Denver #2 Setlist Party

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After having seen three shows in los angeles...there isn't a moment in the show where you go "oh shit" and get goose bumps. and this might be the first time I say that going all the way back to the war tour. but then again we know too much these surprises aren't really surprises.
That would be incredible. but the casual fan would go "what the hell is this"

If that's the criteria, why even bother playing shows. Just put on U2:18 and pump it out over the PA at deafening levels and be done with it.
That's OK, it would do them some good if they don't know what it is!

At the majority of the gigs I go to, I don't expect to know every song. It's really not that big a deal.

As has been said a million times, all it takes to make a show special is 1-2 songs. For some people, that special song would be Beautiful Day or Pride. For others, it would be Discotheque or Exit. And look...that's only four songs. There's still 20 slots left! Whoa!
360 started off with 22-23 songs per night on the first leg. A few shows got out to 24, but that was sometimes because of Happy Birthday, or a one-off cover, or that time in Barcelona when they did Crazy Tonight in both styles.

By the end of the tour, 24-25 was the norm and three shows got out to 26.

You know what's funny though... I don't know if this is because these shows don't have an opener, although I suspect that has to be the reason why... 360 shows felt twice as long to me as these did. In a great and satisfying way, not in a tedious way.
At the majority of the gigs I go to, I don't expect to know every song. It's really not that big a deal.

As has been said a million times, all it takes to make a show special is 1-2 songs. For some people, that special song would be Beautiful Day or Pride. For others, it would be Discotheque or Exit. And look...that's only four songs. There's still 20 slots left! Whoa!

I will say that if the band decides by some miracle to play Gone again, I'll book a flight to another tour stop. A girl can dream.
I will say that if the band decides by some miracle to play Gone again, I'll book a flight to another tour stop. A girl can dream.

I very, very nearly paid for a chance to see Bad or AIWIY on LA4 and skipped out on it because I was broke. They played AIWIY and I still regret it.

It only takes a couple of songs.
Found the crappy justification from Willie Williams;

Why U2 Doesn't Play 3-Hour Concerts

"The biggest challenge we have now is that the show is as long as it can comfortably be – beyond 2hrs 15mins it starts to become a bit of a marathon for both band and audience"

Paul fucking McCartney and Leonard Cohen (the latter of whom wasn't mentioned) both play nearly 3 hour shows with over 30 songs.

U2 don't even need to play that many. if you're going to play without an opening act and without an intermission, I don't think 2-4 extra songs a night would kill anyone or bore anyone.

hell, I know many of you will balk at this but I would even accept Bono's dreams of a longer acoustic bit, as long as it's not loaded with Stucks and Ordinary Loves
I very, very nearly paid for a chance to see Bad or AIWIY on LA4 and skipped out on it because I was broke. They played AIWIY and I still regret it.

It only takes a couple of songs.

There are a few songs I dream of hearing live. Gone, UV, and Electrical Storm in particular. Although Electrical Storm is iffy for me-- it's my all time favorite song (ever, by anyone), but I've seen live video of it, and it's rough.
hell, I know many of you will balk at this but I would even accept Bono's dreams of a longer acoustic bit, as long as it's not loaded with Stucks and Ordinary Loves

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I've got to the point where I'm with you on this.
I would like to see Bad and something from Pop. They need to give Pop another chance; it's been almost 20 years!

And I need to go to bed now. :wave:
I can tell some interest must be slipping among the online fan community just by the lower amount of hits we've had on U2gigs. :lol:

Phoenix 1 was through the fucking roof thanks to In God's Country, and we did very well for the Roxy and some days in LA, but these Denver shows? Much lower peaks than any previous gigs this tour.
one of us, one of us! I love when u2 goes acoustic. Bring in some strings and i'd be dead. :drool:

They have a lot of lovely songs that would transition nicely to acoustic (NOT SBS) and give bono time to rest his weary 55 year old self.

Oh I'd still bitch about how mediocre U2 are acoustic (as are most bands really - though holy hell was Neil Finn amazing last week), but I'd just appreciate some greater diversity in song selection, and if it pushes out the show length then all the better.

Plus a lengthier acoustic set might finally get TGBHF played.
Oh I'd still bitch about how mediocre U2 are acoustic (as are most bands really - though holy hell was Neil Finn amazing last week), but I'd just appreciate some greater diversity in song selection, and if it pushes out the show length then all the better.

Plus a lengthier acoustic set might finally get TGBHF played.

precisely. it'd add a "looseness" to the show and probably bigger diversity in terms of the setlist.
There's lots of excitement in the show. If you're only going to feel excitement if they whip out some rare track, why even bother going to a U2 show, knowing their track record?

Look. At the end of the day, yeah, I'd like U2 to mix it up more as well. I'd like them to dump Beautiful Day. But ugh, this is going to be a long fucking tour if people are going to be like this at every short-run city. Or every first and second night of the longer-stand shows.

I'm not going to change anyone's minds, and all y'all can just mentally flip me off and do your thing. And when I'm in a mood, I will continue to come in and post eyeroll gifs and think you're being ridiculous.

Good times, good times. :wave:

I'm with you on this one, cori. Just think of the thousands of people who love U2 but will never, ever get to see a show. They'd trade places with the complainers in a heartbeat. That is all. Peace out. :D
I personally don't have a problem with U2 playing a 2 hour/24 song set. These guys have limitations as musicians and as middle aged men and certainly the recent death of Sheehan not to mention Larry's father has to weigh on them to some degree. I've long accepted that U2 isn't the E Street Band or Rush and don't expect 3 hour shows and/or 10+ different songs from show to show. In a way, that's fine with me, two shows this tour is enough for me.

And it should be mentioned that most of their shows in the 80's right through the Lovetown tour (my personal favorite tour) clocked in well under 2 hours and below 20 songs.

The "problems" with the current tour are not the length of the shows or the number of songs being played. It's not even Bono's vox, which for the most part have been very solid. I would even go so far to say the band could put on a great show (and have done so for several shows) working with the songs they've been playing thus far this tour. It's more how the setlist is arranged and the stop/start pacing, in part due to the band and production being hamstrung by the physical logistics of the stage/screen setup this tour.
I think they're the exact same length (23-25 songs), but without an opening act + an intermission.

Again it's hardly an intermission, people using that as a reason to bash this show is a bit much, they go off the stage for 3 and a half minutes

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Even with a support act you'd think that by now they'd be doing 26 or 27 songs regularly.
The fact that I won't have to sit through shite such as glasvegas again makes me less pissed about lack of support act, they where beyond awful

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Stop trolling - no support act, two sets, that much of a back catalogue - 23 is beyond pathetic

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No way. 23 songs for a concert is a pretty high number. Moreover, no matter how good a band is, if a show is over 2,5 hours, it gets tiresome. In most cases 2 hours are enough.
I'll stay 24+ hours easily at a U2 show. You can all go home early if you want. Vertigo x17 here we come :drool:

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