Bono's Chin

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Blue Crack Addict
Nov 19, 2000
Black Lodge
You know when he sticks out his chin like he's proud about something?

Yeah, you know what I'm talking about.

It's stupid. He needs to stop doing it.

Bono's chin is a rewrite of Coach Bill Cowhers chin(the original chin I might add!).

Car Par!!!

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I've started to tilt my chin up in pictures to avoid looking like I have three chins.

Perhaps Bono just knows his angles.
He also sticks his chin out when he'd like to kick your ass or be sexy for a minute. It's just a thing he does. I can work with it.
He also sticks his chin out when he'd like to kick your ass or be sexy for a minute. It's just a thing he does. I can work with it.

When I decide to be sexy for a minute, I order a pizza and hope it's the hot Pizza Hut delivery girl. Some day, this will happen for me.
right? Voldemort didn't have a nose, and he hung in there and did some serious damage for a while.
I have a scar on my chin from a bar fight too. Some asshole threw a bottle at me or busted it over my head or something. I cant really remember. I think i reciprocated by smashing a chair over his head. We trashed the fucking place. I miss those days...last year...before they banned my posse from that particular bar. Community service sucks btw.
I can live with Bono's chin as long as we never get the 'open mouthed scream pose' again.

Really digging Bono's Deng Xiaoping hairstyle these days.
^ I agree about the open-mouth poses. Those are getting a little old. And purposely crouching down in group pictures to hide his shortness. :lol: No one can tell how small he is if he doesn't stand up straight! :shrug:
I heard that Bono stopped the open mouth pose after a bee flew in it during a photo shoot.

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Are you ... are you talking about him smiling? Do you wish that he would stop smiling? Is that your end game?

Because if so, I'm totally on board. He should stop smiling.


That too!

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I think the thick soled shoes recently made an appearance again and those are the things that really need to stop. Need. To stop.

Many, many things are going well fashion wise on this tour. Edge is in grownup shoes and turnups on the jeans, bravo. He made it out of the black polos on his last appearance which really, really needed to happen. It's like the dad rock shirt and should be consigned to hell. The only things I have left to wish for are a white button down and a cowboy hat and my life will be complete. Rail-thin Adam and his T shirts are kicking ass all over the place and Larry... I dunno. That was an awful lot of moob on Graham Norton. We either got to get an undershirt in there or reduce the shine a bit, buddy. And Bono, I understand about the chin. The demure upward look does not work so well as it did twenty years ago. Do whatever you need to with the chin, but can we work on unsticking the hair a bit? I mean I know these things are precarious but....
You know when he sticks out his chin like he's proud about something?

Yeah, you know what I'm talking about.

It's stupid. He needs to stop doing it.


Agreed. he also does it when he talks about how hard him and his mates were when they were young and in that super tough gang, Lypton Village. Cos Dublin in the 70s was tough you know, they'd tear up trees and throw them at their enemies and shit :wink:
If we're gonna nitpick about Bono in photographs, I think his obsession with looking away from the camera is probably a better battle to fight. How many promo shots of the band feature the other three looking at the camera and Bono in a profile shot? You could start a Tumblr with that concept.
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