. DI10 has a lot to live up to.

Jick and Mr. Brau would have to come in and make fun of our lists.
See, now that I'm looking at all of this stuff in retrospect, I'm kinda terrified by how perfectly it all fits together.
I mean...look at this insane double life he's been leading:

Since I'm new to this whole Desert Island thing, I want to ask you guys... have you ever tried setting criteria (even if they're loose criteria) to judge/rank a playlist by? For example: Iron yuppie said he doesn't judge based on how many great songs there are but more on the overall cohesiveness and theme. Whereas I judged primarily on how many enjoyable songs there were and how good the flow was. I also divided the number of songs I enjoyed by the total number of songs on the playlist and used that percentage to evaluate the whole playlist. Of course, the downside there is... participants with shorter playlists may have an advantage. Such variation in criteria is bound to make the results a bit weird. Can't we set certain simple criteria??

From the same thread Laz just quoted from.
He was still hear when that happened, wasn't he?

EDIT: Never mind, gift please.
I mean...look at this insane double life he's been leading:

From the same thread Laz just quoted from.

Haha I purposely put that line in to continue playing along because you people did not get the biggest hint that I dropped, which Laz quoted. Heck, I even referred to LM as ElMel and Phanan as Pahana. Thought those would be dead giveaways!

Congrats, you guys. Gift = the high places I ranked you both at in DI9. :p
Now we just need Queen Bee to come back and hack the DI10 polls.

Maybe score them with :grumpy: instead of numbers.
If I write "Queen Bee :(" enough times, do you think it'll turn out that she's actually hiding somewhere here too?
lol that reminds me.. I was making a list of Radiohead's albums yesterday to remind myself how many they have under their belt. And I totally forgot about Pablo Honey. That says it all about that album. ;)

I actually like a handful of tracks on PH though.
Well, I'm flattered... Laz, but if you knew me at all you'd know that I don't listen to any of that stuff, save for the last 4 or 5 artists on Disc 2. Your playlist is not at all representative of anything I've posted about or discussed on this forum ever. Fuck sake you're amateur.

Even this post I was like... has LMS gone and researched old RMT posts? Surely he hasn't been around long enough to get "fuck's sake you're amateur".
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